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Lectures on the Euro-Atlantic integration and international relationship organized by the Europa Varietas Institute & Euro-Atlantic Club (Budapest).

Dr. Zoltan Fehér, strategic director of the Europa Varietas Institute is the founder of Euro-Atlantic Evenings.


Euro-Atlantic Evenings – were inaugurated in 2002, and achieved a popularity that made them a veritable tradition. The main purpose of launching the series was to promote public discourse and awareness on Hungarian foreign policy, Euro-atlantic integration and international relations.

The initiative came from young professionals with strong interest in international affaires, with Zoltán Fehér, who himself is a diplomat, taking the lead in launching and organizing the events in the first years. Currently the co-organizer of Euro-atlantic Evening on behalf of Europa Varietas Institute is Gergely Varga, who is researcher at a government “think – tank”.

Throughout the years, numerous well known experts, politicians, diplomats were our guest to discuss the topical issues of international affaires, and we could reach out to hundreds of students, lecturers, journalists, government officials through our events. To widen our ken and audience, Europa Varietas Institute has been co-hosting the series with Euro-atlantic Club.

Having organized one of the longest continuously running conference - series in Budapest, our aim is to contribute further actively to strengthen Hungarian civil society for many years to come.

Admission to the lectures and the concluding open discussions is free of charge. Our events are held at several venues including the House of Professors (Professzorok Háza), the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and the Corvinus University (Budapest).
Supporting our series are / was the Fund for Children and Youth (Gyermek és Ifjúsági Alapprogram - GYIA), the NATO Communications Committee of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Külügyminisztérium NATO Kommunikációs Munkabizottsága) and the NCA.

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Andrássy Salon is organized by PPT (Politológiai Párbeszéd Társasága).
Among the members of the Europa Varietas Institute, dr. Varga Gergely and Dr. András István Türke Ph.D (director) are the founders of Andrássy Szalon.

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