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Updated: 3 weeks 2 days ago

Debate: "Real prices" at Penny: PR stunt or the future?

Fri, 04/08/2023 - 12:07
In a week-long experiment, the German discount supermarket chain Penny is charging its customers "real prices" for food. These factor in the environmental costs in production. Nine products will be affected, making them for the most part twice as expensive as before. Commentators discuss how much sense it makes to suddenly charge six euros instead of three for sausages.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Bulgaria: protests against violence against women

Fri, 04/08/2023 - 12:07
Thousands of people across Bulgaria have protested against violence against women. The demonstrations were triggered by a brutal attack on an 18-year-old girl and the mild sentence handed down to her aggressor. Although she had been cruelly abused by her ex-partner, a court classified the act as "slight bodily harm" and released the perpetrator.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Spain election: political stalemate?

Mon, 24/07/2023 - 12:21
In Spain, the conservative People's Party has emerged as the strongest party in the snap general election. With almost all the votes counted it secured 136 (89 seats four years ago) out of a total of 350 parliamentary seats. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's Socialists have 122 seats, the right-wing populist Vox won 33 and the left-wing alliance Sumar has 31. With these results neither the left nor the right has a real chance of achieving an absolute majority, which leaves commentators wondering what will happen now.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Russian missile strikes on Odessa

Mon, 24/07/2023 - 12:21
Since Russia suspended the grain agreement the Ukrainian port city of Odessa has been massively targeted by Russian missile and drone strikes. Civilian buildings in the old town, which is a protected Unesco World Heritage Site, have also been hit, and the Orthodox Transfiguration Cathedral has been severely damaged. What do these attacks mean for the course of the war?
Categories: European Union

Debate: Judicial reform in Israel: decision day

Mon, 24/07/2023 - 12:21
The final vote on Israel's controversial judicial reform will take place in the Knesset today, Monday. Last night tens of thousands once more gathered to demonstrate against legislation that could limit the powers of the Supreme Court and give the government more power. Europe's press voices its concern but also sees hopeful signs.
Categories: European Union
