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Arlene Kushner on How Congress Managed To Put Onus For Iran Deal on Critics Instead of on Obama

Daled Amos - lun, 20/04/2015 - 19:37
From Arlene Kushner:
April 19, 2015
The Bottom Line...on the unanimous vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to advance the bill, sponsored by Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), which would give Congress the right to review the deal currently being worked out with Iran.

Yes, as I wrote last week, it is a step in the right direction, as Senators are beginning to insist upon their right to be involved in this critical deal.  But it falls short in a very critical respect.

Jonathan Tobin, editor of Commentary, effectively explains this in “The Reverse Iran Deal Ratification Process” (emphasis added):“...By treating it as a normal act of legislation, the president will be able to veto the measure. That sets up a veto override effort that will force Iran deal critics to get to 67 votes, a veto-proof majority. If that sounds reasonable to you, remember that in doing so the bill creates what is, in effect, a reverse treaty ratification mechanism. Instead of the president needing a two-thirds majority to enact the most significant foreign treaty the United States has signed in more than a generation, he will need only one-third of the Senate plus one to get his way.

“By allowing pro-Israel Democrats a free pass to vote for Corker-Menendez the president is giving them a way to say they voted to restrain the president before also granting them a path to back him by either voting for the deal or failing to vote to override the president’s veto. That gives plenty of room for inveterate schemers such as Democratic Senate leader-in-waiting Chuck Schumer to make sure the president gets his 34 votes while giving some Democrats, including perhaps himself, impunity to vote against him.

What has happened here is that despite furious effort and hard legislative work all critics of Obama’s pursuit of détente with Iran have accomplished is to allow him the opportunity to legally make a historic and disgraceful act of betrayal of Western security with the least possible support. They may have had no better options and I’ll concede an ineffectual vote on an Iran deal might be better than no deal at all, but please spare me the praise for Corker’s bipartisanship or the chortles about how the White House was beaten. What happened yesterday actually advanced the chances for Iran appeasement. And that’s nothing to celebrate.”


Keith Koffler, in his article, “The Corker Cave-in,” agrees with this analysis and takes it one step further (emphasis added):“’The Unified States Senate just capitulated to Obama,’ radio host and Constitutional scholar Mark Levin said Tuesday night. ‘The Unified States Senate just rewrote the Treaty Provision of the Constitution.’“...It’s true, international agreements have increasingly, over the decades, been done by executive action. But an agreement such as this – negotiated over the course of years and involving nuclear weapons for our most pernicious adversary and therefore the possible destruction of the United States – must by its nature qualify as a treaty under the Constitution, or there is no Constitution at all.

The Founders are very clear on the need for a co-equal role in such critical matters for the Senate, which was originally entrusted not just with approving treaties, but helping negotiate them too...

”With the Corker bill, he [Obama] now has Congress in his pocket as he joins Iran in shredding the Constitution over a Swiss negotiating table. And in ten to 15 years, when Iran conducts its first nuclear test, Congress will have had a ‘role’ in the tragedy.”http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2015/04/15/corker-cavein/~~~~~~~~~~Let’s look briefly at some other commentary about the Iran deal, and some of the latest news updates:“Iran could collect up to $50 billion in oil revenue if sanctions are lifted, according to congressional officials briefed by the Obama administration.

“If negotiators are successful in brokering a deal with Iran this summer to suspend its nuclear program, officials say the country could receive between $30 billion and $50 billion after signing an agreement, the Wall Street Journal reported....”http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/lifting-u.s.-sanctions-would-give-iran-infusion-of-up-to-50-billion/article/2563272

Credit: ABC News; photo not from original article


Foreign Policy editor David Rothkopf argued last week that:“Unfreezing billions of dollars worth of Iranian assets...will have the effect of exacerbating Iran’s ‘systematic, 35-year campaign of regional meddling, destabilization, and extension of … influence’ that threatens the Middle East.”

~~~~~~~~~~“As UN nuclear inspectors arrived in Tehran [last] Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the Islamic Republic will not accept a comprehensive nuclear deal with major powers if all sanctions imposed on Tehran are not lifted.

“’If there is no end to sanctions, there will not be an agreement,’ Rouhani said in a televised speech in the northern Iranian city of Rasht.

"’The end of these negotiations and a signed deal must include a declaration of cancelling the oppressive sanctions on the great nation of Iran.’"http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4647387,00.html~~~~~~~~~~And – as you grapple with this horrendous situation - factor this in, as well (emphasis added):“Even if Congress rejects his final Iranian nuclear deal, President Barack Obama could use his executive pen to offer Tehran a hefty portion of sanctions relief on his own. ...

The president could suspend some existing US sanctions with his waiver authority. He could issue new orders to permit financial transactions that otherwise are banned under current law. And he could simply take certain Iranian entities, including nearly two dozen Iranian banks, off US target lists, meaning they no longer would be subject to sanctions.

“Only Congress can terminate its legislative sanctions. And those are some of the toughest penalties against Iran because they target its energy sector, central bank and key segments of its economy. But experts say Obama can neutralize the effect of some of those sanctions, too, and work with the Europeans to neutralize others....

“Says Tyler Cullis, legal fellow at the National Iranian American Council, which favors an agreement: ‘Some have expressed doubt whether the president can provide Iran significant sanctions relief solely on the basis of his own authority. Such doubt should be put to rest.’

He said the president ‘could almost gut’ an entire segment of sanctions...”http://www.timesofisrael.com/obama-could-ease-many-iranian-sanctions-without-congress/~~~~~~~~~~“North Korea supplied several shipments of missile components to Iran during recent nuclear talks and the transfers appear to violate United Nations sanctions on both countries, according to U.S. intelligence officials.” (Emphasis added) http://freebeacon.com/national-security/north-korea-transfers-missile-goods-to-iran-during-nuclear-talks/~~~~~~~~~~“A senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guard said Sunday that inspectors would be barred from military sites under any nuclear agreement with world powers.

“Gen. Hossein Salami, the Guard's deputy leader, said on state TV that allowing the foreign inspection of military sites is tantamount to ‘selling out.’

"’We will respond with hot lead [bullets] to those who speak of it,’ Salami said. ‘Iran will not become a paradise for spies. We will not roll out the red carpet for the enemy.’"http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2015/Apr-19/294948-iran-guard-rejects-inspection-of-military-sites.ashxJust how much will Obama tolerate?  Is this a deal at any cost, so that he can claim a deal?~~~~~~~~~~This is heavy information, as I am well aware, my friends.  But we dare not ignore it.~~~~~~~~~~And now for the good news, which we so badly need. Today I include a couple of sites – the first and last items - that may be of interest to tourists.Israel’s Beit Guvrin-Maresha National Park has earned its certification as a UNESCO World Heritage site.  Located in lowland south of Beit Shemesh and east of Kiryat Gat, the Park – which is five sq. kilometers - is within a larger area referred to as the “land of the caves.” http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Israels-Beit-Guvrin-celebrated-as-UNESCO-World-Heritage-site-398074The park contains thousands of ancient underground man-made caves, and also encompasses the ruins of Maresha, an important town of Judah of 2,000 years ago.  Here you see the “Bell Cave” and below it, a cave with dovecotes.     Credit: Shmuel Bar-AmCredit: S. Aronson ~~~~~~~~~~In the face of its lowest levels of available water ever, Brazil has hosted a delegation of 13 Israeli water companies who came to help the Brazilians address their water crisis.http://israelnewtech.com/2015/03/israeli-water-delegation-on-mission-to-help-brazil-solve-water-crisis/~~~~~~~~~~Professor Zvi Bentwich, 78, a member of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s department of microbiology, immunology and genetics, heads the university’s Center for Emerging Diseases, Tropical Diseases and AIDS.  In the 1990s, he did groundbreaking research that uncovered a link between intestinal worms and immune system deficiencies – deficiencies that contribute to Africa’s AIDS and tuberculosis epidemics.Now the professor has been named the recipient of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for his project in Ethiopia to wipe out parasitic worm infections.http://www.israel21c.org/news/gates-grant-for-public-health-hero/Credit: BBC~~~~~~~~~~“Can you name 15 varieties of cherry tomatoes? What about four types of carrots? Have you ever tasted an Uri Kaduri orange? And do you know the difference between the seven varieties of mint leaves?

“A three-hour visit to the Salad Trail, a unique touch-and-taste farm in the Hevel Habesor region of the northern Negev, will turn you into an expert grower for the day.

“Pick-your-own produce farms are commonplace. But agronomist Uri Alon (pictured below) has upped the ante with his complete senses-and-learning experience at his farm in the northern Negev.

“’If you want to see how the real vegetables grow, and taste the best vegetables in the world, that’s reason enough to come visit,‘ Alon, the brains behind this blossoming oasis in the middle of the sandy desert, tells ISRAEL21c.

“’If you want to see the real Israel and see how you can take a desert and change it and make it bloom, it’s enough reason to drive 1.5 hours from Tel Aviv.’”http://www.israel21c.org/headlines/the-tastiest-tourist-attraction-in-israel/
~~~~~~~~~~© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.

If it is reproduced and emphasis is added, the fact that it has been added must be noted.http://arlenefromisrael.squarespace.com/current-postings/2015/4/19/april-19-2015-the-bottom-line.html

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Catégories: Middle East

Ce que l'on sait du Pôle national de cryptanalyse et de décryptement (actualisé -2)

Blog Secret Défense - lun, 20/04/2015 - 18:04
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Lutte d'influence entre Sassou Nguesso et la France

Survie - lun, 20/04/2015 - 17:26
Enlisée dans une guerre civile depuis décembre 2012, la République centrafricaine a le plus grand mal à sortir de la crise. Surtout que certains s'évertuent à lui maintenir la tête sous l'eau. Dernier exemple en date : le sommet de Nairobi. Une bien étrange initiative s'est ouverte fin décembre à Nairobi, au Kenya. A l'invitation du « médiateur » dans la crise centrafricaine, le dictateur congolais Denis Sassou Nguesso, des membres des ex-Séléka (qui ont déclenché la crise) et des milices anti-balaka (qui (...) - 244 - mars 2015 / , , ,
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Council conclusions on Yemen

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Catégories: Middle East

Council conclusions on Yemen

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Catégories: European Union

Réfugiés : "ceux qui condamnent l'Europe se trompent de cible"

Coulisses de Bruxelles - lun, 20/04/2015 - 15:40

Patrick Weil, historien, est un des meilleurs spécialistes français des questions d’immigration. Il est directeur de recherches au CNRS et professeur à l’Ecole d’économie de Paris et à l’université de Yale.

Après les récents drames survenus en Méditerranée, un consensus semble se dégager : ce serait de la faute de l’Europe…

Je ne vois pas à quel titre. Ceux qui condamnent l’Europe se trompent de cible. La première responsabilité est d’abord celle des criminels qui ont mis des migrants sur des rafiots incapables de soutenir le poids de leur nombre, pour se faire de l’argent au prix de leur vie. Les instruments juridiques internationaux et la mobilisation ne suffisent pas à empêcher cette criminalité de se développer. Une autre responsabilité est politique. Elle vient des Etats qui ont créé le désordre dans les régions du monde où sont «produits» aujourd’hui des centaines de milliers, voire des millions de réfugiés. Je parle du monde arabe, et en premier lieu de la région irako-syrienne. Il y a une responsabilité de la coalition qui est intervenue en Irak il y a douze ans, en violation du droit international. En intervenant en Libye au-delà du mandat de l’ONU, Nicolas Sarkozy a rendu la France aussi coresponsable d’avoir créé une zone qui produit énormément de réfugiés.

Quelle solution préconisez-vous ?

Ce qui se passe en Syrie, c’est la plus grave crise depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La réponse ne doit et ne peut être uniquement européenne. A la fin des années 30, quand les Juifs d’Autriche et d’Allemagne étaient en danger, il y eut une conférence internationale, à Evian, qui n’a malheureusement pas donné grand-chose. Mais le monde en a tiré la leçon. Il faut aujourd’hui, et c’est le rôle de l’Europe, ou de la France, prendre l’initiative de convoquer une conférence internationale afin que chaque région du monde prenne ses responsabilités et que les Etats qui sont intervenus dans la région depuis quinze ans soient engagés dans la gestion de la crise humanitaire. L’Australie donne l’exemple du cynisme le plus absolu. Elle a soutenu militairement la guerre en Irak en 2003 et elle accueille 4 400 réfugiés en 2014 soit 2% des demandes d’asile en Allemagne. Il y a quelque chose à repenser. Je ne suis pas contre toute intervention militaire : si les Etats-Unis et la France étaient intervenus en Syrie durant l’été 2013, on aurait prévenu une partie de la crise humanitaire, comme l’intervention française au Mali a probablement permis d’en contenir une autre. Mais il faudrait que ces interventions se doublent de responsabilités humanitaires, en tout cas quand elles sont illégales. Il est temps de poser la question comme cela.

L’Europe doit-elle se mobiliser encore plus pour sauver des vies, affréter plus de navires de surveillance ?

L’Europe n’a pas l’obligation légale de sauver des vies. Mais elle le fait : l’an dernier, la demande d’asile dans l’UE a atteint un record. 625 000 personnes, soit 191 000 personnes (+ 44%) de plus en un an, + 60% en Allemagne mais - 5% en France. Alors oui, il faut affréter plus, mais sur ces bateaux, il faut aussi rassurer les migrants. Cela signifie ne pas y mettre que des douaniers et des policiers. Il faut aussi des personnels du Haut Commissariat aux réfugiés, de la Croix-Rouge, des ONG, comme c’est le cas dans les centres de rétention, dont le but n’est pas de refouler ces demandeurs d’asile.

Faut-il prendre de nouvelles mesures contre les passeurs ?

Il faut que les pressions s’exercent sur les pays ou les zones d’où viennent les passeurs. Il faut donner la priorité à une ferme coopération. Conditionner notre aide à une action conjointe contre les passeurs. Mais en Libye, on ne peut plus faire pression sur personne. Il n’y a plus d’Etat.

Si on rouvrait davantage nos frontières aux étudiants et travailleurs, n’y aurait-il pas moins de drames en mer ?

Nos frontières ne sont pas fermées ! Si nous ouvrions plus nos portes à l’immigration légale - je le souhaite -, ce ne serait jamais assez par rapport à la crise. Il y a des millions de gens qui ont besoin de protection, ouvrir un peu plus ne changerait pas la donne. Il faut que la France, au nom de l’Europe, saisisse l’ONU et demande d’urgence la réunion d’une conférence internationale sur l’asile.

N.B.: article paru aujourd’hui dans Libération.

Catégories: Union européenne


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A lengyelek tiltakoznak

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Catégories: Kelet-Közép-Európa

CCLKOW: The 2% Doctrine

Kings of War - lun, 20/04/2015 - 12:14

Dr. Hugo Rosemont is Assistant Director of the Centre for Defence Studies at King’s College, London.

This week Kings of War and CCLKOW are happy to introduce a new author to the audience and participants, with Dr. Hugo Rosemont discussing British security policy, budgets and priorities as a key part of the impending General Election. Marking something of a departure from the usual, in this case our conceptualization expands beyond defence to consider the implications for policing as well as other facets of the security machine. Although the most obvious nexus lately among these worlds is in the unfolding stories of citizens leaving to join foreign extremists, the wider universe of human and contraband smuggling, money laundering, cyber crime and other transnational “crim-sec” activity is demolishing the neat sense of separation between these state functions which had arisen under modern administrative practices. While it is folly to redefine every problem according to a security framework, it is equally dangerous to ignore the relationship among these sectors and their influence upon the broad terms of security because of bureaucratic boundaries. In governmental policy, I think Hugo is correct to identify the absence of more holistic thinking and approaches as a serious gap in thinking on security. And although the focus is, at the moment, upon the United Kingdom, with an election impending in the US next year these issues will resonate as well. So, enjoy the article, give a thought to the questions, and join the discussion on Twitter at #CCLKOW. — Jill S. Russell  


Whilst some people might look at the treatment of foreign policy, defence and security issues during the 2015 UK General Election campaign as a farce, is it not now becoming something much more akin to a tragedy? Several commentators have rightly pointed out (for example, here and here) that, with the exception of only a few issues, these topics have not featured prominently during the campaign. This is disappointing for a few reasons.

First, where it has taken place, debate in these areas has focused almost exclusively on the status of the UK political parties’ varying (non?) commitment to allocate 2% of UK GDP to defence expenditure, in line with the country’s stance on the associated NATO guideline, with a sprinkling of discussion emerging more recently on the national security credentials of party leaders, and on the prospects for renewing the country’s nuclear weapons capability. Most notably, the Prime Minister received a high profile grilling on the first issue in a BBC leadership interview last week – his performance was subsequently critiqued by many analysts, including the editor of The Spectator.

The 2% question is a critical issue and it is important that both politicians and public opinion are flushed out in particular around their level of commitment to the UK meeting the NATO guideline (full disclosure: the present author shares the belief of many people – including the 33 Members of Parliament to have signed an Early Day Motion on the issue – that the next Government should commit itself to the NATO figure). But the current, understandable emphasis on this matter is now beginning to do us all a disservice because it leaves little room for consideration of the parties’ approaches to other national security issues. In particular, it is striking how little contemplation there has been to date around some of the more eye-catching security policy ideas to have been proposed in the parties’ manifestos, and indeed on their relative silence towards some of the most urgent issues. With respect to the former, for example, why has there not been a deeper level of interest or more mainstream media attention towards such issues as:

– The Conservatives’ plan to ‘hold’ a National Security Strategy later this year

– Labour’s proposal to abolish elected Police and Crime Commissioners

– The Lib Dems’ belief that intervention is justified by a legal ‘and/or’ humanitarian case

– UKIP’s proposal to establish a new Director of National Intelligence for the UK

– The Scottish National Party’s idea that nuclear weapons are morally offensive

Second, whilst opinion will be likely to split on whether any or all of these ideas are good, bad, or even ugly, unfortunately there is an even bigger problem. It is the apparent lack of detail (consideration?) from the parties on how under their leadership – or as a result of their involvement – the next UK Government would approach such serious current issues as winning the battle of ideas underpinning the radicalization of British ‘foreign fighters’ inclined to travel to Iraq and Syria, and notably in respect of other ongoing crises in, for example, Yemen, Ukraine and Libya. Additionally, a serious connection has seemingly not yet been made by any of the leading contenders in respect of how they propose to handle what Professor Vernon Bogdanor calls ‘The Crisis of the Constitution’ and the impact that policy in this area might have on national security – including the integrity of the country, and its long-term economic prospects. Judging by the manifestos, there also appears to be an ongoing failure on the part of all parties to develop creative solutions for engaging the private sector in addressing many of the most complicated issues the UK faces, upon whom it now depends in numerous areas of national security.

Third, it is concerning that more attention has not been paid in the pre-election discussions to how the next Government should develop its overall approach to national security considered in the wider sense. In other recent election campaigns, most notably in 2010, UK voters were spoilt for choice in being provided with detailed and creative new thinking from the parties (should they want it) around how policies, structures and processes would be developed and implemented by way of a genuinely ‘joined-up’ approach to national security. There have been few such discussions this time but, happily, Charlie Edwards (the author of National Security for the Twenty-First Century, an important pamphlet that originally advanced the need for a ‘holistic’ UK national security strategy) and Calum Jeffray of the Royal United Services Institute have recently co-authored an excellent new paper that adopts such a broad perspective with its analysis on the future for research and development for security and intelligence purposes. It must be hoped that this prompts the UK security and political community into again considering alongside defence the importance of what the coalition Government has called ‘wider security’ issues. For now, it is worrying that, with the possible exception of some attention to limited aspects of police reform and the future powers for monitoring digital communications, deeper discussion on non-military security issues has been largely absent from this campaign to date.

There is clearly very limited time now before 7th May, so the emergence of a renewed emphasis on security issues might be difficult to achieve. It also has to be recognized that, in contrast to high profile proposals on domestic priorities such as health and education, it has often be observed that policies on defence, security and foreign affairs are simply not the same kind of ‘vote winners’. But a case can also be made that two straightforward changes in approach would help to improve the level and quality of the discussions. Firstly, in parallel to any ongoing scrutiny of their policies on defence, the parties could be encouraged (if not pressured) by national security journalists, academics, and any other interested parties, to clarify whether (and how specifically) they would propose to work with partners to develop and fund their approaches to non-military security risks such as terrorism, organized crime and cyber insecurity, at home and overseas. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly at this stage, all those with an interest or voice in the current UK defence funding debate should consider resisting the temptation to add further fuel to the fire on the 2% issue, as important and tempting as it is, or at least contemplate raising in the debate the merits (and importance) of discussing other proposals and obvious (often non-military) security priorities facing the UK.

The reality is that we now have a good idea of where the parties stand on the 2% defence spending issue, however satisfactory or unsatisfactory positions on this matter may be seen to be. Clearly this will need to be revisited after the Election but, in the meantime, it is imperative that answers are also now sought on how the parties would approach other pressing security concerns, including in respect of how (if?) non-military security risks would be genuinely considered in any Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) process held under their watch.

It is against this backdrop that it is hoped that the following questions will help to stimulate some more varied discussion on the future shape of UK defence and security policy in the remaining few weeks of the 2015 General Election:


1 How useful is the 2% NATO guideline as a measure of UK national security capability?

2 How much should the next Government spend on other security capabilities (e.g. cyber, counter-terrorism policing, intelligence etc.)?

3 What ‘security’ issues should/shouldn’t be covered in the 2015 SDSR?

Join the discussion on Twitter at #CCLKOW.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
