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Sous-commission Droits de l'homme (DROI) - Parlement européen

Publications - DROI Chair concerned about restrictions faced by Colombian political opposition - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Tue, 09/04/2019 - 11:14

After his meeting with Gustavo Petro, the leader of the political opposition in Colombia, on Thursday, EP Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) Chair Antonio Panzeri stated:

"The increase in incidents against human rights defenders and political opposition representatives in Colombia, who face all kinds of restrictions in their daily work, is alarming. This situation seriously endangers the peace agreement, including the implementation of the special jurisdiction for peace (JEP in Spanish).

Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Publications - DROI Chair Panzeri warns against abuse of Yazidis' human rights - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Tue, 09/04/2019 - 11:12

Due to the precarious humanitarian situation for the Yazidi community, DROI Chair Antonio Panzeri issued a statement calling for full respect of their rights and freedoms.

"On 2 April 2019, I had the opportunity to meet a delegation from the Central Council of Yazidis in Germany, invited by the Committee on Development to address the situation of Yazidis from a human rights and humanitarian point of view.

Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Publications - Brunei: DROI Chair Antonio Panzeri condemns laws punishing LGBTI with stoning - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Tue, 09/04/2019 - 11:11

Following the recent announcement by the Brunei government of a new penal code punishing LGBTI persons with death by stoning and theft by amputation, Mr Panzeri stated:

"I call on the Brunei government to withdraw the laws punishing LGBTI with whipping and stoning and to bring its penal code into full compliance with universal human rights obligations.

Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Publications - UN Human Rights Council in Geneva: statement by DROI delegation Chair - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Tue, 09/04/2019 - 11:09

After the annual visit of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights to the spring session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, the head of the delegation Barbara Lochbihler stated:

"In a challenging time for multilateralism and with the rise of populist forces worldwide, the EU and the member states have, more than ever, the responsibility to continue engaging vigorously with the UN Human Rights Council. The EU must continue to support the High Commissioner's global leadership role and to preserve the independence of the special procedure mandates". In this regard, Members reiterate that it is vital for the EU member states to speak with one voice in the UN Human Rights system.

Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Publications - Statement by AFET and DROI Chairs following the sentencing of Oyub Titiev - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Tue, 09/04/2019 - 11:08

Condemning Oyub Titiev's sentence to four years in penal colony, the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee, David McAllister, and the Human Rights Subcommittee, Antonio Panzeri, stated:

"We strongly condemn the conviction of Oyub Titiev, a prominent human rights defender and Director of the Memorial Human Rights Centre in the Chechen Republic. We call on the Russian authorities to immediately ensure his release. The sentencing of Oyub Titiev signals that the authorities are cracking down on those working to protect and promote human rights instead of on those committing human rights violations in Chechnya.

Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Publications - Iran: release Nasrin Sotoudeh and stop persecuting women human rights defenders - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Fri, 05/04/2019 - 11:09

Regarding the case of the prominent Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, EP Vice-President Heidi Hautala, and Pier Antonio Panzeri, Chair of the EP Human Rights Subcommittee, stated:

"We are concerned by the situation of Nasrin Sotoudeh, arrested last June and convicted in December 2018 to a five-year prison sentence. The trial was held in absentia and she was not represented by a lawyer during the process".

Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Highlights - DROI Chair concerned about restrictions faced by Colombian political opposition - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Fri, 05/04/2019 - 10:47
After his meeting with Gustavo Petro, the leader of the political opposition in Colombia, on Thursday, EP Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) Chair Antonio Panzeri stated: “The increase in incidents against human rights defenders and political opposition representatives in Colombia, who face all kinds of restrictions in their daily work, is alarming. This situation seriously endangers the peace agreement, including the implementation of the special jurisdiction for peace (JEP in Spanish).

I support Gustavo Petro's call to protect human rights defenders and opposition leaders in a more efficient way. I urge the Colombian authorities to implement the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights' recommendations on Colombia."


The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) filed an application before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (I/A Court H.R.) in Case 11,227, Officials and members of the Patriotic Union (Unión Patriótica, UP by its Spanish acronym), with regard to Colombia.

The civil society organisation Somos Defensores, in 2018, registered 805 attacks and 155 assassinations of social leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia. This is the highest figure ever registered in the history of the information system. During the first semester of 2019, there were over 29 assassinations of social leaders documented in the country.

Further information
Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Highlights - DROI Chair Panzeri warns against abuse of Yazidis' human rights - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Fri, 05/04/2019 - 10:45
Due to the precarious humanitarian situation for the Yazidi community, DROI Chair Antonio Panzeri issued a statement calling for full respect of their rights and freedoms. “On 2 April 2019, I had the opportunity to meet a delegation from the Central Council of Yazidis in Germany, invited by the Committee on Development to address the situation of Yazidis from a human rights and humanitarian point of view.

The delegation gave me a detailed overview of the current issues and key challenges facing the Yazidi community. Only through full recognition of and respect for its rights and freedoms will the Yazidi community be protected. Human Rights are not an abstract concept. In this specific case, human rights are the only way of ensuring that this community is treated with respect and dignity. In addition, it is indispensable within the partnership agreements between the EU and countries where Yazidis live, that we also guarantee that economic benefits go directly to this community.

The European Parliament and most specifically the Subcommittee on Human Rights have been paying close attention to the Yazidis' situation in Iraq over the last few years. In fact, two Yazidi women, Nadia Murad Basee Taha and Lamya Haji Bashar, both survivors of sexual enslavement by the Islamic State, were awarded the 2016 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought", said Mr Panzeri in his statement.

Further information
Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Latest news - Subcommittee on Human Rights - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Fri, 05/04/2019 - 10:41

The next meeting of the Subcommittee on Human Rights will take place on Monday 9 September 2019 from 15.00 to 18.30 (tbc).

Representatives of NGOs as well as other organisations are requested to accede to the EU Transparency Register and follow the procedures therein for access to the European Parliament.
Further information
Watch the meeting live
Draft agenda and meeting documents
Press statements issued by the DROI Chair
List of urgency resolutions from July 2014 until present
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne

Vidéo d'une réunion d'une commission - Mardi 2 avril 2019 - 15:36 - Sous-commission "droits de l'homme"

Wed, 03/04/2019 - 09:27
Durée de la vidéo : 172'
Vous pouvez télécharger manuellement cette vidéo au format WMV (1.7Gb)

Clause de non-responsabilité : L'interprétation des débats facilite la communication mais ne constitue en aucun cas un enregistrement authentifié des débats. Seuls le discours original ou la traduction écrite révisée du discours original peuvent être considérés authentiques.
Source : © Union européenne, 2019 - PE
Categories: Union européenne

Highlights - UN Human Rights Council in Geneva: statement by DROI delegation Chair - Subcommittee on Human Rights

Thu, 21/03/2019 - 15:26
After the annual visit of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights to the spring session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, the head of the delegation Barbara Lochbihler stated: "In a challenging time for multilateralism and with the rise of populist forces worldwide, the EU and the member states have, more than ever, the responsibility to continue engaging vigorously with the UN Human Rights Council...
The EU must continue to support the High Commissioner's global leadership role and to preserve the independence of the special procedure mandates".
Further information
Press statement in full
Source : © European Union, 2019 - EP
Categories: Union européenne
