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Updated: 3 weeks 4 days ago

Debate: NBA strike against racism: more than symbolic?

Fri, 28/08/2020 - 12:35
On Wednesday, the Milwaukee Bucks were the first team to boycott a game in the National Baskeball Association's (NBA) playoff series. Now other teams and athletes from other sports are joining the strike in protest against racism and police brutality. The strike comes after Jacob Blake, an African American, was shot seven times in the back by a police officer in the state of Wisconsin on the weekend.
Categories: European Union

A fascinating spectacle | Polityka - Poland

Fri, 28/08/2020 - 12:35
Categories: European Union

Debate: Belarus: is the EU too cautious regarding Putin?

Fri, 28/08/2020 - 12:35
After weeks of protests following the Belarusian elections, Aleksander Lukashenka asked Russia for help. Putin has now set up a reserve force for the neighbouring country. Commentators fear a Russian invasion and demand that the EU take a more decisive stand to defend the Belarusian opposition against Kremlin intervention.
Categories: European Union

Debate: Switzerland votes on freedom of movement

Fri, 28/08/2020 - 12:35
In Switzerland, a referendum will be held at the end of September on an initiative launched by the right-wing populist Swiss People's Party (SVP) that aims to end the country's Freedom of movement agreement with the EU so that Switzerland can manage its immigration policy independently of the bloc. If the initiative is accepted, six other agreements would also be terminated, including the agreement on single market access. How dangerous is this course?
Categories: European Union

Debate: US troop withdrawal: more sabre-rattling from Trump?

Fri, 31/07/2020 - 12:15
Following the announcement that the US will withdraw troops from Germany and station some of them in other European states, resistance to the move is growing among US Democrats and some Republicans. They argue that the plan will weaken Nato and play into Russia's hands. But rather than hoping that the withdrawal will be cancelled Europe should deal with the consequences, commentators warn.
Categories: European Union

Nato on a slippery slope | La Croix - France

Fri, 31/07/2020 - 12:15
Categories: European Union

Debate: Gas dispute: after the escalation now dialogue?

Fri, 31/07/2020 - 12:15
After tensions between Greece and Turkey escalated into threatening military gestures, Ankara has suspended its exploratory drilling for gas in the eastern Mediterranean. The Turkish drilling ship 'Oruc Reis' has returned to the port of Antalya and Greece has withdrawn several naval vessels. According to media reports, talks have already begun between Ankara and Athens. The media nod their approval.
Categories: European Union
