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Peace talks on Darfur and Two Areas set to resume next week: AU

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 06:57

August 2, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Head of the African Union Office in Khartoum, Mahmoud Kan, revealed that the African mediation will meet with the opposition umbrella Sudan Call in Addis Ababa next week saying peace talks between the Sudanese government and rebel groups on Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile would be resumed subsequently.

Mbeki speaks to participants at the inaugral session of Strategic Consultations Meeting in Addis Ababa on 18 March 2016 (AUHIP Photo)

On Tuesday, Kan officially conveyed to Sudan's Foreign Ministry Under-Secretary Abdel-Ghani al-Naem acceptance of the Sudan Call leaders to sign the Roadmap on August 8th and to participate in the peace talks on Darfur and the Two Areas.

In press statements following the meeting, Kan said the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) chief Thabo Mbeki has extended an invitation to the Sudanese government and the Sudan Call forces to participate in the Addis Ababa meeting from 8 to 11 August.

He pointed that the AUHIP would meet with the Sudan Call forces on August 8th to sign the Roadmap Agreement, saying talks on the cessation of hostilities and the humanitarian assistance would take place from 9 to 11 August.

Last March, the AUHIP proposed a Roadmap Agreement to the Sudanese government and some Sudan Call groups including the National Umma Party (NUP), Sudan People's Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N), Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), and Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM).

However, only Khartoum government signed the text while the four groups declined the text saying it would reproduce the regime. They later proposed a supplemental text to the peace plan including their demands.

For his part, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Gharib Allah Khidir said that Kan has briefed al-Naem of the outcome of the AUHIP chief contacts with the Sudan Call leaders, saying the latter have agreed to come to Addis Ababa to sign the Roadmap and then resume peace talks on Darfur and the Two Areas.

The Sudanese army has been fighting SPLM-N rebels in Blue Nile and South Kordofan since 2011 and a group of armed movements in Darfur since 2003.

According to Khidir, Mbeki has expressed optimism on the upcoming developments which would speed up the political settlement in Sudan.

Also, following a meeting of the Leadership Council of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on Monday, NCP deputy chairman and presidential aide Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid told reporters that a government delegation would travel to Addis Ababa from 9 to 10 August upon an invitation from the AUHIP.

He pointed to what he described as “positive signals” that the opposition would sign the Roadmap, saying the AUHIP would meet with the Sudan Call leaders on August 8th.

On Saturday, leader of the NUP) al-Sadiq al-Mahdi said Mbeki will meet the Sudan call forces on the 7th of August in Addis Ababa to discuss the Roadmap.

From 18 to 22 July, the Sudan Call forces tasked al-Mahdi to write a letter to Mbeki demanding to meet him in order to discuss their reservations on the Roadmap Agreement before its eventual signing.

According to the opposition umbrella, the chief mediator in a letter he sent on 23 June had explained that their demands for an inclusive national dialogue preparatory meeting and additional confidence building measures will be taken into account.


Categories: Africa

Eastern Lakes state authorities prioritize road works

Sudan Tribune - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 06:56

August 2, 2016 (RUMBEK) - Authorities in Eastern Lakes said they started rehabilitating the 83-miles road linking Greater Yirol to Terekeka in Central Equatoria state.

Rumbek to Yirol road during rainy season (sosanews)

Rehabilitation involves installation of culverts and leveling potholes.

The state minister for physical infrastructure, Agok Manyiel said work on the road linking greater Bhar El Ghzal region to Central Equatoria state was agreed upon during the sixth governor's forum in Rumbek.

“During the sixth governors meeting in Rumbek, Yirol was given 100 miles of road to maintain starting from Yirol to inside Terekeka state. Now we have completed 83 miles and about 17 miles is remaining and will be completed within seven days to come,” said Agok.

About 300 heavy trucks loaded with several items are reportedly stranded between Kalthok and Tombek due to terrible road connection linking the two areas to Terekeka.

Meanwhile, work on the western part of Yirol to Rumbek reportedly started at a slow pace, with several traders complaining about swamps and potholes, which make it inaccessible by big trucks.

Last month, The governor of South Sudan's Tonj state, Akec Tong Aleu started the construction of the 110 kilometers roads which links Gok and Wau town.

Inaccessible roads hinder the delivery of basic goods and services to the people of Greater Bhar El Ghazal region and surrounding places of the disputed Abyei area.


Categories: Africa

Le gouvernement confie de nouveaux pouvoirs de police à la Mairie de Paris

Le Monde / Politique - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 06:35
Le gouvernement présente, mercredi en conseil des ministres, le projet de loi sur le statut de la capitale.
Categories: France

Gilles Carrez : le prélèvement à la source est « inutile » et « complexe »

Le Monde / Politique - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 06:35
Le président LR de la commission des finances de l’Assemblée craint que cette réforme, présentée mercredi en conseil des ministres, ne soit le premier pas vers une fusion de la CSG et de l’impôt sur le revenu.
Categories: France

New Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and HSF

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 06:24
New Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and HSF

Arzamas 16 - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 06:00

Russian Arzamas 16 Closed City. Nuclear Weapons Design and Production Center
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

OECD Multi-Dimensional Review of Myanmar Vol. 3: Launch in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 04:47
OECD Multi-Dimensional Review of Myanmar Vol. 3: Launch in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon

Dispatches: Why is Burundi Ducking Questions About Torture?

HRW / Africa - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 02:05

In response to the human rights crisis in Burundi, the UN Committee Against Torture held a special session last week to review allegations of torture and other abuses in the country. But the Burundian government shocked everyone in the room by failing to turn up for the review’s second day – apparently the first country ever to do so.


A Burundian artist’s drawing of a fictional case of policemen and an intelligence agent torturing a detainee.

© 2016 Private

On July 28, a government delegation, headed by Justice Minister Aimée Laurentine Kanyana, had attended the first part of the UN Committee Against Torture’s (CAT) review. In her opening speech, she stated that Burundian law prohibits torture and that anyone responsible for torture would be prosecuted. She attempted to discredit “tendentious” reports based on anonymous sources or originating from political opponents, and asked the CAT to disqualify reports to which the Burundian government had not had the opportunity to react.

She then listened as CAT members raised serious concerns – including torture, extrajudicial executions, disappearances, rape, and crackdowns on human rights defenders and opposition party members – and asked numerous, precise questions about the Burundian government’s actions. CAT members spoke scathingly about the Burundian justice system’s lack of independence and the authorities’ failure to end impunity.

It was clear Burundi’s minister would have a hard time answering their questions.

When the CAT reconvened on July 29, the Burundian delegation was nowhere to be seen. Eventually, the chair announced that the delegation had sent a written statement, asking for more time to respond. In the statement, the Burundian delegation complained that the CAT had raised questions which allegedly went beyond the issues it had set out beforehand. It also claimed the CAT was largely basing its questions on an alternative report, submitted by Burundian civil society organizations, which, it said, had not shared the report with the government.

In fact, the CAT had submitted its concerns well in advance. Furthermore, reports by Burundian and international human rights organizations documenting torture were already in the public domain. In July 2016 alone, Human Rights Watch published two reports, one on torture of suspected government opponents by the Burundian intelligence services and police and another on rape by members of the youth league of the ruling party. The concerns documented go to the core of the CAT’s review, and the Burundian government should not have been surprised by the issues raised.

The CAT decided to proceed to its concluding observations and not reward the Burundian government’s non-cooperation by delaying the hearing.

The Burundian government’s message last week was clear: it prefers to duck tough questions rather than engage with the UN on human rights, or take meaningful action to prevent torture. 

Categories: Africa

Dispatches: Nigerian Military Used Excessive Force Against Shia Group

HRW / Africa - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 02:05

An official inquiry into clashes between members of a Shia minority group and the Nigerian military has stated the Nigerian Army’s response to altercations in Zaria, Kaduna State, between December 12 and 14, 2015 was “disproportionate”.


Members of Islamic Movement of Nigeria, a Shia group, demand the release of the group’s leader, Sheik Ibrahim Zakzaky, who was arrested on December 14, 2015. 

© AP Photo/Muhammed Giginyu

The report of the Kaduna State Judicial Commission of Inquiry, which was released on July 31, found that 349 members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) were killed during the clashes. This confirms earlier findings by Human Rights Watch that more than 300 IMN members were killed by soldiers in a heavy-handed, unjustifiable use of lethal force.

While the Commission criticized the IMN for “widespread and habitual acts of lawlessness and defiance of constituted authorities across the nation”, it condemned the army’s response as excessive. Soldiers, it found, had “shot their way through the blockade” set up by IMN members along the road to the group’s Hussainniya Baqiyyatullah mosque complex, killing seven IMN members, and injuring 11.

At least 342 IMN members were killed during violent clashes that followed the deployment of soldiers to other IMN sites in Kaduna over the course of the next three days. A soldier, Corporal Dan Kaduna Yakubu, was also killed during those clashes.

Contrary to the army’s claims, the report states that no large cache of arms was found at any the five properties belonging to the IMN and its leader Sheik Ibrahim El Zakzaky. According to the report, what was found were bows and arrows, catapults, sticks, and a few dane (local hunting) guns.

The Commission recommended that members of the military involved in unlawful killings and IMN members who participated in the soldier’s death should be brought to trial.

So far, only IMN members have been arrested and prosecuted for causing the killing of Corporal Yakubu during the December events. The group’s leader, Sheik El Zakzaky and his wife Zeenat were arrested on December 14, 2015, and are still being held in what the secret police describe as “protective custody” in Abuja.

Political and military authorities in Nigeria should heed the Commission’s recommendations and take immediate steps to hold those responsible for the illegal use of lethal force to account and to pay compensation to the victims. The authorities should release El Zakzaky and Zeenat from detention, or bring credible charges against the couple in a properly constituted court.

Categories: Africa

Dispatches: Speaking Truth to Power Is a Crime in South Sudan

HRW / Africa - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 02:05

On July 16, South Sudanese national security agents arrested Alfred Taban, editor in chief of the Juba Monitor, for two editorials calling for removal of President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Riek Machar, respectively, in the wake of renewed fighting around Juba.


Alfred Taban.

© S. Foltyn

The July 7 fighting began much as it did in December 2013, between forces loyal to the political rivals. It escalated into a four-day battle. Hundreds were killed and soldiers committed serious abuses, attacking civilians, raping women, and looting – including food for 220,000 people in a World Food Program warehouse.

Taban did not mince words, saying the two leaders had “completely failed” to implement the terms of the August 2015 peace agreement. “Instead of Juba being demilitarized, it was completely militarized,” he wrote.

In today’s South Sudan, voicing any critical opinion is treated as a crime, a bitter irony in a country where actual crimes desperately need justice. Human Rights Watch and other groups have documented a string of attacks on the media, including killings, harassment, arbitrary detentions, and closure of newspapers. Nhial Bol, editor of the Citizen daily and one of the country’s most outspoken pundits, gave up journalism altogether. At least two journalists are in detention, one for over two years without charge.

On July 22, authorities transferred Taban into police custody and charged him with publishing false information and undermining the president, and denied him bail. He suffers from medical conditions and has already spent a night in a hospital.

Meanwhile, Kiir has dismissed Machar, whose whereabouts remain unknown, and replaced him with another politician, Taban Deng Gai, sparking huge controversy and deepening cynicism about the peace agreement. The United Nations is once again debating whether to impose an arms embargo, which could make it harder for cash-strapped forces on both sides to rearm and perpetuate their abusive tactics.

At this precipitous moment, the Taban case gains even more urgency and symbolic importance. He devoted much of his career, as editor in chief of the Khartoum Monitor, to speaking truth to power about injustices, especially against southerners during the long civil war. South Sudan’s people have never been in such need of his voice. That its current leaders, employing a national security apparatus that eerily resembles the one in Sudan, have thrown Taban in jail, speaks volumes about where this government is heading.


Categories: Africa

Dispatches: Ethiopia’s Opposition Leaders on Hunger Strike

HRW / Africa - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 02:05

It has been nine days since prominent Ethiopian opposition leader Bekele Gerba and several other senior members of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) went on a hunger strike to protest their treatment in detention. Bekele, who is the deputy chairman of the OFC, and his colleagues are currently being held in Kilinto prison near Addis Ababa on terrorism charges. Their health has reportedly deteriorated significantly in recent days.


Bekele Gerba in Washington DC, August 2015. 

© 2015 Bonnie Holcomb

Bekele and his associates were detained on December 23, 2015 and later charged under Ethiopia’s terrorism law for allegedly belonging to the banned Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) – a charge that is regularly used to silence ethnic Oromos who are critical of the government. They were first taken to the notorious Maekalawi prison, where torture and other ill-treatment are routine. Since moving to Kilinto, Bekele and his colleagues have repeatedly petitioned the courts to investigate their mistreatment in detention, to allow their families visiting rights, and to provide them with proper medication.

Bekele is a staunch advocate of non-violence and is one of tens of thousands who were detained during the mostly peaceful protests that have swept through Oromia since November. Many of those who have since been released reported being tortured in custody.

Since the protests began, the security forces have killed over 400 people, most of them students. Yet, there has been no meaningful investigation into the killings and no effort to hold security forces accountable. Instead, the state-affiliated Human Rights Commission in an oral report to parliament in June concluded that the level of force used by security forces was proportionate to the risk the forces faced, sending an ominous message to Ethiopians that security force members can shoot unarmed protesters with impunity.

As it is clear that the Ethiopian government is either not willing or not able to conduct a credible investigation into the conduct of its security forces, there is increasing need for international involvement in any investigation.

Unfortunately, the authorities’ failure to treat Bekele and his colleagues with the most basic respect for their rights is indicative of a government that shows little willingness to right the wrongs it has committed. Their continued detention sends a message to young Ethiopians that the government equates peaceful protest with terrorism, putting Ethiopia on a dangerous trajectory. 

Categories: Africa

F-35A Takes Down Aerial Target with AIM-9X | Israel Looks to Procure Own Air Force One | India and France Close to $9B Deal on Rafale Fighters

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 01:58

  • An F-35A has shot down its first aerial target with AIM-9X missiles off the coast of California. The kill test saw the fighter take down a drone, and test data confirmed the F-35 identified and targeted the drone with its mission systems sensors, passed the target “track” information to the missile, enabled the pilot to verify targeting information using the high off-boresight capability of the helmet mounted display (HMD), and launched the AIM-9X from the aircraft to engage the target. F-35s carry two AIM-9X missiles on their wings.

  • Boeing is to provide $1 billion in spare parts for US Navy F/A-18 fleets. A total of four contracts were awarded by the US Defense Logistics Agency with the largest amounting to $640 million. All four orders were made against the same five-year base contract with one five-year option period.

  • Approval has been granted by the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) for the production engineering phase of their B61-12 nuclear warhead life extension program (LEP). The first production unit (FPU) of this weapon is planned for 2020, followed by full-scale production. With the modernization projected to cost anywhere between $350-450 million over the next decade, the B61-12 will replace the existing B61-3, -4, -7, and -10 thermonuclear bombs.

Middle East North Africa

  • Israel is moving ahead with their $100 million program to procure their own Air Force One. Tricked out with its own special defense systems and advanced communications, it has been reported that the conversion will be carried out on a Boeing 767. Once in service, the aircraft will replace an aircraft leased from flag carrier El Al.


  • Sukhoi Su-34 bombers are to be fitted with new radio surveillance gear that will allow them to spot and destroy enemy headquarters, communications and drone control centers. Dubbed UKR-RT, the system is a scaled-down version of the M-410 radio reconnaissance system that is installed in the Tu-214R. Many foreign military specialists regard the Tu-214R as a unique information gathering platform able to spot targets hundreds of kilometers away.

  • Regulations imposed on the testing of the F-35’s on board laser designator will make it almost impossible for Royal Air Force versions to test in the UK. The strict rules prohibit the use of optic devices within 33km of the aircraft, and no observers being allowed within 9km when the laser designator is fired. Approval is now being sought by the MoD to use the device in the UK.

Asia Pacific

  • Australia has taken delivery of their last MH-60R Seahawk helicopter from manufacturer Lockheed Martin. Replacing the older S-70B-2 Seahawks, the MH-60Rs now complete a requirement for a fleet of 24 next-generation, multi-role naval combat aircraft. The cost of the replacement is believed to be in excess of $2.2 billion.

  • India and France are edging ever closer to closure on a potential $9 billion Rafale fighter deal. According to Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, New Delhi has agreed to sign a long awaited inter-governmental agreement (IGA), a key requirement for a potential sale; however, negotiations on offsets and final pricing are still to be confirmed.

Today’s Video

Induction of AW159 naval helicopters into the South Korean Navy:

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Australia’s MH-60R Maritime Helicopters

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 01:57
MH-60Rs fire Hellfire
(click to view full)

Australia’s AIR 9000, Phase 8 project aimed to buy 24 modern naval helicopters to 16 existing S-70B-2 Seahawks, along with the disastrous A$1.1 billion, 11-helicopter SH-2G “Super Seasprite” acquisition attempt. With a total sales and support value of over A$ 3 billion, it was a highly coveted award.

The finalists were familiar, and both had roots in Australia. Sikorsky’s MH-60R is a modernized descendant of the RAN’s existing S-70B anti-submarine helicopters, and Australia’s army operates the S-70A utility helicopter. On the other hand, a multi-billion dollar 2006 order made the European NH90-TTH (“MRH-90”) the Army’s future helicopter, and some MRH-90s will even serve as Navy utility helicopters. NHI/Eurocopter’s NH90-NFH naval variant builds on that base. So why did the MH-60R make Australia its 1st export win?

Australia’s Winner MH-60R Seahawk
click for video

A combination of problems with its “MRH-90s,” slow NH90 TTH development, MH-60R naval interoperability benefits with Australia’s principal ally, and the MH-60R’s low-risk already-operational status tipped the balance. Australia’s MH-60Rs will be entirely standard US Navy designs; the only differences will be their paint scheme, and the addition of tamper-proofing to 4 avionics boxes that are considered “sensitive.” Australia’s DoD states that the fleet of 24 will:

“…provide at least eight warships with a combat helicopter at the same time, including ANZAC Class frigates [8 bought] and the new Air Warfare Destroyers [3 bought]. The remainder will be based at HMAS Albatross in Nowra, New South Wales, and will be in various stages of the regular maintenance and training cycle.”

There’s a regular cycle of ship maintenance and training, as well as deployments, which means Australia never has all of these ships at sea at one time. The helicopters can rotate among ships as they enter training & service stages, allowing full coverage with some helicopters left over. Unless the 4-ship Improved Adelaide Class is added to this mix, however, the decision as discussed does raise the question of how to equip Australia’s expensively-upgraded FFG-7 frigates with naval helicopters. One option may involve some sort of service-extension program for the existing S-70B-2s, whether through refurbishment, or by rotating a larger pool of S-70Bs among a small set of operational ships.

The RAN currently has 4 MH-60Rs flying as RAN 725 Squadron, alongside 3 full US Navy MH-60R squadrons in Jacksonville, FL. Australian crews and maintenance personnel are trained in operations and tactics there, until they return to Australia with their machines at the end of 2014. They’ll become the training squadron at the air station in Nowra, New South Wales, and Initial Operational Capability for the Royal Australian Navy as a whole is scheduled for August 2015.

Deliveries to Australia will continue until 2016. The larger RAN 816 Squadron will fly the MH-60Rs from Australian ships, while using Nowra, NSW as its home base.

Contracts & Key Events 2014 – 2016

RAN pilot on MH-60R

August 3/16: Australia has taken delivery of their last MH-60R Seahawk helicopter from manufacturer Lockheed Martin. Replacing the older S-70B-2 Seahawks, the MH-60Rs now complete a requirement for a fleet of 24 next-generation, multi-role naval combat aircraft. The cost of the replacement is believed to be in excess of $2.2 billion.

July 30/14: Testing & Deliveries. The Australians fire their 1st Hellfire missile from the new helicopter, and also update their delivery status and plans.

The RAN has 4 MH-60Rs; the first pair were accepted in the United States in December 2013, and the second pair were accepted in February 2014. They’re currently flying as RAN 725 Squadron, alongside 3 full US Navy MH-60R squadrons in Jacksonville, FL. Australian crews and maintenance personnel are trained in operations and tactics there, until they return to Australia with their machines at the end of 2014. They’ll become the training squadron at the air station in Nowra, New South Wales, and deliveries to Australia will continue until 2016. The larger RAN 816 Squadron will fly the MH-60Rs from Australian ships, while using Nowra as its home base. Sources: Australia DoD, “Hellfire missile firing a first for new Navy helicopters”.

May 13/14: Sensors. Australia’s new MH-60Rs of NUSQN 725 “commence dipping operations” with the new AQS-22 ALFS sonar off of Jacksonville, FL, as part of their training. NUSQN 725 will begin a phased return to the Fleet Air Arm’s home base at HMAS Albatross (Nowra Airport, SSW of Sydney) in October 2014, and current plans involve a full return of all members by Christmas. Sources: RAN Navy Daily, “Romeos packing a new punch”.

March 28/14: Sensors. Lockheed Martin Corp. in Owego, NY receives $13.1 million firm-fixed-price delivery order for 19 radar receiver processors, used in support of Australia’s MH-60R buy.

All funds are committed immediately. Work will be performed at Owego NY (56%) and Syracuse NY (44%), and work is expected to be complete by March 2017. This was a non-competitive requirement in accordance with FAR 6.302.1 by US NAVSUP Weapons System Support in Philadelphia PA (SPRPA1-09-G-002Y).


Support contract Phase 2 awarded; MK-54 torpedo request; 1st helicopters delivered. RAN MH-60R
(click to view full)

Dec 17/13: ANAO Report. Australia’s National Audit Office releases their 2012-13 Major Projects Report. Overall, the MH-60R program is seen as stable in its early stages, and its truly off-the-shelf nature is expected to keep it that way. The helicopters are arriving earlier than predicted, but basing and support facilities may not be ready in time. As ANAO puts it, “there is no float in the construction program.” The RAN is looking at temporary or shared hangar and administrative facilities, and may operate the initial MH-60Rs in the US to mitigate risk and consolidate training – whose infrastructure may fall behind its own February 2015 target date.

Meanwhile, how many ships will actually be ready to host MH-60Rs once the whole fleet has arrived, in 2016? It may be just 3-4 ships. While Australia’s ship certification baseline is the existing S-70B-2 Seahawk helicopters, there are differences. As such, the 3 new Hobart Class air defense destroyers will have to be modified for MH-60R use, and that won’t happen until their 1st docked servicing program after they enter the fleet. As things stand now, HMAS Hobart won’t even be declared operationally capable by the end of 2016, and the 3rd ship won’t be delivered until 2019. The 8-ship ANZAC frigate Class will be looking to make any required changes during their extensive Anti-Ship Missile Defense upgrade; 6 ships will be ready by the end of 2017, excepting HMAS Perth (already done), and HMAS Arunta (already in progress).

The final point ANAO makes is that overseas travel restrictions have become a problem for the project. People need to attend key engineering, project management and airworthiness activities in the USA, but can’t go. The RAN’s proposed solutions involve videoconferencing and teleconferencing, which doesn’t work especially well from Australia to Jacksonville, FL, and also using “contracted staff to represent overseas rather then ADF or Australian Public Service (APS) staff.” None of that seems like a useful solution to the actual problem.

Dec 16/13: ALFS. Raytheon IDS in Portsmouth, RI receives a maximum $42.6 million sole source, firm-fixed-price contract from the Royal Australian Navy for “the manufacture and delivery” of AN/AQS-22 ALFS dipping sonar systems. Australia has ordered 25 systems already (q.v. Dec 22/11), which is more than enough for installation in each helicopter. Spares? Upgrades? Additional reserve units? Finalized payment? Raytheon’s Dec 20/13 release is uninformative. If the 2 orders are combined, they total $123.4 million.

Work will be performed in Rhode Island, with a February 2017 performance completion date. The US Defense Logistics Agency Aviation in Philadelphia, PA manages this contract, unlike the 2011 contract which was managed by US NAVAIR (SPRPA1-09-G-001Y-5027).

Dec 10/13: Australia accepts the first 2 MH-60R helicopters, at a delivery ceremony in Owego, NY. The expected in-service date remains June 2014. Source: Lockheed Martin, Dec 10/13 release.


Nov 5/13: Mods. Lockheed Martin in Owego, NY receives a $10.5 million firm-fixed-price delivery order for electronics modifications, on behalf of Australia. They’ll develop and test system configuration 15 series modifications to the MH-60R’s VHF Omni-directional Range/Instrument Landing System, crash data recorder, and ABS-B Out.

All funds are committed immediately. Work will be performed in Owego, NY, and is expected to be complete in February 2016. US Naval Air Systems Command in Patuxent River, MD manages the contract as Australia’s agent(N00019-09-G-0005, #4092).

Nov 4/13: Sub-contractors. Textron’s AAI Test & Training receives a $1.6 million award to provide Advanced Boresight Equipment for Australia’s MH-60Rs. ABE is a gyro-stabilized, electro-optical angular measurement system designed to align systems on any land, sea or air vehicle before a mission begins. The base system is widely used, but adds platform-specific “personality modules” for customization.

The US Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division at Lakehurst, NJ manages the contract, and deliveries are expected to take place throughout 2014. Sources: Textron Systems, “AAI Test & Training to Provide Advanced Boresight Equipment (ABE) Systems for Royal Australian Navy MH-60R Seahawk Helicopters”.

Aug 30/13: Support. The Sikorsky/ Lockheed Martin “Maritime Helicopter Support Co.” partnership in Trevose, PA receives a 6+ year, $170.4 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for the RAN’s MH-60R Through Life Support program (q.v. Feb 2/12), Phase II. They’ll perform depot level Phased Maintenance Interval, and also handle the corresponding back office services of squadron administrative management of aircraft and support equipment, data and aircraft inventory reporting, and supply chain management. All funds are committed immediately.

MHSCo also performs this kind of work for the US Navy. Work on Australia’s behalf will be performed in Yerriyong, New South Wales, Australia (73%); Owego, NY (15%, LMCO); and Stratford, CT (12%, Sikorsky); and is expected to be complete in December 2019. US Naval Air Systems Command in Patuxent River, MD acts as Australia’s agent (N00019-13-C-4000).

July 24/13: The 1st RAN MH-60R arrives at Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training in Owego, NY, to have its digital cockpit and integrated mission systems and sensors installed. Sources: US NAVAIR Aug 7/13 release.

July 10/13: Weapons. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency announces Australia’s formal export request for up to 100 MK-54 All-Up-Round Torpedoes, 13 MK-54 Exercise Sections, 13 MK-54 Exercise Fuel Tanks, 5 Recoverable Exercise Torpedoes, support and test equipment for upgrades to MK 695 Mod 1 capability, plus spare and repair parts, and various forms of US government and contractor support. Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems in Keyport, WA is the contractor, and the DSCA says that:

“Australia will use the MK 54 torpedo on its MH-60R helicopters and intends to use the torpedo on a planned purchase of the P-8A Increment 2 Maritime Patrol and Response aircraft.”

Note that this is Australia’s 2nd request (q.v. Oct 5/10), totaling 300 torpedoes now, which they have begun buying (q.v. Oct 18/12). Australia’s uses Eurotorp’s MU90 as its standard lightweight torpedo, but that weapon isn’t integrated with the MH-60R or the P-8A. Australia decided that they’d rather have 2 separate stocks of lightweight torpedoes, instead of paying to integrate the MU90 on those platforms. The cost implications would require a full study; meanwhile, opponents have their lives complicated by knowing that they need to defeat or avoid 2 different weapon types.

DSCA: 100+ Mk-54s for Australia

June 29/13: The RAN’s 1st MH-60R Seahawk is officially delivered by Sikorsky Aircraft and accepted by the US Navy. At this point, however, it’s just the base airframe. Delivery and flight may have happened 6 months ahead of the original schedule approved by the Australian Government in 2011, but the formal delivery of the helicopter to Australia hasn’t changed, It’s still December 2013. Sources: US NAVAIR Aug 7/13 release.

Officially delivered by Sikorsky Aircraft and accepted by the U.S. Navy on June 29, the Seahawk was flown from Sikorsky’s Stratford, Conn., facility by U.S. Navy pilots to the Lockheed facility to have the digital cockpit and integrated mission systems and sensors installed.

“Delivery and first flight of an Australian MH-60R aircraft in late June occurred only two years after contract signature, some six months ahead of the original schedule approved by the Australian Government in 2011,

May 15/13: Training. The first 2 Australian crew complete NATOPS certification for the MH-60R at NAS Mayport, FL, USA, after extensive experience in the RAN’s S-70B helicopters and a 9-week, 17/7 schedule. The team have a few more weeks to absorb the aircraft’s mission and weapon systems, then they’ll move to USN test squadron HX-21 at NAS Patuxent River, MD to work on testing the Australian configured MH-60R. Initial MH-60R deliveries are still expected by December 2013. RAN.


New umbrella contract for global MH-60R buys; Sub-contracts. Upgraded HMAS Perth
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Dec 19/12: ANAO Report. Australia’s National Audit Office releases their 2011-12 Major Projects Report. Project SEA 9000, Phase 8 has A$ 2.91 billion budgeted. The official In-Service Date (ISD), defined as 2 aircraft in US Navy configuration, is June 2014.

Cited risks include an unapproved Helicopter Aircrew Training System (Project AIR 9000 Phase 7). In addition, staffing and work pressures at Australia’s Defence Support Group have hurt the schedule for the facilities required to house the new helicopters. The schedule has slipped by 12 months vs. its Second Pass baseline, and has become a possible issue for the helicopters’ initial operational capability milestone.

At sea, Australia’s new MH-60R Seahawks won’t achieve full capability until all ANZAC Class frigates are modified for interoperability. Unfortunately, ANAO says that can happen only after each updated ship is accepted into naval service, and a suitable maintenance period for the modifications becomes available. The same issues will be present for Australia’s Hobart Class destroyers. It seems likely that Australia’s S-70B Seahawks will be needed well past their successors’ entry into service.

Oct 18/12: Weapons. Raytheon announces a $45.3 million contract to provide MK 54 lightweight torpedo hardware, test equipment, spares and related services for the US Navy, Australia, and India. It’s exercised as an option under the current umbrella contract, but Raytheon doesn’t release numbers or proportions. Australian buys are almost certainly aimed at their forthcoming MH-60R fleet. Sources: Raytheon Oct 18/12 release.

Aug 3/12: Sensor turrets. Raytheon Co. in McKinney, TX receives a $23.9 million firm-fixed-price contract for 24 Multi-Spectral Targeting systems, which includes purchases for the government of Australia under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Case AT-P-SCF.

Work will be performed in McKinney, TX, and is expected to be complete by December 2013. This non-commercial contract was procured and solicited on a sole source basis by the US Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, IN, acting as Australia’s FMS agent (N00164-12-G-JQ66).

July 11/12: MH-60Rs under MYP-8 contract? Sikorsky signs an $8.5 billion firm-fixed-price umbrella contract with the US government to buy 653 H-60M, MH-60S, and MH-60R helicopters, with options for up to 263 more that could push the contract as high as $11.7 billion (W58RGZ-12-C-0008). Interestingly, Sikorsky adds that:

“To reach the full baseline value of $8.5 billion, the services are ordering aircraft in the base agreement to be sold via the U.S. Government’s Foreign Military Sales program. These aircraft include Foreign Military Sale (FMS) UH-60M aircraft for several allied countries and MH-60R SEAHAWK anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopters for the Royal Australian Navy… BLACK HAWK and SEAHAWK aircraft deliveries under the new contract will begin this month.”

Read “Sikorsky’s $8.5-11.7B “Multi-Year 8? H-60 Helicopter Contract” for full coverage.

June 28/12: IMDS/HUMS. Simmonds Precision Products (United Technologies’ Goodrich Sensors and Integrated Systems) in Vergennes, VT receives a $9.6 million firm-fixed-price contract for 120 various Integrated Mechanical Diagnostic System kits in support of The US Navy and Australia’s MH-60R/S helicopters. As their name implies, these embedded sensors are used to detect mechanical problems in critical areas of the helicopter, allowing maintenance to shift from a regular schedule regardless of need, to a “condition-based” response to problems while they’re still small.

The US Navy gets 11 retrofit kits and one Delta retrofit kit, 18 integrated vehicle health management units and data transfer units, and 18 production kits.

Australia receives 24 Troy kits, 24 integrated vehicle health management units and data transfer units, and 24 production kits for its 24 MH-60Rs.

Work will be performed in Vergennes, VT, and is expected to be complete in March 2014. This contract was not competitively procured pursuant to FAR 6.302-1. US NAVAIR manages the contract (N00019-12-C-2015).

June 11/12: Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. in Stratford, CT receives a $19.1 million firm-fixed-price delivery order for one-time engineering efforts to support delivery of 24 Australian baseline MH-60R helicopters.

Work will be performed in Stratford, CT, and is expected to be complete in September 2017. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md., is the contracting activity (N00019-08-G-0010).

April 20/12: Avionics. Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors in Owego, NY receives a $126.5 million modification to Australia’s previous advance acquisition contract, which turns its preliminary order for 24 MH-60R mission systems and common cockpits into a finalized firm-fixed-price contract. This brings all contracts related to these sub-systems up to $315.1 million, or $13.13 million per helicopter. Note that “mission systems” reach well beyond the cockpit, to include things like the maritime radar, integration of the dipping sonar and sonobuoy systems, weapons capabilities, etc.

Work will be performed in Owego, NY (58%); Farmingdale, NY (25%); Woodland Hills, CA (4%); Ciudad Real, Spain (3%); East Syracuse, NY (2%); Victor, NY (2%); Everett, WA (1%); Stratford, CT (1%); St. Charles, MO (1%); Bennington, VT (1%); Lewisville, TX (1%); and various locations throughout the United States (1%), and is expected to be completed in March 2017. US Naval Air Systems Command in Patuxent River, MD acts as Australia’s agent to manage the contract (N00019-11-C-0020).

March 13/12: Sikorsky in Stratford, CT received a $27.6 million firm-fixed-price contract for the “advanced procurement funding services in support of the Royal Australia Navy MH-60R program.” Work will be performed in Stratford, CT, with an estimated completion date of Dec 13/12. One bid was solicited, with one bid received by US Army Contracting Command in Redstone Arsenal, AL (W58RGZ-08-C-0003).


MH-60R picked, contracts begin; Australian industry; Rival MRH-90’s problems. MH-60R TOFT
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Dec 29/11: Avionics. Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors in Owego, NY receives a $103.5 million firm-fixed-price delivery order for Australia. It covers common cockpit and mission electronics to equip 24 MH-60R helicopters for the Royal Australian Navy, including non-recurring engineering, program support, and associated efforts required for the production and delivery. See also Dec 2/11 entry; the combined value is $188.6 million (abut A$ 185 million).

Work will be performed in Owego, NY (95%), Farmingdale, NY (4%), and various locations throughout the United States (1%). Work is expected to be completed in July 2018. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, MD, is the contracting activity (N00019-09-G-0005).

Dec 22/11: ALFS. Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems in Portsmouth, RI receives an $80.8 million firm-fixed-price contract modification to buy 25 AN/AQS-22 Airborne Low Frequency Sonar (ALFS) dipping systems for the Royal Australian Navy’s 24 MH-60R helicopters.

Thales produces the system’s sonar, which is why most work will be performed in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France (68%). Raytheon in Portsmouth, RI (32%) has the rest, and work is expected to be complete in October 2016. US Naval Air Systems Command in Patuxent River, MD manages the sale on behalf of its Australian client (N00019-11-C-0077).

Dec 2/11: Avionics. Lockheed Martin MS2 in Owego, NY receives an $85.1 million firm-fixed-price contract modification for work at both ends of the MH-60R Mission Avionics Systems and common cockpit life-cycle. It includes both long-lead materials to begin building cockpits, and “end-of-life components” so the Australians have enough of certain items to support their 24 Royal Australian Navy MH-60Rs.

Work will be performed in Farmingdale, NY (53%); Owego, NY (32%); Ciudad Real, Spain (5%); Victor, NY (4%); St. Charles, MO (3%); Lewisville, TX (1%); Windsor Locks, CT (1%); and various locations throughout the United States (1%). Work is expected to be complete in March 2012. US Naval Air Systems Command in Patuxent River, MD manages the contract, as the agent of their Foreign Military Sale client (N00019-11-C-0020).

June 16/11: MH-60R wins. Sikorsky’s MH-60R beats the NH90-NFH for Australia’s 24-helicopter, A$3+ billion (over $3.16 billion) AIR 9000, Phase 8 helicopter competition. The Commonwealth of Australia has signed the Letter of Acceptance with the US Navy, who will manage the acquisition on behalf of its Australian client under Foreign Military Sales procedures.

A subsequent GE release value the T700-401C engines and associated Total Logistics Support package at approximately $100 million.

“Team Romeo” includes Sikorsky (MH-60R) and Lockheed Martin (sensor/ weapon/ mission systems integration), plus CAE (training simulators), GE (engines), and Raytheon (sonar and sensors). The team has pledged to bring long-term industrial benefits to Australian industry valued at $1.5 billion over 10 years, which was a necessary move to compete with Eurocopter’s established in-country MRH-90 infrastructure. Australia DoD | US NAVAIR | Sikorsky | Lockheed Martin | GE | Team Romeo web site.

MH-60R wins.

MRH90 w. 105mm Hamel
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April 29/11: Competition. Australia completes its “full diagnostic review” of the MRH-90 program, after engine failures, transmission oil cooler fan failures and the poor availability of spares ground the fleet. To date, 13 of 46 MRH-90 helicopters have been accepted by Australia’s DoD and are being used for testing and initial crew training. They aren’t operational yet. So far, the Army helicopters are 12 months behind schedule and the Navy utility helicopters, 18 months.

The review doesn’t consign the program to the infamous “Projects of Concern” list – yet. It does ask for a remediation plan, before a follow-up diagnostic review later in 2011 looks at the project again. With the Australian naval helicopter contract looming, a good follow-on review is important to Eurocopter. Australian DoD.

March 3/11: Sub-contractors. Sikorsky signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Trakka Corp. in Melbourne, Australia. Searchlights are Trakka’s specialty, and they are integrated into a highly efficient pan and tilt gymbal, allowing slewing up to 60 degrees per second. Internal filtering allows the searchlight to choose the appropriate light spectrum for the mission, while precision optical elements and a low power light source deliver a more intense and efficient on-target beam than conventional reflector-type searchlights.

This MoU goes beyond just Australia’s naval helicopter competition. Trakka develops and manufactures aviation searchlight products in its AS9100 certified facility in Australia, but it also has operations in Scottsdale, AZ to support its U.S. customers, including U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and the U.S. Coast Guard. The MoU covers H-60 Black Hawk and Seahawk helicopters. Sikorsky.

Feb 25/11: Sub-contractors. Lockheed Martin has issued a Request For Information to Australian firms to supply MH-60R weapons pylons, with selections expected by the end of 2011. The RFI is issued under the auspices of a recently signed Global Supply Chain (GSC) Deed, giving Australian companies new opportunities to compete for subcontracts on a range of Lockheed Martin products and services. Lockheed Martin’s naval helicopter program head, George Barton:

“Growth in orders for the MH-60R has resulted in an urgent need for an expanded supply base, and Australian industry has a depth of capability that would be an ideal supplement to our dedicated supplier base.”

The pylons are just the 1st opportunity, and tie into the billion-dollar naval helicopter competition there, featuring the MH-60R vs. the NH90-NFH. Lockheed Martin.

Feb 2/11: Competition. The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announces [PDF] Australia’s formal request to buy a 10-year Through-Life-Support (TLS) contract for 24 MH-60R helicopters, including associated equipment & part, at an estimated cost of up to $1.6 billion. With the ADF’s MRH-90 program facing difficulties and receiving increased scrutiny, the support offer caps what amounts to a $3.7 billion maximum (A$ 3.66 billion) offer for 24 MH-60Rs, plus 10 years of support (vid. July 20/10), to set against the NH90 NFH.

The principal contractors will be Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in Stratford, CT; Lockheed Martin of Owego, NY; GE of Lynn, Massachusetts; and the Raytheon Corporation of Portsmouth, RI. Implementation would require temporary assignment of approximately 20 U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Australia on an intermittent basis over the life of this Foreign Military Sale case.

DSCA request: support

Feb 1/11: Competition. The Australian DoD makes an announcement concerning its MRH-90s:

“Mr Smith and Mr Clare also announced that a high-level comprehensive diagnostic review of the MRH-90 helicopter project would occur this month. As reported in both the Defence Annual Report and the ANAO Major Project Report released last year, the project has suffered delays of 12 months for the Navy’s helicopters and 18 months for the Army’s helicopters. Delays are due to a series of key issues, including engine failure, transmission oil cooler fan failures and the poor availability of spares… 13 MRH-90 helicopters have been accepted by Defence to date and are currently being used for testing and initial crew training. Minister Smith said that the full diagnostic review would be supported by external specialists. It will provide recommendations to Government on the actions necessary to fully implement this important project.”

2009 – 2010

Competition announced and underway; US DSCA request. NH90 NFH
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Oct 23/10: Competition. The Australian reports on the Project AIR 9000, Phase 8 helicopter competition. A navy evaluation team reportedly test-flew the MH-60R in early October 2010, and wants to fly the NH90 NFH as well, even though its mission systems software won’t be ready until mid-2011, and the helicopter won’t be operational until late 2011 – well after Australia’s decision deadline.

The paper believes that the Navy will simply declare both helicopters capable of meeting specs, so the buy could simply come down to price in the current budget environment.

Oct 5/10: Weapons. The US DSCA announces [PDF] Australia’s official request to buy up to 200 MK 54 All-Up-Round Torpedoes, 179 MK 54 Flight in Air Material Kits to mount them onto aircraft, 10 MK 54 Exercise Sections, 10 MK 54 Exercise Fuel Tanks, 10 MK 54 Dummy Torpedoes, 6 MK 54 Ground Handling Torpedoes for safe training, plus support and test equipment to upgrade Intermediate Maintenance Activity to full MK 54 capability, spare and repair parts, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, and other forms of U.S. government and contractor support.

It’s an interesting request, because Australia had picked the Eurotorp MU90 as its lightweight torpedo, but an MH-60R pick would require either a MK-54 purchase or expensive integration work. The estimated cost is up to $169 million, and the prime contractor will be Raytheon Company Integrated Defense Systems in Keyport, WA.

DSCA: 200 MK-54s for Australia

July 9/10: Competition. The US DSCA announces [PDF] Australia’s formal request to buy 24 MH-60R Seahawk Multi-Mission Helicopters, along with 60 T-700 GE 401C Engines (48 installed and 12 spares), communication equipment, support equipment, spare and repair parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, and other support services.

The estimated cost is up to $2.1 billion, but that will not be settled until and unless a contract is negotiated. The prime contractors are Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in Stratford, CT (helicopter); Lockheed Martin in Owego, NY (mission systems); General Electric in Lynn, MA (engines); and Raytheon Corporation in Portsmouth, RI (sensors). Implementation of this proposed sale would require the assignment of 10 contractor representatives to Australia to support delivery of the MH-60R helicopters.

DSCA requests are not contracts, and in this case, it doesn’t even indicate intent. The MH-60R is competing against the NH90 NFH in Australia, and it isn’t unusual for countries to submit requests during competitions, in order to ensure that the American equipment has full export clearances.

DSCA request: 24 MH-60Rs

April 28/10: Australia issues its formal solicitation for “AIR 9000, Phase 8” to buy naval helicopters: either the NH90 NFH or the MH-60R, with a decision expected in 2011. Ministerial release.


Jan 6/10: Competition. Australia’s Daily Telegraph reports that Australia’s Labor Party government has rejected a DoD request to approve a $4 billion “rapid acquisition” of 24 MH-60R Seahawk helicopters, plus related equipment including training weapons, etc. The buy would have been an emergency replacement for the long-running, ill-starred, and canceled SH-2G Super Seasprite program.

Instead, successful lobbying by Eurocopter will force a competition between Sikorsky’s MH-60R, in service with the US Navy, and the European NH90 NFH variant, which is expected to be ready for service some time around 2011-2012.

Sole-source buy rejected

Oct 23/09: Recommendation. The Australian reports that the country’s military chiefs have recommended the MH-60R as Australia’s next anti-submarine helicopter, citing it as a cheaper and lower risk solution compared with the NH90 NFH, with better allied interoperability. Australia would be looking to buy 24 helicopters for service by 2014, per its 2009 Defence White Paper.

Australia currently flies 16 older S-70B Seahawks that lack the full range of capabilities required, and delays to the NH90 program do add risks that aren’t present in the already-operational MH-60R. That’s particularly sensitive in light of the A$ 1+ billion SH-2G Super Seasprite fiasco; the Navy is operating none of the planned 11 SH-2G helicopters, and the Labor government who made a big issue of the Seaprite acquisition is aware that delays or overruns in the follow-on program would put them in a very bad situation.

On the other hand, Australia’s Army is standardizing on the NH90-TTH (MRH-90), and Australia has invested large sums of money in building its Eurocopter affiliations through the MRH-90 and Tiger ARH attack helicopter programs. Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin are talking about A$ 1 billion of investment in local industry if the expected A$ 4 billion deal goes through, and assure the Australians that delivery under the ongoing MH-60R program could be made by late 2011. If the US government wishes to trade some of its MH-60R production slots, that date could even move up. Which leaves Australia’s Labor Party government with a decision to make.

Additional Readings The MH-60R

Other Australian Equipment

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Russia’s SU-32/34 Long-Range Strike Fighters

Defense Industry Daily - Wed, 03/08/2016 - 01:51
SU-34: takeoff!
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Sukhoi’s SU-27 Flanker fighter has become one of Russia’s great export successes. It’s also a design success. Its basic airframe applied lessons from all of America’s “teen series fighters,” producing a 4+ generation aircraft that remains the yardstick by which other fighters are measured. What’s even more impressive is that the base design has been so flexible, allowing further refinements and modifications that include SU-30 and SU-35 upgrades, versions that add canard foreplanes (SU-30MKA/I/M), and even carrier-launched capability (SU-33).

Then there’s the SU-32/34 “Fullback.” It was envisaged as a Flanker family successor to the F-111 analogue SU-24 “Fencer,” which was very highly regarded in Chechnya as a battlefield support aircraft. Its closest western comparison is the F-15E Strike Eagle, but the Russian design has evolved since its initial drafts in 1986.

Russia’s SU-34 Program SU-32/34, firing
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The collapse of Russia’s arms industry in the 1990s really hurt the SU-34’s development, but it has recovered. A development journey that began with the aircraft’s maiden flight in 1990, as the T10V/SU-27IB, ended in with 2010 deliveries and fielding under a 5-year production contract, followed by a 2012 full rate production order.

RIA Novosti put the plane’s mission simply: “The Su-34 is meant to deliver a sufficiently large ordnance load to a predetermined area, hit the target accurately and take evasive action against pursuing enemy planes.” Other reports have gone further, stating that the plane is also meant to be able to handle enemy fighters in aerial combat. Given its base platform characteristics, it would likely match up well in the air against many of America’s “teen series” aircraft.

In December 2006, Sukhoi announced a target of 18 SU-34s produced by 2010, and in March 2006, defense minister Sergei Ivanov placed the longer-term schedule at 58 aircraft purchased by 2015. Production has taken a bit longer than that, and that order for 18 ended up capped at 5, but Russia remains serious about the platform. Eventual demand levels of 120-200 aircraft have been floated, in order to replace Russia’s 300 existing SU-24s. More recent reports have featured numbers at the low end of this range, but orders have been placed for up to 138 (8 dev, 5 in 2006, 32 in 2008, 92 in 2012).

The determining factor for final SU-34 numbers is likely to be the SU-34’s priority amidst Russia’s rearmament program. So far, that program has been well-fueled by Russian hydrocarbon exports and Central Asian distribution hammerlocks, amidst a global scenario of rising hydrocarbon demand. Discoveries of shale oil and gas may upset those economic arrangements, and force the VVS to prioritize, but the SU-34 program’s critical power projection role and submitted orders ensure its future place.

To date, Russia remains the plane’s only customer. A jamming variant of the SU-32/34 has reportedly been discussed in the Indian and Russian trade press, using an L175V / KS418 high power jamming pod that’s supposedly under development. There are also reports of export interest from Vietnam, and the plane has been exhibited in China.

The SU-32MF/-34 “Fullback” fighter-bomber SU-34, armed
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The SU-34 is also referred to as the “SU-32” by Sukhoi, and Sukhoi’s web site has long used the 2 designations interchangeably. Other sources use SU-32 to refer to a dedicated naval strike variant, but recent company references seem to be distinguishing SU-32s by reserving that designation for exports. DID will be using “SU-34” throughout, until and unless clear differences emerge. The SU-34’s key characteristics reportedly include:

  • Side-by-side cockpit configuration of 2 K-36DM ejector seats, with a small aisle in between, and even a toilet of sorts for long missions. The ejector seats can be activated at any speed and altitude, even when the plane is on the ground.

  • A 17mm armored cockpit, like the SU-25 Frogfoot ground-attack jet.

  • 45.1 tonne maximum takeoff weight.

  • 8 tonne ordnance load. Air Force Technology adds that this is distributed on 10 hardpoints, which can accommodate precision-guided weapons, as well as R-73/AA-11 Archer and R-77/AA-12 ‘AMRAAMSKI’ missiles. An internal 30mm GSh-301 gun with 180 rounds out its weapon array.

  • AL-31FM1 turbofan engines built by the Moscow-based Salyut Company generate a thrust of up to 13.5 metric tons (over 29,000 pounds) and have a 1,000-hour service life in between repairs. Subsequent reports indicate that more powerful AL-41 engines may be fitted in future.

  • Maximum speed stated as Mach 1.8 at altitude. Believed to be supersonic capable at sea level, but that’s often an academic statistic – most planes can’t sustain it without emptying their fuel tanks.

  • 3,000 km range with standard drop tanks, extensible to “over 4,000 km” with the help of additional drop tanks. This makes deployment to locations like Tajikistan much easier, because intermediate airfields in Russia can easily be closed by bad weather. The SU-34 can also refuel in mid-air. Note, however, that typical “ground hugging” attack flight profiles will shorten their range considerably – Air Force Technology lists it as just 600 km on internal fuel, or 1,150 km with external fuel tanks.

  • Can fly in TERCOM (Terrain Contour Matching) mode for low-level flight, and relies on software to execute a number of other difficult maneuvers. The front horizontal empennage behind the cockpit is designed to help it handle the air pockets found in high speed flight at low altitudes.

  • Leninets B004 phased array multimode X-band radar, which interleaves terrain-following radar and other modes. The US B-1B’s stealth bomber’s AN/APQ-164 phased array radar uses a similar approach, and the Leninets radar’s performance is claimed to be of 200-250 km against large surface targets, with ground mapping capability to 75-150 km, and GMTI(Ground Moving Target Indicator) moving target tracking to 30 km. Detection performance against fighter sized aerial targets is claimed to be 90 km. Those are reasonable figures, but the AESA radars on modern American fighters will outclass it.

Other reports add additional details, and can be found in the “Additional Readings” section below.

Contracts & Key Events 2014-2016

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August 3/16: Sukhoi Su-34 bombers are to be fitted with new radio surveillance gear that will allow them to spot and destroy enemy headquarters, communications and drone control centers. Dubbed UKR-RT, the system is a scaled-down version of the M-410 radio reconnaissance system that is installed in the Tu-214R. Many foreign military specialists regard the Tu-214R as a unique information gathering platform able to spot targets hundreds of kilometers away.

April 13/16: Talks have reportedly been started between the governments of Jordan and Russia over Jordan’s potential purchase of a small number of Su-32s. Interest in the export version of the Su-34 bomber as well as other Russian made military hardware has increased following Moscow’s military intervention in Syria. Until late, military and technical cooperation between the two have been fairly small, with contracts last year amounting to a refurbishment deal of two Il-76MF transport aircraft and the supply of components for the assembly of RPG-32 grenade launchers. However, a sale of any number of Su-32s would point to a potential reorientation from Jordan, who until now have happily been purchasing American weaponry with American money.

July 7/15: The Su-24 has become the latest Russian Air Force model to be grounded, with flights suspended following a deadly crash in the Eastern Khabarovsk region on Monday. This follows news that the MiG-29 fighter and Tu-95 heavy bomber fleets have also been grounded, also following recent crashes.

Oct 15/14: Delivery. Sukhoi’s Novosibirsk aviation plant hands another batch of Su-34 fighter-bombers to the Ministry of Defense. The aircraft plant is operating at full capacity, and is currently expected to do so until 2020. Sources: Sukhoi, “Sukhoi handed over a batch of Su-34 frontline bombers to the Ministry of Defense”.

June 10/14: Delivery. Sukhoi begins delivering planes from the full rate production order (q.v. March 1/12). These first 3 jets are reportedly headed to Baltimor military airdrome in Voronezh. Sources: Sukhoi, “New batch of Su-34 front-line bombers was transferred to the Russian Air Force” | IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly, “Russia begins receiving Su-34s from third production contract” | Air & Cosmos, “Sukhoi livre un premier lot de Su-34 de série à l’armée de l’air russe”.


Full SU-34 production order; Deliveries; User conference; Crashes ground legacy SU-24 fleet for a while. Fullback in position
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Dec 16/13: Sukhoi finishes delivering the 32 Su-34s ordered under Russia’s 2008 Low Rate Production contract, and holds an official ceremony to mark the occasion. The line will continue producing fighters under the 2012 Full Rate Production contract for 92 planes. Sources, Sukhoi, Dec 16/13 release.

LRIP order delivered

Oct 23/13: Delivery. Another delivery ceremony for SU-34s at the V.P. Chkalov Novosibirsk aircraft plant (NAZ). Sukhoi offers no meaningful details. Sources: Sukhoi Oct 23/13 release.

Oct 12/13: Delivery. A RIA Novosti report says that 29 SU-34s have been delivered to date, that the 2013 target of 14 fighters is on schedule, and that another 16 are slated for delivery in 2014. The official total for present orders is 124. That math works, if the 8 development aircraft and 2006 order for 18 are both excluded. Source: RIA Novosti, “Russian Air Force to Receive 30 New Fighter-Bombers by 2015”.

Aug 19/13: Sub-contractors. Sukhoi signs a sub-contract for 184 IFF transponders (RUB 1.5 billion/ $47 million) with the Ukrainian firm Radiopribor. Sources: RIA Novosti, “Sukhoi Signs $47M Transponder Deal for Su-34” | ZSE Radiopribor, via Ukroboronprom.

July 9/13: Delivery. Another 3 SU-34s are delivered to the VVS, and Sukhoi says that manufacturing is ramping up at the Novosibirsk aircraft plant. Source: Sukhoi release.

May 6/13: Delivery. Sukhoi has a handover ceremony for the 1st in “a batch” of Su-34s to be delivered in 2013 to the Russian Air Force under the State Defense Order for the year. The January 2013 deliveries would have corresponded to earlier orders. Sources: Sukhoi release.

April 2013: Conference. A conference is held at Vorozneh’s “Baltimore” air base about SU-34 operations, attended by the VVS’s 1st Air Force and Air Defense Command, combat units operating the Su-34, UAC and Sukhoi representatives, and top managers and representatives from the manufacturing supply chain.

Sukhoi says that the time period between failures on the ground and in the air met specifications. Even so, a protocol was signed at the end of the conference, providing for the adoption of specific measures to improve SU-34 performance, ergonomics, serviceability, reliability, and durability. Sources: Sukhoi May 6/13 release.

Jan 25/13: Delivery. Another 5 SU-34s are delivered to the Russian air force. They’ll join 5 planes that already fly from Voronezh, in southwest Russia. Sources: RIA Novosti, “Sukhoi Delivers 5 Su-34 Bombers to Russian Air Force” | Sukhoi release.

Nov 12/12: China. Sukhoi announces that it will present its Su-35S fighter, Superjet 100 short-haul airliner, and “Su-32 (Su-34 export version)” at Airshow China 2012 in Zhuhai.

China is still license-producing SU-type aircraft, and Sukhoi continues to supply spare parts for its aircraft in China. Having said that, China’s “indigenous” J-11 copies have been a bone of contention, and a Chinese offer to buy a small number of SU-33 naval fighters was rejected as a transparent ploy to repeat the same theft. China is currently developing its “J-15” naval fighter without help, and similar concerns can be expected to plague potential sales of SU-32 or SU-35 fighters. Sources: Sukhoi release.

Oct 25/12: VVS modernization. Russian Military Reform relays and translates a VPK article about Russian air force procurement plans. The article offers a figure of “129 Su-34 fighter-bombers to be delivered by 2020, with an option for at least another 18.”

Oct 26/12: Vietnam. cites a report from the mysterious site “Periscope 2,” wherein it’s suggested that Vietnam plans to replace its fleet of 50 or so aged SU-22 strike aircraft with SU-34s, and that export approval will be given immediately, once it’s requested. The report also suggests that Saab JAS-39 Gripens will replace the VPAF’s even older fleet of 150 or so MiG-21s, that L-159s may replace existing L-39 trainers alongside Vietnam’s reported Yak-130 options, and that Vietnam may be interested in C295-AEW planes. Read “Vietnam’s Russian Restocking” for a more detailed take.

March 1/12: 92 Ordered. Russia signs a follow-on contract with Sukhoi for 92 SU-34s for delivery by 2020, making this plane the production centerpiece of the VVS’ current rearmament effort. So far, Sukhoi holding’s Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) has delivered 10 of the 2008 contract’s 32 SU-34s.

Depending on how one reads Russian releases and reports, this could bring the SU-34 order history to 150 (8 development + 18 in 2006-2010 + 32 in 2008 + 92 in 2012). Russia’s lack of transparency also raises the possibility that orders to date are just 100: 8 development planes plus a series of contracts that raised the base from 18 to 92. DID asked Sukhoi for clarification, but has received none.

The current contract was given a strong push by the recent series of SU-24 “Fencer” crashes, and by the swing-wing fighter’s costly, maintenance intensive upkeep. As Sukhoi puts it: “Implementation of the program will allow soon largely replacing Su-24 front bombers currently in service.” Sources: Sukhoi release | Interfax, “Sukhoi to sell 92 Su-34 frontline bombers to Russian Air Force – Defense Ministry” | RIA Novosti, “Russian Defense Ministry to Buy 92 Su-34 Fighters”.

Russia: 92

Feb 28/12: SU-24s. Russia has partially resumed SU-24 flights, following the Urals crash. CIHAN.

Feb 14/12: SU-24 Fencer flights suspended. Russia suspends all SU-24 flights indefinitely, after a SU-24 crashes in the woods of the Urals’ Kurgan region during a routine flight. Both pilots ejected safely. The Feb 13/12 crash is the 3rd SU-24 crash in the last 4 months, and a full investigation is underway to establish the cause. Sources: RIA Novosti, “Russia Grounds Su-24 Bomber Fleet after Urals Crash”.

Fencer crash, fleet grounded

2010 – 2011

SU-34 deliveries behind, but continuing; Long-range flight tests; SU-24 crashes become a problem. SU-24 Fencer
(click to view full)

Dec 29/12: SU-24 Fencer crash. An Su-24 crashes as it attempts to land at the Marinovka air base in the Volgograd region, south of Moscow. The aircraft was on a routine training mission, and both pilots ejected and survived. The plane, on the other hand, catches fire and burns.

Each crash adds to the urgency of the SU-34 program. Sources: AP, “Russian military jet crashes, both crew survive”.

Fencer crash

Dec 12/11: 2 delivered. Sukhoi announces that the Russian SU-34 fleet continues to grow. They’re behind the original production plans, but:

“…four serial [production] Su-34 frontline bombers went up in the sky from the runway airport of the Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) and off to the place of their deployment at the air base in Voronezh. Two more aircraft will arrive there in the next few days. The aircraft delivery is carried out in the framework of the five-year state contract signed in 2008 to supply 32 Su-34 frontline bombers to the Russian Defense Ministry.”

Oct 20/11: SU-24 Fencer crash. An Su-24 crashes at the Ukrainka military airfield in Russia’s Far East Amur region. It was flying in from the Central Russian city of Voronezh for planned maintenance work, but reportedly ran off the landing strip and caught fire after the landing gear collapsed. Sources: RIA Novosti, “Two killed in Su-24 fighter-bomber crash in Russia’s Far East”.

Fencer Crash

Sept 19/11: Russian media report that Russian Commander of the Air Forces Colonel General Aleksandr Zelin has given then go-ahead for SU-34 mass production, following successful tests. Russia Today:

“Earlier, General Zelin said the Air Forces planned to buy a total of 120 Su-34s, which will be formed into five squadrons with 24 aircraft deployed in each one. The aircraft are to be produced by the Novosibirsk branch of the Sukhoi Corporation.”

Full-rate production

Dec 28/10: 4 delivered. The Russian Air Force receives 4 new Su-34 fighter-bombers at the VVS’s Lipetsk Combat Training Center. Sources: Sukhoi release.

July 20/10: Testing. A Sukhoi release confirms that Su-34s used in the East-2010 military exercises used aerial refueling on their non-stop flight from the European part of Russia to the Far East, but makes it clear that this was more than just a ferry flight. The fighter-bombers carried out attacks as part of their routine. Sukhoi Director General Mikhail Pogosyan added that “…it is planned to increase the operational capability of the aircraft by adding new aerial munitions.”

June 23/10: Testing. RIA Novosti reports that a wing of SU-34s successfully accomplished a non-stop 6,000 km ferry flight from Lipetsk south of Moscow, to the Khabarovsk region in the Russian Far East. Even with a full load of wing tanks on a one-way trip, that’s a huge step up from the turbojet-powered SU-24M Fencer/ “Chemodahn

  • ”, whose ferry range with wing tanks is listed as 3,055 Km.

The SU-34’s initial reports suggested a 4,000 km range with full drop tanks, which would match the F-15E Strike Eagle’s published ferry range. A 6,000 km ferry range is so far beyond that goal, and beyond similar aircraft, to make one wonder if aerial refueling was involved. That would still make it a non-stop trip, of course, and hence a “true” (but incomplete) report.

March 16/10: VVS Modernization. In “The future of the Russian Air Force: 10 years on“, RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik discusses planned buys and pending recapitalization of the Russian Air Force over the next decade:

“According to various media reports, the Ministry wants to buy at least 1,500 aircraft, including 350 new warplanes, by 2020. The fleet would include 70% new equipment at that point, said Air Force Commander-in-Chief Colonel General Alexander Zelin… The Defense Ministry has now signed contracts for the purchase of 32 Su-34 Fullback advanced fighter-bombers to be delivered by 2013, 48 Su-35 Flanker-E fighters by 2015, 12 Su-27SM Flanker-B Mod. 1 fighters by 2011, 4 Su-30M2 Flanker-C planes by 2011 and 12 Su-25UBM Frogfoot combat trainers. This year, the Defense Ministry intends to sign a contract for the delivery of 26 MiG-29K Fulcrum-D fighters by 2015. Additional contracts for the delivery of at least 80 Su-34s and 24-48 Su-35s are expected to be signed. In all, the Russian Air Force is to receive 240-260 new aircraft of these types. It is hard to say much about the specifications of another 100-110 aircraft, due to be manufactured primarily after 2015. They will probably include 25-30 MiG-35 fighters, another 12-16 Su-30 combat trainers for Su-35 squadrons and 40-60 Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA (Advanced Frontline Aviation Aircraft System) fifth-generation fighters…”

2008 – 2009

Full production starts; Contract for 32 more SU-34s; Last SU-24M4 upgrade delivered; Broader VVS procurement plans. SU-34: Going long
(click to view full)

Dec 21/09: 2 delivered. The V.P.Chkalov Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) officially delivers 2 Su-34s produced under the framework of the new manufacturing contract to the Russian Air Force. The planes have already arrived to the Russian AF Lipetsk Center for Combat Use and Flight Training.

In accordance with the 5-year state contract with the Ministry of Defense signed in 2008, NAPO will produce 32 Su-34 fighter-bombers till 2013. Sources: Sukhoi release.

Dec 10/09: SU-24. NAPO hands over the final batch of modernized Su-24M2 “Fencer” aircraft to the Russian Air Force, fulfilling its obligations under 3-year state contract, and shifting focus toward SU-34 production. Sukhoi release.

June 5/09: 32 more 34s. Jane’s Defense Review reports that Russia has placed a 5-year contract for SU-34 fighter/bombers. Subsequent quotes by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin place the contract at 32 jets for about RUB 40 billion (about $1.3 billion).

Subsequent Sukhoi releases place the contract date in 2008.

Low-rate production contract: 32

April 24/08: VVS modernization. Moscow News Weekly carries an analysis of the SU-34 and its acquisition plans by Ilya Kramnik of RIA Novosti:

“The Su-34 will replace the Su-24M aircraft (about 400 planes), the Su-24MR surveillance aircraft (over 100 planes), and the MiG-25RB aircraft (about 70). Russia will have to produce between 550 and 600 Su-34s to replace these obsolete aircraft within 10-15 years. However, the Defense Ministry plans to buy only about 58 [SU-34s] by 2015, and a total of 300 by 2022.

Many experts say that if the Su-24 and MiG-25RB aircraft are scrapped by 2020, Russia will be left without fighter-bombers and surveillance aircraft. Others argue that this number will be enough for the Air Force’s new concept.

The concept is focused not so much on the combat characteristics of the Su-34, as on its long range, the ability to refuel in the air (including by other Su-34 aircraft with additional fuel tanks under their wings), and its comfortable cabin… Units armed with such aircraft can be used in the so-called pendulum operations, when an Air Force unit bombs a terrorist base in Central Asia today, delivers a strike at a missile base in Europe the next day, and three days later flies to the Indian Ocean to support a combined group of the Northern, Pacific and Black Sea fleets, with flights from a base in Russia.

…This is not a new concept. Elite units of top-class aircraft manned by superbly trained crews formed the core of the German air force during World War II, and Japan’s Imperial Navy had a similar concept. However, such elite units can be quickly weeded out by swarms of ordinary aircraft in a global war of attrition, such as World War II. From this viewpoint, Russia’s new concept looks vulnerable, but then this country has the nuclear triad for a global war.”

Jan 9/08: Industrial. Sukhoi announces that Russia has started “full-scale production” of the Su-34 Fullback fighter bomber, and a company spokesman said that up to 20 fighters could now be assembled simultaneously at the Novosibirsk Aviation Production Association (NAPO). He did not specify how many would be built each year, and it’s likely that the announcement really means that the industrial infrastructure is ready.

This RIA Novosti report places the price of the plane at $36 million, but real clarity on that front is unlikely until the aircraft wins an export competition. RIA Novosti report | Kommersant report.

2005 – 2007

Contract for 18 SU-34s; Initial deliveries; Phase 2 tests; Don’t drink & courier – it delays the program. Tastes like… Siberia
(click to view full)

Dec 25/07: SU-24. Merry Christmas from NAPO. RIA Novosti reports that the firm has completed the delivery of 4 upgraded swing-wing Su-24M2 Fencer tactical bombers from the Chkalov plant in Novosibirsk to an Air Force regiment based in Russia’s Far East. Another 6 Su-24s are currently being modernized at the same plant, and another 2 modernized aircraft were deployed earlier in December with the Lipetsk pilot combat training center in central Russia.

The Su-24M2 is adds an improved cockpit with multi-function displays, helmet-mounted sights, a new SVP-24 mission computer, and new software that improves navigational accuracy and unguided weapon delivery. The SU-34 is still the VVS’ desired successor, but the pace and success of these modernizations may affect SU-34 Fullback deployment plans, and urgency. Sources: RIA Novosti, “Russian Air Force receives 4 modernized tactical bombers”

Dec 18/07: RIA Sibir relays a notice that NAPO will obtain 43 high-performance processing centers for EUR 50 million, in order to help modernize aircraft production.

NAPO makes Su-34 fighter-bombers, overhauls and upgrades Su-24M fighter-bombers, carries out preparations for the manufacture of Russian regional aircraft Sukhoi Superjet-100, and “participates in the program of Sukhoi Holding on the development of a 5th generation fighter.” Source: RIA Sibir.

Dec 27/06: Production update. A Sukhoi release adds clarity to the SU-34’s production schedule:

“The Sukhoi Aircraft Holding Company, in conjunction with the Russian Air Force, has started the second phase of the official tests of the Su-34 attack aircraft.

The three-year phase will include tests of the aircraft armed with new kinds of armament that the domestic defense industry is offering to further enhance the capabilities of the new aircraft. The first phase of the official tests was successfully completed in October [2006]. As a result Sukhoi has received go ahead to launch series production of the Su-34s at the Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) and start deliveries of the new aircraft to the Air Force.

The first Su-34s have been handed over to the Russian Air Force this month [December 2006]. By 2010, under a three-year government contract, will build and supply the Russian Air Force with 18 Su-34s. Later, plans to manufacture 8 to 10 Su-34 aircraft a year.”

Subsequent events derail this contract, ending production at 5 planes. Sources: Sukhoi, “Second phase of the Su-34’s official tests has started” | Air & Cosmos, “Sukhoi livre un premier lot de Su-34 de serie a l’armee de l’air russe”.

Russia: 18 (5 produced)

Oct 10/06: Pravda’s tabloid version Fun Reports runs an amusing story that explains a multi-month delay to the program. The saga reportedly began when the Ulianovskoe Designing Bureau of Device Construction received an order from Novosibirsk aviation workers, who needed a control assembly part. The part took 3 months to make, and 2 designers were supposed to deliver the EUR 30,000 shipment to Novosibirsk, in Siberia.

When his colleague fell ill, Pavel Pahomov was sent on the train from Volgograd [DID: once named “Stalingrad”] to Ulan-Ude all alone, with an ordinary looking cardboard box designed to hide the contents. Unfortunately, Pahomov accepted drinks from his comrades on the train. After a missed train in Ufa, a high-speed taxi ride, and more than 24 celebratory hours, he returned to his seat and found the box missing. Pavel called the Russian Federal Security service, and claimed he had been set up American spies. It turned out that a train stewardess decided to clean up, and threw the box of “refuse” (with a false bottom) in the furnace. Yuriy Butov, the director’s assistant for supplying Chkalov’s Aviation Factory in Novosibirsk :

“Without this part the bombardment aircraft SU-34’s serial production cannot be launched. And we have a pending order for 24 planes. That is one billion Euros! Now the Designing Bureau is desperately trying to construct the part but they need another two months to complete it. We are facing serious financial losses.”

Pavel Pahomov’s visit to Siberia may wind up being a bit longer than he had intended. Sources: Pravda, “Russian engineer guzzles away secret Su-34 part”

Don’t Drink & Courier!

Sept 1/06: RIA Novosti reports that Army General Vladimir Mikhailov, commander of the Russian Air Force, has said that they would receive the first batch of Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback fighter-bombers by late 2006. Sources: RIA Novosti, “Russian Air Force to receive unique bomber soon”

1986 – 2004

From program start to the initial development batch. Hey, what’s 18 years between friends? SU-34 Fullback
(click to view larger)

2004: Dev batch. Chkalov Aircraft Production Association in Novosibirsk, which produces the planes, had produced a development batch of 8 Su-32 aeroplanes. Source.

Development batch produced

June 2003: The plane successfully completes the first stage of Russian government testing. Source

1997: Sidelined. GlobalSecurity: “The [SU-34’s] development was decelerated [for Sukhoi] to concentrate itself in the development of the Indian Su-30 and the Su-27 acquired by China.”

June 1995: The aircraft is renamed the Su-32 according to Sukhoi, and the aeroplane is shown abroad at the 1995 Le Bourget air show in Paris. Eventually, even Sukhoi will start referring to it as the “SU-34” again. Source

Dec 18/93: The first pre-production T-10V is built and makes its first flight, piloted by the design bureau’s test pilots I.V. Votintsev and Ye.G. Revunov. [Source] This plane reportedly adopts “the Su-35 wing with additional stations, enlarged internal fuel tanks, enlarged spine and lengthened tail stinger, the production reinforced centre section design, and the representative production configuration of the tandem dual wheel main undercarriage” [Source].

April 13/90: The T10V-1’s test aircraft’s first flight is performed by the design bureau’s test pilot A.A. Ivanov. Source

1st flight

1989-90: The first prototype T10V-1 is built on the platform of the production Su-27UB. Source

May 1988: CDR. the plane’s conceptual design is presented for critical design review. In addition to the conventional Su-27UB-style cockpit configuration, with the pilots seated one behind the other, an alternative option of a “side by side” pilot-seating arrangement is discussed – and later adopted. The cockpit overhead space created behind the side-by-side seats allows the pilot to stand up, with the crew boarding the plane using an inbuilt ladder through the bay in the nosewheel landing gear unit and the service hatch in the back wall of the cockpit. Source

June 19/86: Work to produce a two-seat fighter-bomber version of the SU-27 officially begins, initiated by a decree of the government. The Sukhoi Design Bureau assigns the new plane the manufacturer’s designation T-10V. Source

Additional Readings

For the curious, the Russian TV show video features SU-24M2s, MiG-29SMTs, SU-27 family, and the SU-34 as the prime focus. The refueling aircraft for that aerial sequence is an IL-78.

Broader Context

  • DID – Russia’s Military Spending Jumping – But Can Its Industry? Restarting an entire defense industry is hard.

  • Russian Military Reform, via WayBack (Oct 25/12) – Russian air force procurement plans. Gives a figure of “129 Su-34 fighter-bombers to be delivered by 2020, with an option for at least another 18.”

  • RIA Novosti, via WayBack (Jan 9/07) – Russian defense industry still faces problems. Points out, inter alia, that: “The management of the Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant had promised to supply six, rather than two, Su-34 bombers in late 2006.” Other items in the report are also highly relevant to the larger rearmament picture, including production difficulties, paper factories, and insolvency levels within the industry.

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