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Gerincfűzőben táboroztak

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:45

Gerincferdülésben szenvedő gyerekeknek és fiataloknak szerveztek nyári tábort Marosvásárhelyen. A résztvevők ellátogattak az állatkertbe, a gitárfesztiválra és a tordai sóbányába is.
Kategória: Aktuális/Marosszék

Chevènement présidera la Fondation pour l'islam de France

Le Figaro / Politique - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:38
L'ancien ministre de l'Intérieur accepte la mission que veut lui confier Hollande et invite les musulmans à la «discrétion».
Categories: France

Kosovo Outsources Employment Bids Amid Nepotism Wiretaps - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:36
In a bid to fight nepotism and politically influenced employment, Kosovo will hire a private company to manage the recruitment process of senior positions in its state institutions.
Categories: Balkan News

François Hollande reçu mercredi en audience privée par le pape François

Le Point / France - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:34
Le président de la République sera reçu mercredi au Vatican pour s'entretenir notamment des suites de l'assassinat d'un prêtre à Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray.
Categories: France

ÚJ pályázat - 100% támogatás önkormányzatoknak e-töltő állomások létesítésére!

Pályázati Hírek - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:19


Magasabb sebességfokozatba kapcsolt a kormány az elektromobilitás fejlesztése terén is – fogalmazott Varga Mihály a Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium e-töltőállomások létesítésére kiírt pályázatának bejelentésekor. Az 1,25 milliárd forintos keretre a 15 ezernél nagyobb lélekszámú települések önkormányzatai pályázhatnak, a tárca számításai szerint legalább 1000 e-töltőpont létesülhet országszerte. Ingyenes előminősítésünkre jelentkezni a cikk alján található űrlap kitöltésével lehet!

Categories: Pályázatok

The biggest problem of the Russian economy is the Russian economy / Russia - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:18
The Russian economy still remains dependent on fuel exports. Russia receives 60% of income from exporting oil and gas. Unfortunately, there is no diversification of the economy. The government only prays for oil and gas prices not to fall further. Yet, the current level of prices is too low already, and Russia will run out of its reserves soon
Categories: Russia & CIS

Romania Official to Quit After Olympic Outfits Shrink - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:16
With an embarrassing team kit scandal and a 60-year low medals haul Romania's Olympic Committee President Alin Petrache on Monday promised to resign after the Rio Games.
Categories: Balkan News

Facebook s'attaque à la fracture numérique en Afrique

RFI /Afrique - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:13
Selon une étude des Nations unies, le fossé numérique reste important entre le monde développé et le monde en développement, avec 3,9 milliards d’habitants sans accès à internet. Cette fracture numérique touche particulièrement l’Afrique. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit l’initiative lancée par Facebook pour rendre l’accès à internet gratuit. Générosité ou calcul commercial ?
Categories: Afrique

Soudan du Sud : le président Salva Kiir dit oui du bout des lèvres aux casques bleus

LeMonde / Afrique - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:12
Le président du Soudan du Sud fait volte-face en acceptant le principe du déploiement d’une force internationale autorisée par les Nations unies.
Categories: Afrique

Wayde van Niekerk: Who is South Africa's 400m Olympic champion?

BBC Africa - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:10
South Africa's Wayde van Niekerk broke a world record at the Rio Olympics as he won gold in the 400m - who is this amazing 24-year-old?
Categories: Africa

Les liens supposés entre Trump et le Kremlin inquiètent l'Ukraine

RFI (Europe) - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:02
Les autorités ukrainiennes de lutte contre la corruption enquêtent sur d'importantes sommes non déclarées par Paul Manafort du temps où il travaillait à Kiev. Ce dernier était à l'époque conseiller de l'ex-président autoritaire et russophile Vitkor Ianoukovitch et fait désormais partie de l'équipe de campagne de Donald Trump.
Categories: Union européenne

A gyógyító tündéreket ünnepelték Borszéken

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 17:01

Harmadszor rendezte meg a Tündérfeszivált Borszék. A rendezvény nem fantáziavilágot, hanem a gyógyerővel szolgáló természeti erőket köszönti ott, ahol a világhírű ásványvizek tucatja tör fel.
Kategória: Aktuális/Gyergyószék

Zambie : le président sortant réélu dès le premier tour, son rival conteste les résultats

France24 / Afrique - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 16:59
Le président zambien Edgar Lungu a été réélu dès le premier tour de l'élection présidentielle, devançant de plus de deux points son principal rival Hakainde Hichilema. Celui-ci compte déjà contester devant la justice ces résultats.
Categories: Afrique

Sudan talks on Darfur and Two Areas stall over humanitarian access and rebel locations

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 16:56

August 15, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese government and rebels have failed to reach a cessation of hostilities agreement in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile as the African mediation team decided to indefinitely suspend the current round of talks.

Direct talks between the Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM-N) pertaining to humanitarian and security arrangement in South Kordofan and Blue Nile has been ongoing since last Tuesday in Addis Ababa.

Also, on Wednesday the government and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Minni Minnawi kicked off direct negotiations on the Darfur track.

On Sunday, the head of the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP), Thabo Mbeki told the negotiating parties that this round of talks was suspended indefinitely amid an exchange of accusations between the government and the rebels.

In a press conference on Sunday night, head of the government delegation for the Two Areas track, Presidential aide Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid held the SPLM-N responsible for the collapse of talks, saying the rebel group seeks to prolong the war by demanding to transport humanitarian aid from South Sudan.

“SPLM-N doesn't seek to stop the war and bring peace but it sought to hamper the Roadmap” he said

“SPLM-N wants to kill the Roadmap and planned to abort it as it [was forced] to sign it under pressure from the international community” he added

On the other hand, SPLM-N Chief negotiator Yassir Arman said the Sudanese government has missed the greatest opportunity to achieve peace, holding it responsible for the collapse of this round of talks.

In a press conference at the negotiation venue in Addis Ababa on Sunday, he said the government didn't make any concessions despite the huge efforts exerted by the Chief mediator Mbeki.

“This round of talks has failed and Mbeki, for the first time, told us that talks have been delayed indefinitely” he said

Arman pointed that during the past four years the government continued to say that it would only allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid from inside Sudan while the SPLM-N calls for mixed tracks

“SPLM-N delegation conceded and accepted mixed tracks from inside Sudan and abroad, we accepted that 80% of the relief comes through Khartoum and 20% from outside. We also gave another concession by determining [the type of assistance] needed from inside and abroad” he said

Since several years ago the SPLM-N demands the transportation of humanitarian aid from outside the country, saying such procedure would prevent Khartoum from using humanitarian aid as a tool of political pressure. Also, it also refused the participation of Sudanese government relief workers saying they are infiltrated by the security apparatus.

Meanwhile, talks on the Darfur track have also reached a dead end following four days of marathon meetings.

Leader of the SLM-MM Minni Minnawi said the member of the AUHIP Abdel-Salam Abu Bakr told the negotiating teams on Sunday night that this round of talks has been suspended to a later time.

He told reporters following the final session of talks that they were hoping to reach a peace agreement after they gave a number of concessions.

“Among more than 20 items [under discussion] we only asked the government to make concessions on 3 items but unfortunately this evening we received a [conciliatory] paper from the mediation and we found it expressing the government position .. We didn't find even a single letter showing government concession” he said

Minnawi added they informed the mediation of the missing items in its paper, saying however the government delegation refused to make any concessions.

“Unfortunately, it [the government] came to this forum to ship us to Khartoum” he said

For his part, leader of the JEM Gibril Ibrahim attributed the failure of this round of talks to the attempt by the mediation to impose the Doha peace document on them.

He pointed that the mediation told them that it finds it too hard to continue this round of talks and was forced to suspend it until a later time.

On the other hand, head of government delegation for Darfur track, Amin Hassan Omer pointed to the SLM-MM and the JEM lack of seriousness to achieve peace, saying they brought up 15 contentious points instead of the already known 5 points.

In press statement on Sunday night, Omer declined to describe the end of talks as “collapse”, saying the talks have been extended to its fullest possible time.

On Saturday, the government delegation demanded an alleged 13 rebel locations that could be defined by coordinates are disclosed, saying signing cessation of hostilities agreement will be impossible unless rebels disclose their locations.

However the Darfur rebels have entirely rejected the governments' demand.

The Sudanese army has been fighting SPLM-N rebels in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states since 2011 and the armed movements in Darfur since 2003.


Categories: Africa

Dispute Over Cyrillic Raises Tensions Between Croatia, Serbia - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 16:37
The announcement by Croatia’s interior minister that ‘false Serb residents’ of the town of Vukovar will be deleted from its population list, thus enabling the Serbian language and Cyrillic script to be abolished as one of its official languages, has sparked yet another rise in tensions between Belgrade and Zagreb. 
Categories: Balkan News

Pásztor István a népszavazáson való részvételre buzdítja a vajdasági magyarokat

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 16:30
A VMSZ elnöke a hatalmi koalícióról szóló megállapodás mellett a kötelező betelepítési kvótáról szóló 2016-os magyarországi népszavazásról is beszélt hétfői szabadkai sajtótájékoztatóján: Vajdaságban megközelítőleg 150 ezer embernek van magyar állampolgársága, hogy közülük hánynak van szavazati joga és hányan kívánnak élni szavazati jogukkal, azt nem tudom megmondani ‒ nyilatkozta újságírói kérdésre válaszolva Pásztor István.

Flux de musique... et d'argent

Le Monde Diplomatique - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 16:17
Avec l'essor des smartphones, l'écoute légale de musique en ligne, sans téléchargement, connaît un succès croissant. Se pose maintenant la question de la qualité de l'offre, mais aussi de la répartition équitable des gains… / Culture, Économie, Industrie culturelle, Internet, Musique, Mutation, Propriété (...) / , , , , , , , , - 2015/08

Aux origines ouvrières du Front populaire

Le Monde Diplomatique - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 16:17
Le 3 mai 1936, le gouvernement de Léon Blum parvenait au pouvoir dans une France affaiblie par la crise économique et menacée par la guerre. Cette date constitue le point de départ politique du Front populaire. Mais elle occulte les conditions d'émergence et les racines sociales d'un mouvement de (...) / , , , , , , , , , - 2016/06

A Kinshasa, la souffrance ordinaire du « délestage » alimentaire

LeMonde / Afrique - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 16:06
Dans la capitale de la République démocratique du Congo, la majorité des habitants souffre de malnutrition.
Categories: Afrique

„functional illerate“ Migranten, welche zur Verblödung von Europa führen wird - Mon, 15/08/2016 - 15:57
Gezielt geplant die Verblödung von Europa, durch korrupte Politiker. „oder: „wie die Flüchtlingspolitiik der Merkel und ihres Financiers „Inzucht- Schäuble“ den IQ der BRD auf das von den US- Globalstrategen um Thomas Barnett gewünschte Sklavenniveau für Europa von 90 senkt“. Erfahrung, Logik und Fakten belegen die starke Abhängigkeit der Intelligenz von der ethnischen Herkunft. Klar, woher sonst, wenn nicht von den Eltern, soll sie kommen ? Wir zeigen hier mit Fakten, wie rasend schnell der IQ- Durchschnitt und damit das geistige Potential in der BRD auf Orientniveau sinken wird.“ Als Schleuser Boss, erneut SPD Ganoven, eine vollkommen korrupte Partei, was bei Heiko Maas, und Rolf Jäger anfängt bis zu Steinbrück […]
Categories: Balkan News
