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A Brest, une déambulation parmi les livres anciens (15e-19e siècles) de l’Académie de Marine

Lignes de défense - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 09:59

Le Service historique de la Défense à Brest propose aux visiteurs une déambulation parmi les livres anciens, du 15e au 19e siècle, de l’Académie de Marine dont la bibliothèque rassemble 8 000 ouvrages. Une sélection d'ouvrages est présentée sur les domaines les plus représentatifs, parmi les milliers d'ouvrages conservés dans le fonds de l'Académie de Marine.

Exposition "L'Académie de marine, connaissance et savoir", depuis le 13 juillet jusqu'au 30 septembre 2016, au Service historique de la Défense de Brest, 4 rue du Commandant Malbert. entrée libre et gratuite.

Tous les détails ici.

Categories: Défense

Valls lance un appel pour «bâtir» en urgence un pacte avec l'islam de France

LeParisien / Politique - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 09:41
Alors que de nouveaux rassemblements interreligieux avant la messe de dimanche vont avoir lieu après l'attentat de Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, dans une tribune publiée dans le Journal du Dimanche, Manuel...
Categories: France

Qui compose la promo Vallette d'Osia de l'EMIA ?

Le mamouth (Blog) - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 09:35
Malgré l'augmentation de format de la force opérationnelle terrestre, la 55e promotion de l'EMIA
Plus d'infos »
Categories: Défense

Nincs pénz szúnyogirtásra Vajdaságban

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 09:34
A korábbi években milliókat költött szúnyogirtásra az előző tartományi kormány, az idei költségvetésben azonban egy dinárt sem irányoztak elő erre a célra, jelentette ki Vladimir Galić tartományi urbanizációs és környezetvédelmi titkár.

Mbeki to meet Sudanese opposition on 7 August : al-Mahdi

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 09:01

July 30, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - The head of the African Union High Level Implementation Panel and chief mediator Thabo Mbeki will meet the Sudan call forces on the 7th of August, said the leader of the National Umma Party (NUP) Sadiq al-Mahdi on Saturday.

AUHIP chief Thabo Mbeki (R) meets opposition NUP leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on June 2, 2016 (Courtesy photo of NUP)

From 18 to 22 July, the opposition groups the Sudan Call tasked al-Mahdi to write a letter to Mbeki demanding to meet him in order to discuss their reservations on the Roadmap Agreement before its eventual signing.

According to the opposition umbrella, the chief mediators in a letter he sent on 23 June had explained that their demands for an inclusive national dialogue preparatory meeting and additional confidence building measures will be taken into account.

"Mbeki responded to (my) letter and fixed the seventh of next August to meet him to discuss the Roadmap (Agreement) after taking into account the demands of the opposition," al-Mahdi told the state-run Sudan TV in a talk show on Saturday evening from Cairo where he is residing since two years.

Mahdi said that the opposition's letter included their demands for a comprehensive national dialogue, leading to a constitutional conference. Its agenda consists of the end of war, delivery of humanitarian aid to the affected civilians, identifying the confidence building measures, and release of political detainees and prisoners.

He further stressed that the letter underlined the right of the Sudan Call to determine who would represent it in the meetings with the AUHIP and the government.

"If that happens, then the outcome would be a comprehensive national constitutional dialogue," he said.

The opposition leader disclosed that the Sudan Call intends to invite national figures to attend the external process leading to the national dialogue inside the country in order to reach out, and mobilize the different social segments and promote the ownership of the process by all the Sudanese.

Earlier this week, opposition officials said they had been told by the AUHIP secretariat the meeting would be held in mi-August.

It is not clear if the meeting would take place after or before a visit the chief mediator would pay to Khartoum for talks with the government officials on these developments.

U.S. Special Envoy Donald Booth who facilitates the process is already in Sudan where he is assessing the humanitarian situation in Darfur region and also to discuss the upcoming meeting with opposition groups in Addis Ababa.

Speaking at the talk show, Sudanese Presidential Assistant Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid who is tasked with the peace negotiations file, said the government reiterated to the mediation its commitment to the Roadamp Agreement and to a comprehensive dialogue as provided in the call launched by President al-Bashir for a national dialogue two years ago.

Hamid further said it is better for the opposition groups to meet the national dialogue committee (7+7) as provided in the Roadmap Agreement instead of its demand meet the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) alone.

"When the (7 +7) meets with the Sudan Call, the dialogue committee would not come alone, but with a representative of the government, and this is better than to meet the government only."

However he reassured that the gap between the government and the opposition is not too big, adding : "We are confident that we are all keen to preserve the security of the homeland".

He further described the NUP leader as a nationalist keen to preserve the nation and its interests.


Categories: Africa

La coalition internationale se prépare à l’assaut de Mossoul et Raqqa

Bruxelles2 - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 08:30
(B2) Réunis dans le Maryland, les 20 et 21 juillet, les responsables de la lutte contre Daech ont fait de Mossoul (la deuxième ville d'Irak), et de Raqqa (Syrie) leurs objectifs prioritaires dorénavant. Si l'appel à la mobilisation est principalement militaire, la reconquête doit « jeter les bases d'une stabilisation rapide des communautés libérées » énoncent […]
Categories: Défense

Gekaufte Politiker in Berlin und in Brüssel: die grosse Gefahr: Zucker - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 07:43
Die vollkommen korrupte EU Commission ist schon einmalig in der Welt und die Berliner Politiker sowieso. Zucker ist heute das Volks Gift, vor allem auch für Kinder Doku: Dienstag, 13. Oktober um 20.15 Uhr : Das große Geschäft mit dem Zucker Press release Food lobby rigs EU sugar laws while obesity and diabetes spiral out of control July 28th 2016 Corporate Europe Observatory’s new report ‚A spoonful of sugar‘ illustrates how the sugar lobby undermines existing laws and fights off much-needed measures that are vital for tackling Europe’s looming obesity crisis. Sugar-Coated Lies: How The Food Lobby Destroys Health In The EU By Colin Todhunter Global Research, July 29, 2016 […]
Categories: Balkan News

SDSM and Soros Activists publicly call for burning of Govt buildings - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 07:16
SDSM and Soros Activists publicly call for burning of Govt buildings No deal yet, SDSM wants control of police Terror as Business: Nuland, Bailey, Hoyt Yee and Haindl SDSM’s Spasovski helped Kosovo terrorists to escape, pocketed money Tuesday, 19 July 2016 SDSM’s interim Minister of Interior, Oliver Spasovski was reported today to have wasted 175,000 euros of the police budget by calling up 1,450 policemen and employing 176 vehicles in an ‚operation‘ in NW Macedonia.   However, the 175,000 euros wasted is just the begining. The massive police operation kicked off after a tip that 40-50 terrorists from neighboring Kosovo had entered Macedonia, with plans to attack prisons housing the […]
Categories: Balkan News

EBRD – Mafia, Sir Suma Chakrabarti: Finanzierung von Verbrecher Clans als System - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 07:13
Capo der EU Mafia: Immer neue Gelder ohne jede Kontrolle! Immer mit Verbrechern vor Ort als Partner, nie transparent, überteuerte Projekte sind gut dokumentiert, wie die EBRD Mafia überall arbeitet. Oft gibt es enorme Umwelt Vernichtung, was den Banditen egal ist. Unsinnige Finanzierung von überflüssigen Zement Fabriken, wie „TITAN“ aus Griechenland, in Albanien, als Nr. 10 Zement Werk So verkaufen die Gangster, wenn man direkt die dümsmten Mafia Gestalten rund um das Mittelmeer finanziert und weit über 50 % der Gelder im Bauschrott, oder den „Schwarzen Löchern“ der Balkan Mafia verschwindet. It has continued to support progress in its traditional countries of operations while reaching out to new areas in […]
Categories: Balkan News

Le dilemme de Macron

LeParisien / Politique - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 07:00
Partir ou rester ? Pour Emmanuel Macron, cette question relève non pas de la rubrique « cœur » des gazettes estivales, mais bien de la politique. Le ministre de l'Economie de François Hollande est à la...
Categories: France

Sudan's RSF militia arrests 600 illegal migrants near Libyan and Egyptian border

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 05:49

July 30, 2016 (EL-FASHER) - Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, (aka Hametti) said his fighters have arrested about 600 Ethiopian illegal migrants near Sudan's border with Libya and Egypt.

SRF field commander Mohamed Hamdan (Hametti) speaks in a press conference in Khartoum on Wednesday May 14, 2014 (ST)

Last June, hundreds of RSF elements have been deployed in the remote desert of the Northern State shortly after complaint by the governor of drug and human trafficking by the criminal networks.

On Saturday, Sudanese army's sixth infantry division in North Darfur capital El-Fasher has celebrated the return of the RSF from the Northern State.

Speaking during the celebration, Daglo said his forces arrested about 600 illegal Ethiopian migrants and thwarted several human trafficking operations near Sudan's border with Egypt and Libya and at Al-Nakheel area in the Sahara desert.

He pointed those illegal migrants have been handed over to the authorities in North Darfur as a prelude to repatriate them into their home country.

The RSF commander said the media has turned a blind eye on numerous offences committed by rebel groups including killing incidents, displacement of civilians and destruction of civil institutions.

Daglo hailed discipline among RSF fighters, saying Sudan became a crossing point for illegal migrants seeking to travel to Europe and the United States.

He called on the West to appreciate efforts exerted by the Sudanese government to combat human trafficking and illegal migration across the Sahara.

Sudan is considered as a country of origin and transit for the illegal migration and human trafficking. Thousands of people from Eritrea and Ethiopia are monthly crossing the border into the Sudanese territories on their way to Europe through Libya or Egypt.

For his part, the commander of the sixth infantry division Ashraf Mahdi El-Rifaie said North Darfur became free of rebellion due to efforts of the Sudanese army, RSF and the rest of the regular forces.

“The RSF carried out its full role and combed the area of the rebel remnants and human traffickers” he said

He added that the RSF managed to free hundreds of foreigners from the grip of human traffickers on the desert near the Egyptian border.

Earlier this month, Daglo said his men arrested over 300 illegal immigrants heading to Libya across the remote desert of Northern State.

Deputy Governor of North Darfur, Mohamed Braima, for his part, described the RSF as the right arm of the Sudanese army, saying they play a major role in maintaining peace and security.

He pointed that the security situation in Darfur is stable, saying the government works to amend the social fabric and hold tribal reconciliations to unify the internal front and address the effects of war.

Earlier this year, the European Union granted a €100m development package to address the root causes of irregular migration in Sudan. The financial support came after pledge by the Sudanese government to cooperate with Brussels to stop human trafficking to Europe.

In January 2014, the Sudanese parliament approved an anti-human trafficking law which punishes those involved with human trafficking with up to 20 years imprisonment.

The RSF, which is widely known as the Janjaweed militias, were originally mobilized by the Sudanese government to quell the insurgency that broke out in Sudan's western region of Darfur in 2003.

The militia was reactivated and restructured again in August 2013 under the command of NISS to fight the alliance of rebel groups from Darfur region, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states following joint attacks in North and South Kordofan in April 2013.


Categories: Africa

Sudanese president vows not to kneel down to the ICC

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 05:49

July 30, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir on Saturday has pledged to destroy what he described as “institutions of injustice” saying he wouldn't kneel down to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

President Omer al-Bashir at Khartoum airport after his return from Addis Ababa where he received the African Dignity Award on 30 July 2016 (SUNA Photo)

Al-Bashir returned to Khartoum on Saturday from Addis Ababa where he received the the African Dignity Award from the African Initiative for Pride and Dignity (AIPD) in recognition of his efforts in Africa.

He was received at Khartoum airport by large crowds and senior government officials including the First Vice-President Bakri Hassan Salih.

Al-Bashir, who appeared wearing a red bobble cloak and sat on a royal chair in a high platform, addressed the crowed saying he wouldn't succumb to the ICC, saying the western countries don't recognize that he represents the Sudanese people.

“We would destroy all institutions of injustice and liberate Africa from the modern political and economic colonization … we are firmly embedded like mountains and .we wouldn't kneel down,” he said.

The Sudanese President is under two ICC arrest warrants since 2008 for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes allegedly committed in Darfur.

Al-Bashir swore by Almighty Allah (God) three times before the crowed, saying he will always take stances that make the Sudanese people proud of themselves.

“All our decisions and moves were inspired the Sudanese people who don't accept the injustice,” he said.

He said that his government has implemented peace agreements for the sake of peace not to be thanked by other people, pointing that Sudan opened its borders to receive refugees from Ethiopia, Eritrea and West Africa when drought hit the region in 1984 despite the fact that it had suffered from famine.

The Sudanese President further thanked Africa, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University and Africa's scholars and expert for honouring him.

It is noteworthy that the AIPD was launched by the Addis Ababa University on Tuesday 25 and ended on 29 July.

The initiative aims at basing Africans development efforts on Africans Indigenous Knowledge systems.

It was launched in partnership with the United Nations University for Peace (UP-EACE), the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Chair of Cultural Diversity based at the International Relations Institute in Cameroon, the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies African Network,Tanzania and Centre for the Study of Peace and Human Rights in Sudan.


Categories: Africa

Machar's successor to lead South Sudan delegation to UN

Sudan Tribune - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 05:48

July 30, 2016 (JUBA) - The South Sudanese government has agreed to dispatch a high level delegation, led by its first vice president, Taban Deng Gai to the United Nations headquarters in New York as part of efforts to rally global community support.

Head of the rebel delegation, Taban Deng Gai, attends the opening ceremony of South Sudan's negotiation in Addis Ababa, January 4, 2014. (Photo Reuters/Tiksa Negeri)

“The objective of this mission is to mobilize the international support for implementation of the peace agreement and explain to the leaders of Intergovernmental authorities on development (IGAD) member countries why there were changes within the SPLM-IO leadership,” vice president, James Wani Igga told reporters Friday.

“This is a very important mission,” added the vice president.

Gai, who succeeded the armed opposition (SPLM-IO) chairman Riek Machar, was sworn-in early this week, a move the former rebel leader described as being “illegal”.

"President Salva Kiir wants the country's first vice-president to explain to the world the recent political changes in nation," Igga told reporters in the capital, Juba.

The South Sudanese leader, he said, told the armed opposition leaders in the capital, Juba it was their role to make the region understand why Machar was replaced.

“Taban and some members of the team which will select by the President to go to the neighboring countries, including Khartoum as number one, so that we put clearly to them the situation,” explained Igga.

The team will reportedly also tour neighboring countries to advocate for regional support for the peace agreement.

Igga further said President Kiir agreed to accelerate discussions on how to improve security in the country, revive the economy and repatriate internally displaced persons.


Categories: Africa

Ukraine: arrestation d'un proche collaborateur de l'ex-président Ianoukovitch

RFI (Europe) - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 04:43
Oleksandr Iefremov a été arrêté ce samedi 30 juillet à l'aéroport de Kiev. Ce proche collaborateur de l'ancien président autoritaire Viktor Ianoukovitch est accusé d'avoir encouragé les mouvements séparatistes dans l'est de l'Ukraine et d'avoir oeuvré contre l'intégrité territoriale du pays. Ce cas pourrait marquer le début d'une vague d'arrestations de haut rang.
Categories: Union européenne

Manuel Valls précise les contours du « pacte » qu’il veut construire avec l’islam de France

Le Monde / Politique - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 04:42
Après son entretien au « Monde », vendredi, le premier ministre appelle, dans « Le JDD », à « reconstruire une capacité de financement française » des mosquées.
Categories: France

« LIFE Défense Nature 2mil » : 
4 ans d’engagement au profit de l’environnement

Le projet « LIFE Défense Nature 2mil », qui vise à préserver la biodiversité sur les sites militaires européens, a été mis en œuvre en France sur quatre emprises, dont les camps de Chambaran (Isère) et celui de Nîmes (Gard) pour l’armée de Terre. Un projet de 4 ans, entre 2012 à 2016, qui a permis la restauration de la biodiversité et le respect de l’environnement sur ces terrains classés « Natura 2000 ».  Un séminaire s’est déroulé fin juin au 2e REI pour dresser le bilan de ce projet qui permet de sécuriser l’emploi des installations et de préserver les espaces d’entraînements.
Categories: Défense

Amical : Benatia, Ayité et Slimani en forme - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 01:03
Categories: Afrique

Tunisia parliament votes to sack PM Habib Essid

BBC Africa - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 00:55
Tunisia's parliament passes a vote of no confidence in the government of PM Habib Essid over what is seen as his failure to push through economic reforms.
Categories: Africa

Etat d’urgence prolongé jusqu’à fin mars 2017 au Mali, toujours en proie à des troubles

Maliactu - Sun, 31/07/2016 - 00:49
L’Assemblée nationale du Mali a voté samedi une prorogation de l’état d’urgence, qui demeurera en vigueur huit mois de plus, jusqu’au 29 mars 2017, dans ce pays en proie à des troubles, entre attaques jihadistes et affrontements entre groupes armés rivaux.


Cette mesure d’exception a été instaurée à plusieurs reprises au Mali depuis l’attaque, le 20 novembre 2015, de l’hôtel Radisson Blu de Bamako par des jihadistes (20 morts, outre deux assaillants tués).


Son dernier rétablissement remonte au 21 juillet, au lendemain d’un assaut contre un camp de l’armée à Nampala, dans la région de Ségou (centre), où 17 soldats ont été tués et 35 blessés. La mesure avait été réinstaurée pour une période de dix jours, expirant dimanche.


Un Conseil des ministres extraordinaire tenu vendredi a adopté un projet de loi prorogeant l’état d’urgence, qui a été approuvé samedi à l’unanimité des députés présents dans l’hémicycle à Bamako, a-t-on indiqué de source parlementaire.


La prorogation votée concerne la période du 1er août 2016 au « 29 mars 2017 à minuit », a précisé la télévision publique ORTM.


« Je voudrais rassurer que l’état d’urgence contribue à la stabilité du pays » mais aussi « à préserver la sécurité », a déclaré le ministre de l’Administration territoriale (Intérieur), Abdoulaye Idrissa Maïga, devant les députés.


Cette extension « s’inscrit dans le cadre du renforcement des actions de lutte contre le terrorisme, les crimes organisés et toutes les formes de menace ou d’atteinte à la paix et à la sécurité des personnes et de leurs biens au Mali », a expliqué le gouvernement dans un communiqué vendredi.


L’état d’urgence donne notamment plus de possibilités d’intervention aux forces de sécurité et restreint les rassemblements.


Sa prorogation a été votée pendant que la région de Kidal (extrême nord-est) était le théâtre d’une reprise de combats entre des ex-rebelles et des membres d’un groupe armé progouvernemental qui s’y étaient déjà affrontés la semaine dernière.


– Nouvelles victimes d’une mine –


D’après un élu local et une source de sécurité dans la région, les affrontements se sont déroulés à une quarantaine de kilomètres à l’est de Kidal, chef-lieu de région.


Ils ont impliqué des Touareg de la Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad (CMA, ex-rébellion à dominante touareg) et d’autres membres de cette communauté au sein du Groupe d’autodéfense touareg Imghad et alliés (Gatia), un mouvement de la Plateforme (coalition progouvernementale).


Selon l’élu local, tous se battent pour le contrôle de la ville de Kidal, où la CMA et le Gatia ont cohabité sans heurts de février jusqu’à la semaine dernière.


Les 21 et 22 juillet, les deux groupes se sont livrés de violents combats ayant fait plusieurs morts, selon diverses sources qui n’étaient cependant pas en mesure de chiffrer ces pertes.


D’après l’ONU au Mali, les combats de la semaine dernière ont été la première violation du cessez-le-feu depuis septembre 2015 par la CMA et la Plateforme, qui ont signé en mai-juin 2015 avec le gouvernement un accord pour la paix et la réconciliation dans le pays, demeurant en proie à des troubles et à l’insécurité.


L’attaque de Nampala – revendiquée par deux groupes armés, dont Ansar Dine, mouvement jihadiste malien – est la énième d’une série de violences contre les forces de sécurité au Mali depuis le déclenchement, en janvier 2013, d’une intervention militaire contre des groupes jihadistes, qui se poursuit actuellement.


Illustration supplémentaire : vendredi, deux militaires maliens ont été tués et quatre blessés par l’explosion d’une mine au passage de leur véhicule vers Gossi, dans la région de Tombouctou (nord-ouest), a indiqué samedi à l’AFP un officier de l’armée malienne, assurant que la mine a été « posée par les terroristes ».


Des groupes jihadistes ont contrôlé le nord du Mali de mars-avril 2012 jusqu’au déclenchement de l’intervention internationale, en janvier 2013. Ils ont été dispersés et en grande partie chassés de ces régions.


Mais des zones entières échappent encore au contrôle des forces maliennes et étrangères, en dépit de la signature de l’accord de paix, qui peine par ailleurs à être appliqué.


Categories: Afrique
