Zoltán Gálik – Anna Molnár (ed.)
Regional and Bilateral Relations of the European Union
Publisher : Dialóg Campus (NKE)
Zoltán Gálik: The European Union and the United States of America
Anna Molnár: The EU and the Mediterranean Region
Tibor Ördögh: The EU’s Relations with the Western Balkans and Turkey
Mariann Vecsey: The EU and Africa
Ágnes Tuka: The Eastern Partnership of the EU
Ágnes Tuka: The EU and Russia
Dániel Harangozó: The EU and Central Asia
András Bartók: The EU and East and South East Asia
Mónika Szente-Varga: The EU and the Central American Region
István Szilágyi: The EU and South America
Zoltán Gálik: The EU and International Organisations
Tamás Hoffmann: The EU and UN
András Türke: The EU and NATO (EUVI`s contribution)
Balázs Szent-Iványi: Development Policy of the EU
Alex Etl: The EU and the V4