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Europäische Union

Cyber-Abwehrstrategie: EU-Staaten legen Positionspapier vor - Wed, 24/05/2023 - 15:27
Die EU-Verteidigungsminister haben am Dienstag (23. Mai) Schlussfolgerungen zur Cyberverteidigung angenommen, in denen sie auf die Notwendigkeit hinweisen, Überschneidungen in der institutionellen Architektur zu vermeiden, und ihre Prioritäten für die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten und die freiwillige Koordinierung im Verteidigungssektor darlegen.
Categories: Europäische Union

EU-Gericht: Ryanair gewinnt erneut Klage gegen Corona-Hilfen - Wed, 24/05/2023 - 14:13
Das zweithöchste europäische Gericht hat am Mittwoch (24. Mai) die Klage der Billigfluglinie Ryanair gegen die von der Europäischen Union genehmigten italienischen Staatshilfen für die von der COVID-19-Pandemie betroffenen Fluggesellschaften unterstützt und der irischen Fluggesellschaft erneut Recht gegeben.
Categories: Europäische Union

EU-Ausschuss lehnt Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung der Natur ab - Wed, 24/05/2023 - 13:11
Die Abgeordneten des Landwirtschaftsausschusses haben den gesamten Vorschlag zum Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung der Natur in einer Stellungnahme abgelehnt.
Categories: Europäische Union

Hearings - ING2/AFET hearing on “Election manipulation attempts” - 25-05-2023 - Special Committee on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation, and the strengthening of integrity, transparency and...

On 15 February 2023, the revelations concerning the "Jorge Team Files" were put out by the network of investigative journalists, Forbidden Stories. Their investigation describe the activities of private firms in orchestrating disinformation campaigns at large scale, including manipulations operations ahead to elections.
On this basis, the Special Committee on Foreign Interference (ING2) and the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) will jointly hold a hearing on Thursday 25 May, 15.00 - 17.30, on the attempts to manipulate elections as a way to interfere in the democratic processes of sovereign States. This hearing, "Election manipulation attempts (including in Africa as revealed by the "Team Jorge files"), will take place with five speakers including the journalists who revealed the story.
Location : ANTALL 4Q2, Brussels
Draft agenda
e-Meeting documents
Live Streaming
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

85/2023 : 24. Mai 2023 - Urteil des Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-268/21

Ryanair/ Kommission (Italie; régime d’aide; Covid-19)
Staatliche Beihilfen
Das Gericht erklärt den Beschluss für nichtig, mit dem die Kommission eine Beihilfemaßnahme für Subventionen genehmigt, die Italien italienischen Luftfahrtunternehmen im Zusammenhang mit der Covid-19-Pandemie gewährt hat

Categories: Europäische Union

84/2023 : 24. Mai 2023 - Urteil des Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-2/21

Emmentaler Switzerland/ EUIPO (EMMENTALER)
Geistiges und gewerbliches Eigentum
Der Begriff "Emmentaler" kann nicht als Unionsmarke für Käse geschützt werden

Categories: Europäische Union

83/2023 : 24. Mai 2023 - Urteil des Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-451/20

Meta Platforms Ireland/ Kommission
Wettbewerb: Die Klage von Meta Platforms Ireland (Facebook-Konzern) gegen eine Aufforderung der Kommission zur Übermittlung von Dokumenten, die anhand von Suchbegriffen zu identifizieren sind, wird abgewiesen

Categories: Europäische Union

Highlights - 24-05-2023 15.35 AFET Presentation of a study on African Union - Committee on Foreign Affairs

The study "African Union integration and relations with the EU" analyses the dynamics that shape African political integration as well as foreign and security cooperation, identifying areas of convergence and divergence in the various cooperation formats between the African and the European Unions.
The EU has long paid significant diplomatic, financial and institutional attention to its relationship with the African Union (AU). Engagement between the two organisations has steadily risen in scope and complexity over recent years. The EU remains the AU's principal partner, notably in the domain of peace and security. This study recommends that the EU adapt its funding arrangements, cooperation formats and multilateral engagement with the AU to remain in tune with the pace and direction of political integration in Africa.

The study was requested by the Committee on Foreign Affairs and commissioned by the Policy Department for External Policies. It will be presented on 24 May 2023, 15.35 - 16.30 in ANTALL 4Q2.
The African political integration process and its impact on EU-AU relations in the field of foreign and security policy
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Highlights - 24-05-2023 16:30 Hearing on the EU and Latin America - Committee on Foreign Affairs

On 24 May 2023, the Committee on Foreign Affairs will hold a hearing on the EU relations with Latin America, a region of strategic importance for the EU with long-standing history of shared common values and cultures. In the recent past the relations have faced some hurdles, which have enabled other global actors such as Russia and China to step in and promote their agendas.
Members will discuss with experts the geopolitics of the region against the backdrop of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, its internal dynamics and influences by China and Russia, and how to make a qualitative leap in the EU-Latin America strategic bi-regional partnership.
Draft Programme
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Press release - MEPs vote to speed up the freezing and confiscation of criminal assets

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Tue, 23/05/2023 - 12:48
The new legislation on seizing criminal assets would ensure fast and efficient freezing operations everywhere in the EU, and quicker compensation for victims.
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Study - A preparedness plan for Europe: Addressing food, energy and technological security - PE 740.232 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection - Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development - Committee on Industry, Research and...

The current situation in Ukraine has led to severe supply chain disruptions, contributing to a sharp increase in food and commodity prices globally and the limitation of fossil fuel imports from Russia to the EU. Moreover, to end Europe's dependence on semiconductor suppliers from Asian countries, it is necessary to take immediate action of a structural nature, involving all EU Member States and all participants in regional supply markets. The overall aim of this study was to identify drivers of and barriers to building up open strategic autonomy at EU level, before recommending coordinated solutions and addressing supply chain resilience in four critical areas: food security, energy security, semiconductors and satellite communications. This research seeks to contribute to the European Parliament's future work by providing insights into how to protect the European agricultural sector, ensure energy security and the technological sovereignty of semiconductor production, and improve satellite communications.
Study : ENAnnex 1 : EN
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Highlights - Chemical weapons non-proliferation and disarmament - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The Subcommittee on Security and Defence holds exchange views on chemical weapons and their non-proliferation and disarmament on 23 May. Members and the EU Special Envoy for Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Ambassador Marjolijn van Deelen, and the Chair of the WG preparing the fifth review conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention, Ambassador Lauri Kuusing, will discuss the outcome of the conference and measures to prevent and deter state and non-state actors from using chemical weapons.
In last 25 years 99,4 % of the global declared stockpiles of chemical weapons were destroyed. However, recent Russian use of chemical weapons in the United Kingdom and Syrian attacks against its civilian population have underlined concerns about the re-emergence of the use of chemical weapons.
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Hearings - Hearing on the implementation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement - 25-05-2023 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

On 25 May 2023, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on International Trade will hold a hearing on the implementation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement that has been in force since 1 May 2021. Members will discuss with four expert speakers how unprecedented arrangements with a third country have been implemented so far.
Their valuable expertise will feed in the preparation of a joint implementation report on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement that the two Committees are preparing.
Location : Antall Building - Room 4Q2
Draft programme
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Hearings - Hearing - EU and Latin America - 24-05-2023 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

On 24 May 2023, the Committee on Foreign Affairs will hold a hearing on the EU relations with Latin America, a region of strategic importance for the EU with long-standing history of shared common values and cultures. In the recent past the relations have faced some hurdles, which have enabled other global actors such as Russia and China to step in and promote their agendas.
Members will discuss with experts the geopolitics of the region against the backdrop of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, its internal dynamics and influences by China and Russia, and how to make a qualitative leap in the EU-Latin America strategic bi-regional partnership.
Location : Brussels - Antall 4Q2
Draft programme
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

ENTWURF EINES BERICHTS über die Beziehungen zu Belarus - PE746.738v01-00

ENTWURF EINES BERICHTS über die Beziehungen zu Belarus
Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Petras Auštrevičius

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

ÄNDERUNGSANTRÄGE 39 - 217 - Entwurf einer Stellungnahme Verbot von in Zwangsarbeit hergestellten Produkten auf dem Unionsmarkt - PE746.976v01-00

ÄNDERUNGSANTRÄGE 39 - 217 - Entwurf einer Stellungnahme Verbot von in Zwangsarbeit hergestellten Produkten auf dem Unionsmarkt
Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Salima Yenbou

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Press release - President Metsola at the European Moldova Assembly rally: Moldova is not alone

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Sun, 21/05/2023 - 11:43
European Parliament President Roberta Metsola addressed today 70 000 participants of the European Moldova Assembly rally in Chisinau.

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Latest news - Next SEDE meeting - 22 and 23 May 2023 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The next ordinary meeting of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) is scheduled to take place on Monday, 22 May 2023 from 15.00 - 18.30hrs and on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 from 9.00 - 12.30 and 14.30 - 18.30 in Brussels (room SPINELLI 1G3).

The meeting agenda and documents will be published here.

SEDE missions 2023:

  • Armenia - 19-22 June 2023
  • Romania and Moldova - 15-18 May 2023
  • Djibouti and Somalia - 1-4 April 2023
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - 20-23 February 2023

SEDE missions 2022:

  • SEDE mission to South Korea and Japan - 18-22 December 2022
  • SEDE mission to Niger from 31 October - 3 November 2022
  • SEDE mission to Mozambique from 18-22 September 2022
  • SEDE mission to France from 19-21 July 2022
  • SEDE mission to Iraq from 24-28 May 2022
  • SEDE mission to Georgia from 10-14 April 2022

SEDE meetings' calendar 2023
EP calendar 2023
Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

CHANGE OF TIME: Press briefing ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima (Japan) of 19, 20 and 21 May 2023

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The press briefing ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima (Japan) will take place VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE ONLY on Thursday 18 May 2023 at 09.00 (Brussels time) / 16.00 (Japan time).
Categories: Europäische Union
