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Updated: 3 weeks 3 days ago

Just banter | La Stampa - Italy

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 11:25
Categories: European Union

Debate: Record fine for Poland: what impact will ECJ ruling have?

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 11:25
In the legal dispute between Poland and the EU, the European Court of Justice has imposed a record fine on Warsaw. Poland has been ordered to pay one million euros per day until the controversial disciplinary chamber - which according to the ECJ judges violates the separation of powers - is abolished. Commentators examine the background to this dispute over competences and believe the EU has the upper hand here.
Categories: European Union

Debate: ECB: key interest rate left at zero percent

Fri, 29/10/2021 - 11:25
Despite rising inflation, the European Central Bank is leaving the key interest rate at zero percent. ECB chief Lagarde is convinced that the current inflation trend is temporary and driven by high energy prices, among other things. The ECB will also decide in December whether to stop its multi-billion bond-buying programme. How long can it maintain its accomodative monetary policy?
Categories: European Union

Debate: Indo-Pacific Aukus pact: EU left out?

Fri, 17/09/2021 - 12:16
The US, UK and Australia have signed a defence alliance pact for the Indo-Pacific: the Aukus deal. Among other measures Australia is to receive nuclear-powered submarines featuring US and British technology. The alliance is seen as a move to join forces against China, but it cancels a contract under which France would have supplied Australia with submarines. Paris has spoken of a "betrayal of trust". Commentators fear spiralling destabilisation.
Categories: European Union

A message to Putin | Avvenire - Italy

Fri, 17/09/2021 - 12:16
Categories: European Union

Debate: Elections in Russia: now just a necessary evil?

Fri, 17/09/2021 - 12:16
The Russian people will elect their representatives to the State Duma from September 17 to 19. All the stronger opposition candidates have been excluded from the election, and the OSCE has decided not to send observers because of Moscow's strict requirements. Commentators explain why the election is unlikely to have any impact on Putin's power and that of his United Russia party - even if on paper there are a few alternatives.
Categories: European Union
