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Guatemala: Erklärung des Hohen Vertreters im Namen der Europäischen Union zur Lage nach den Wahlen

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Guatemala: Erklärung des Hohen Vertreters im Namen der Europäischen Union zur Lage nach den Wahlen
Catégories: Europäische Union

Media advisory - Press briefing ahead of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council of 9 October 2023

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Press briefing ahead of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council will take place on Friday 6 October 2023 at 17.30.
Catégories: Europäische Union

Fluorierte Gase und ozonabbauende Stoffe: Rat und Parlament erzielen Einigung

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Die Verhandlungsführer des Rates und des Europäischen Parlaments haben heute eine vorläufige politische Einigung über die schrittweise Abschaffung von Stoffen erzielt, die zur Erderwärmung und zum Abbau der Ozonschicht führen.
Catégories: Europäische Union

Migrationspolitik: Rat vereinbart Mandat für EU-Rechtsakt zu Krisensituationen

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Der Rat hat seine Verhandlungsposition zu einer Verordnung über Krisensituationen und Fälle höherer Gewalt im Bereich Migration und Asyl festgelegt.
Catégories: Europäische Union

Invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the European Council ahead of their informal meeting on 6 October 2023

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the European Council ahead of their informal meeting on 6 October 2023.
Catégories: Europäische Union

Press briefing ahead of the meeting of the European Political Community and the Informal meeting of EU heads of state or government

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Press briefing ahead of the meeting of the European Political Community and the Informal meeting of EU heads of state or government, Granada 5-6 October 2023, will take place on 3 October at 14.00
Catégories: Europäische Union

Wochenplan von Präsident Charles Michel

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Wochenplan von Präsident Charles Michel, 2.- 8. Oktober 2023
Catégories: Europäische Union

Remarks by President Charles Michel following the meeting with Prime Minister Pashinyan, Chancellor Scholz and President Macron

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Following the meeting with Prime Minister Pashinyan, Chancellor Scholz and President Macron in the margins of the European Political Community summit in Granada, President Michel spoke to the press.

"The world is watching our European continent" - op-ed article by President Charles Michel

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Ahead of the informal European Council in Granada, President Charles Michel shared his thoughts on the challenges the EU is facing. The op-ed has been published in a number of newspapers across Europe.

Statement by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia, President Michel of the European Council, President Macron of France and Chancellor Scholz of Germany

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Statement by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia, President Michel of the European Council, President Macron of France and Chancellor Scholz of Germany.

Remarks by President Charles Michel at the opening session of the European Political Community

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
European Council President Charles Michel addressed the members of the European Political Community.

Guatemala: A főképviselőnek az Európai Unió nevében tett nyilatkozata a választásokat követően kialakult helyzetről

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Guatemala: A főképviselőnek az Európai Unió nevében tett nyilatkozata a választásokat követően kialakult helyzetről.

Media advisory - Press briefing ahead of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council of 9 October 2023

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Press briefing ahead of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council will take place on Friday 6 October 2023 at 17.30.

Fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances: Council and Parliament reach agreement

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
The Council and Parliament negotiators today reached a provisional political agreement on phasing down substances that cause global warming and deplete the ozone layer.

Migrációs politika: a Tanács megállapodott a válsághelyzetek kezelésével foglalkozó uniós jogszabállyal kapcsolatos megbízásról

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
A Tanács elfogadta a migrációs és menekültügyi válsághelyzetek és vis maior helyzetek kezeléséről szóló rendelettel kapcsolatos tárgyalási álláspontját.

Invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the European Council ahead of their informal meeting on 6 October 2023

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Invitation letter by President Charles Michel to the members of the European Council ahead of their informal meeting on 6 October 2023.

Press briefing ahead of the meeting of the European Political Community and the Informal meeting of EU heads of state or government

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Press briefing ahead of the meeting of the European Political Community and the Informal meeting of EU heads of state or government, Granada 5-6 October 2023, will take place on 3 October at 14.00

Charles Michel elnök heti munkaprogramja

Európai Tanács hírei - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Charles Michel elnök heti munkaprogramja, 2023. október 2–8.

Remarks by President Charles Michel following the meeting with Prime Minister Pashinyan, Chancellor Scholz and President Macron

European Council - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Following the meeting with Prime Minister Pashinyan, Chancellor Scholz and President Macron in the margins of the European Political Community summit in Granada, President Michel spoke to the press.
Catégories: European Union

"The world is watching our European continent" - op-ed article by President Charles Michel

European Council - ven, 06/10/2023 - 10:08
Ahead of the informal European Council in Granada, President Charles Michel shared his thoughts on the challenges the EU is facing. The op-ed has been published in a number of newspapers across Europe.
Catégories: European Union
