Viele in Europa sehen Donald Trump noch immer als Kuriosum der US-Politik. Größte Aufmerksamkeit erregt er durch Tabubrüche wie die Forderung nach einem Einreisestopp für Muslime »until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on«. Sein Siegeszug bei den Vorwahlen mag den Besonderheiten des amerikanischen Wahlsystems geschuldet sein. Doch die sozialen Faktoren, die seinen Erfolg begünstigen, finden sich nicht nur in den USA: Unzufriedenheit der Wähler mit der politischen, ökonomischen und kulturellen Elite; Abstiegsängste der Mittelschicht als Folge liberaler Wirtschaftspolitik; Verunsicherung über gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der Misstrauen gegenüber allem nährt, was fremd erscheint. Mit autoritär aufgeladener populistischer Rhetorik verspricht Trump nationale Stärke und die Wiederherstellung politischer Selbstbestimmung, die seine Anhänger durch die Folgen einer entfesselten Globalisierung bedroht sehen.
Jean-Jacques Roche, expert auprès du directeur « Formation, études et recherche », initiateur des Rencontres de l’IHEDN,...
Research and innovation are important instruments for the development, particularly through international cooperation. During the last five years, Greece is facing a very acute problem of brain drain. Policies for retaining the highly skilled are imperative; equally imperative is policy planning for capitalising on highly skilled Greeks already abroad. The first proposal of this working paper is about the integration of research and innovation into the political planning of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs; further development of international cooperation schemes will be beneficial for the Greek research community. The second proposal is about establishing a Diaspora Knowledge Network, in order to capitalise on the Greek scientific diaspora. Good practices of other states are adjusted to Greek needs, with the aim of facilitating sustainable and efficient brain circulation and benefiting all stakeholders. In this way, Greek scientists and researchers abroad will be able to connect with the Greek research and innovation ecosystem, either directly, or through international cooperation with their institutions. The purpose will be to increase investments in research and innovation and the efficient use of NSRF/EU funds.
Author: Dr Sarantis Kougiou
Policy Paper No. 25: The international cooperation in research and innovation with the support of the Greek Diaspora: Transforming ‘brain drain’ into ‘brain gain‘
ELIAMEP White Book on Greek Foreign Policy, Defence and Security is now available by I. Sideris Publications. It is edited by Director General of ELIAMEP Dr Thanos Dokos and aims at constituting a high-level strategy textbook by outlining objectives of the Greek national strategy and defining partners and regions of high interest. In this context, relations of Greece with the EU and important countries are analysed while attention is also paid to the institutional framework of Greek foreign policy.
The main objectives of ELIAMEP White Book on Greek Foreign Policy, Defence and Security are:
The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy , the Institute of International Economic Relations, the Institute of International Relations, the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese and the Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean coorganised a public debate ‘The New Silk Road of Chinα, One Belt One Road (OBOR) and Greece’. The debate took place on Wednesday 30 March 2016, at 11:30, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auditorium G. Kranidiotis).
You can read here the article on the EU-Τurkey agreement in the context of the refugee crisis, which was written by Director General of ELIAMEP Dr Thanos Dokos. This commentary was published in the Greek daily Kathimerini on 23 March 2016.
The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) organized on 22 March 2016 a roundtable discussion with Mr. Ditmir Bushati, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Albania, on the theme of: “The role of Albanian – Greek relations in a challenging European context”.
Comments were made by Mr. Alexandros Mallias, Ambassador (ad hon); the discussion was moderated by Dr. Thanos Dokos, Director General, ELIAMEP.
The discussion was held at the premises of the European Commission Representation in Greece, with the participation of researchers, diplomats, and journalists.
You can watch the interview with Mr. Ditmir Bushati here.