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Burkini: Touraine dénonce un "climat de haine" et des "divisions attisées"

L`Express / Politique - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 16:18
Après plusieurs semaines de débats et de polémiques, le port du burkini sur les plages françaises fait l'objet de divisions au sein du gouvernement. Alors que Manuel Valls soutient les maires qui ont pris des arrêtés contre le maillot de bain, Marisol Touraine et Najat Vallaud-Belkacem ont une position bien différente.
Categories: France

Világháborús megemlékezéseket tartanak Csíkszéken

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 16:13

Az Úz-völgyében pénteken, szombaton pedig Gyimesbükkön tartanak világháborús megemlékezést. Péntek délben 12 órától tartják az Úz-völgyi megemlékezést, a szentmisén Csintalan László csíkdelnei plébános prédikál és koncelebrál.
Kategória: Aktuális/Csíkszék

Burkini: J.K Rowling tacle Nicolas Sarkozy sur Twitter

L`Express / Politique - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 16:10
La romancière britannique à l'origine de la saga Harry Potter a dénoncé ce jeudi sur le réseau social les propos du candidat Les Républicains à la présidentielle et défendu la liberté de porter ce costume de bain.
Categories: France

Egyik autót hátulról, a másikat szemből ütötte el

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 16:06

Három autó rongálódott meg egy Csíkszentdomokos közelében csütörtök délelőtt bekövetkezett közúti balesetben. Az anyagi kár jelentős, két személy könnyebb sérüléseket szenvedett.
Kategória: Aktuális/Csíkszék

Coalition anti-Daesh : Berlin envisage de retirer ses avions Tornado ECR de Turquie

Zone militaire - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 16:04

Fin juin, des parlementaires allemands voulant se rendre sur la base aérienne d’Incirlik, en Turquie, où la Luftwaffe a déployé 6 Tornado ECR ainsi qu’un avion ravitailleur A310 MRTT dans le cadre de la coalition ani-EI, ont dû renoncer à leur projet en raison d’une opposition des autorités turques à leur voyage. Il faut dire […]

Cet article Coalition anti-Daesh : Berlin envisage de retirer ses avions Tornado ECR de Turquie est apparu en premier sur Zone Militaire.

Categories: Défense

La « plus grande librairie flottante du monde » accoste à Douala

LeMonde / Afrique - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 16:00
Pour sa première escale au Cameroun, le « Logos-Hope », qui propose à son bord 5 000 livres, restera à quai jusqu’au 28 août.
Categories: Afrique

Elektronikus zene Sepsiszentgyörgy főterén

Szé (Románia/Erdély) - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:55

Ismét a zene kerül a középpontba Sepsiszentgyörgy főterén. BassQuare név alatt éjfélig tartó zenei eseményt szerveznek pénteken, ahol dub, dubstep, bass, ska, jazz és reggae dallamokat játszanak.
Kategória: Aktuális/Háromszék

EU tries to twist Gazprom's arms before freezing in winter / Russia - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:41
Russia faces the task to build a gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine by 2019. For the time being, though, things are right where they started. It has been reported recently that Gazprom was going to close the department in charge of the South Stream project. The state of affairs with the Nord Stream-2 project leaves much to be desired too
Categories: Russia & CIS

Handlungsfähig in der Krise: Scheitert die innovative Landwirtschaft? - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:40
Die Luft in der Landwirtschaft wird nicht nur für die Milchproduktion, sondern auch im Ackerbau dünner, kommentiert der Präsident der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG), Carl-Albrecht Bartmer. Kommt die Rettung jetzt nur noch vom Staat?
Categories: Europäische Union

Arrêtés anti-burkini : «Très difficiles à mettre en oeuvre », pour le maire d'Antibes

LeParisien / Politique - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:40
Une nouvelle pierre posée dans le jardin des arrêtés dits anti-burkini. Ils sont « faciles à prendre, mais très difficiles à mettre en oeuvre », estime Jean Leonetti le député-maire Les Républicains d'Antibes....
Categories: France

Merkel auf Europa-Tour

EuroNews (DE) - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:36
Frankreich und Deutschland bereiten den im September geplanten EU-Sondergipfel vor, der erstmals ohne die Beteiligung Großbritanniens stattfinden wird.
Categories: Europäische Union

A Béziers, des profs fustigent "l'instrumentalisation populiste" de l'Histoire

L`Express / Politique - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:35
Un collectif de professeurs d'Histoire-Géographie fustige les polémiques lancées par Robert Ménard sur l'Algérie française, Jean Moulin ou Charles Martel. Ils entendent se poser "en sentinelles" face aux dérives du maire.
Categories: France

Somalia hunts for fake-cash bank teller

BBC Africa - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:34
A teller at Somalia's central bank is on the run after allegedly stealing $530,000, exchanging the notes for fakes, the bank's governor says.
Categories: Africa

Attraktivere und effizientere Eisenbahndienste – Mitgliedstaaten billigen neue Vorschriften über die Marktöffnung und Infrastrukturverwaltung

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:20

Der Rat hat am 28. April 2016 grünes Licht für neue Vorschriften zur Verbesserung der inländischen Schienenpersonenverkehrsdienste in der EU gegeben. Er billigte die Einigung, die der Vorsitz am 19. April mit dem Europäischen Parlament erzielt hatte.

"Bei den Verhandlungen standen die Interessen der Reisenden stets an erster Stelle. Gemeinsam haben wir eine Einigung über ein ehrgeiziges Paket erreicht, mit dem wir die Qualität und Effizienz der Eisenbahndienste verbessern werden."

Sharon Dijksma, niederländische Ministerin für Infrastruktur und Umwelt

Öffnung der nationalen Schienenverkehrsmärkte für den Wettbewerb

Die überarbeiteten Vorschriften – die sogenannte Marktsäule des vierten Eisenbahnpakets – bewirken die Öffnung der Märkte für den inländischen Schienenpersonenverkehr in den Mitgliedstaaten. Die Eisenbahnunternehmen werden einen diskriminierungsfreien Zugang zum Schienennetz in der gesamten EU erhalten, sofern dadurch öffentliche Dienstleistungsaufträge nicht beeinträchtigt werden. Das bedeutet, dass es für neue Betreiber einfacher sein wird, Zugang zum Markt zu erhalten und ihre Dienste anzubieten. Öffentliche Dienstleistungsaufträge werden grundsätzlich im Rahmen eines wettbewerblichen Verfahrens vergeben werden, wobei Ausnahmen von dieser Regel nach wie vor möglich sind.

Die Qualität der Dienste, z.B. die Pünktlichkeit und Frequenz der Züge, wird einen größeren Einfluss auf die Vergabe von Aufträgen an Betreiber haben. Für öffentliche Dienstleistungsaufträge – die derzeit für über 90 % aller Bahnfahrten in der EU gelten – wird die Direktvergabe weiterhin zulässig sein, sofern dies zu einer besseren Qualität der Dienste oder zu einer besseren Kosteneffizienz führt.

Categories: Europäische Union

Pour Thomas Hollande, son père, "libéré", va mieux sans Valérie Trierweiler

L`Express / Politique - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:20
Dans le livre "Conversations privées avec le président", le fils de François Hollande s'exprime sur la rupture de son père avec la journaliste Valérie Trierweiler. Et révèle que le chef de l'Etat, "libéré", s'en porte mieux.
Categories: France

Mozambique: Opposition Group Raids Hospitals

HRW / Africa - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:15

(Johannesburg) – Armed men linked to Mozambique’s main opposition party, the Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), have raided at least two hospitals and two health clinics over the past month. The attacks on the medical facilities, which involved looting medicine and supplies and destroying medical equipment, threaten access to health care for tens of thousands of people in remote areas of the country.


Damaged medicine cabinet in Morrumbala District Hospital after the raid by RENAMO gunmen on August 12, 2016. 

© 2016 Nova Radio Paz - Quelimane

“RENAMO’s attacks on hospitals and health clinics are threatening the health of thousands people in Mozambique,” said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “RENAMO’s leadership needs to call off these attacks on health facilities immediately.”

In the most recent attack, on August 12, 2016, about a dozen gunmen who identified themselves as RENAMO entered the town of Morrumbala, in the central province of Zambezia, at about 4 a.m., several witnesses and local authorities told Human Rights Watch. The men first raided a police station, freeing about 23 men detained there, and then looted the local district hospital.

A nurse who was there said that the men opened fire at the building. “I was in the emergency room when they fired gunshots through the windows,” he said. “We were hiding beneath chairs, beds…anything we could find.”

The nurse and two Zambezia-based reporters who arrived at the hospital just after the attack said that the gunmen had looted medicine from the facility’s main pharmacy.

On July 30, a group of armed men who identified themselves as RENAMO entered the village of Mopeia, in Zambezia province, at about 3 a.m., two local residents said.

The armed men first raided the house of a local official of the governing FRELIMO party, who is the chief nurse at the local Centro 8 de Março health clinic. When they did not find him, they went to the clinic. A doctor who visited the clinic the following day said the gunmen burned patients’ medical records and stole vaccines, syringes, and medicines. The clinic stores essential medicines, including antiretroviral medicines for HIV/AIDS patients, for a population of over 8,000 people, he said.


Bullet hole in the window of Morrumbala District Hospital after the raid by RENAMO gunmen on August 12, 2016. 

© 2016 Nova Radio Paz - Quelimane

The armed men then went to Mopeia’s main hospital, about eight kilometers from the clinic. A nurse at the hospital said that she saw about 15 men in dark green uniforms enter the main ward in the early morning, most of them armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles. They entered the ward where patients were sleeping, threatened patients and medical staff, ordering them to leave the hospital, and carried away medicines, serum bags, bed sheets, and mosquito nets. The nurse said none of the patients or medical staff were hurt.

Together, Mopeia district hospital and Mopeia village clinic serve over 100,000 people, local health authorities said.

On July 31, about a dozen armed men who identified themselves as RENAMO raided the village of Maiaca, Maúa district, in the northern province of Niassa. The administrator of Maúa, Joao Manguinje, told Human Rights Watch that the gunmen attacked the local health clinic and the police station. They took five kits of HIV tests, four boxes of syringes, and over 600 vials of penicillin, he said.

Manguinje also alleged that on July 24, RENAMO gunmen had raided the health clinic in the nearby village of Muapula, where they stole, among other things, five obstetric kits, over 200 tetanus vaccines, and over 300 vials of penicillin. Human Rights Watch was not able to verify this attack.

I was in the emergency room when they fired gunshots through the windows. We were hiding beneath chairs, beds…anything we could find. A nurse who witnessed the hospital looting.

Mozambican authorities say that RENAMO gunmen have carried out similar attacks on health clinics over the past month in Sofala, Manica, and Tete provinces, in central Mozambique, but Human Rights Watch was not able to verify those reports.

The RENAMO party, which has offices in the capital, Maputo, has neither confirmed nor denied carrying out the attacks. However, the party leader, Afonso Dhalkama, who is believed to be hiding in the Gorongosa bush, in the central province of Sofala, told the Mozambican private television station, STV, on August 5 that he had given orders to attack some areas of Zambezia province. He did not specify the targets or mention medical facilities.

Dhlakama said the attacks were a “military strategy” aimed at dispersing government soldiers who are surrounding RENAMO positions in Gorongosa bush, about 200 kilometers south of the villages that were attacked. Several districts of Tete, Zambezia, Manica, Sofala, and Niassa provinces have had recent armed clashes between government forces and Renamo fighters.

“RENAMO’s raids on medical facilities seem part of a repugnant strategy to damage health facilities and loot medicines,” Bekele said. “What they are succeeding in doing is to deny crucial health services to Mozambicans who need them.”

Background Information
After the 1992 peace agreement that ended Mozambique’s 16-year civil war, RENAMO leader Afonso Dhlakama was allowed to keep a 300-man private armed guard. Successive failures to integrate other RENAMO fighters into the national army and civilian life have encouraged former fighters to join the private guards and to camp in old RENAMO training grounds. RENAMO, a political party that currently holds 89 seats in parliament, is now believed to have an armed force of more than double what it was permitted.

Over the past four years, tension has increased between RENAMO and the governing party, FRELIMO, including an increase in armed attacks by RENAMO and counterattacks by the government. The parties signed a new peace agreement in 2014, but RENAMO says the government has failed to integrate RENAMO fighters into the national army and police in accordance with the agreement. The government says RENAMO has refused to hand over a list of its militia to be integrated into the security forces because it wants to use them as leverage for political negotiations. FRELIMO won elections in October 2014, but RENAMO says it wants to govern the six provinces in which it claims it received more votes.

In February 2016, Human Rights Watch documented abuses committed by government forces in Tete province, where RENAMO enjoys support among the population, including alleged summary executions and sexual violence. At least 6,000 people fled the area for neighboring Malawi. The Malawi office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees says that most of these people have now returned home, following assurances of safety by the Mozambican government.

In May, Mozambican and international media reported the discovery of several unidentified bodies near Gorongoza, between the provinces of Manica and Sofala. Human Rights Watch called on the Mozambican authorities to investigate the gravesite thoroughly, to identify the victims, and to hold perpetrators to account. The government says it launched an investigation in June, but it has not yet announced any findings.


Categories: Africa

Where is Burundian Journalist Jean Bigirimana?

HRW / Africa - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:15

It is exactly one month since 37-year-old journalist Jean Bigirimana vanished after leaving his home in Burundi’s capital, Bujumbura, for Bugarama, a town about 40 kilometers away. There are unconfirmed reports that he was arrested there by members of the intelligence services, but his whereabouts remain unknown.


Jean Bigirimana. 

© 2016 Iwacu

As the days passed without news, Jean’s young family, friends, and colleagues at Iwacu newspaper began wondering if he might be dead. The cruel nature of such cases means there’s no certainty about the victim’s fate, and no possibility of closure.

It wasn’t until Jean’s colleagues at Iwacu launched a campaign that the government ended its silence. Three days after he vanished, police spokesperson Pierre Nkurikiye flatly denied that the security forces had arrested Jean. A week later, the president’s communications advisor, Willy Nyamitwe, tweeted that the government was investigating and was deeply concerned. He implied the opposition might be responsible, and said he feared the worst.

Then, on August 5, a dead body was found in the Mubarazi river, in Muramvya – the province he’d been heading to when he vanished. There was speculation that it might be Jean’s. An intrepid team of Iwacu journalists went to the scene to investigate. Police, judicial, and intelligence officials joined them, but found nothing. On August 7, the journalists returned alone, and discovered a dead body in an inaccessible part of the river. Two days later, a second corpse was found in the river, while media reported that a third was discovered in neighboring Gitega province.


The two bodies were eventually fished out of the Mubarazi river but were badly decomposed. One had been decapitated, the other weighed down with stones. At the morgue, Jean’s wife was so overwhelmed that she was only able to look at the corpses’ hands and feet, and guessed that neither of them was Jean. The authorities made no further attempt to identify the victims or establish how they died. There were no autopsies, no DNA tests. Police simply announced that Jean was not among the two dead, and last week local officials buried the bodies.

Is that the end of the story? No. Jean’s family has the right to an investigation to determine what happened, and, if a crime took place, to see those responsible prosecuted – as do the families of the two victims, whoever they are. The Burundian authorities should launch thorough, independent investigations, if necessary calling on outside medical or scientific expertise.

Jean Bigirimana is not the only person to have been abducted or disappeared in Burundi in the past year. Let us not forget the human rights activist Marie-Claudette Kwizera, from the Burundian group Ligue Iteka, who was taken away by a vehicle thought to belong to the intelligence services last December, nor the scores of other Burundians who have disappeared or gone missing, or been found dead, with barely any reaction by the government.

All the families have a right to full, independent, and speedy investigations into what happened to their relatives. It is high time the authorities ensure this happens. 

Categories: Africa

Rászorulókon segítettek a katonák

Honvé / Balkán - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:15
Lakhelyüket elhagyni kényszerült személyeknek segítettek a Koszovóban szolgálatot teljesítő magyar katonák. 
Categories: Nyugat-Balkán

Augusztus 20. Szarajevóban

Honvé / Balkán - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:15
Az államalapítás ünnepe, augusztus 20-a alkalmából a szarajevói Butmir táborban is ünnepi állománygyűlést tartottak augusztus 18-án. 
Categories: Nyugat-Balkán

Identité heureuse ou malheureuse : la place des musulmans en France au cœur de la primaire de la droite

France24 / France - Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:14
La campagne pour la désignation du candidat de la droite à l’élection présidentielle promet de tourner au choc Juppé-Sarkozy sur la question de l’Islam. Sur fond de menace terroriste.
Categories: France
