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Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Turkish Cypriots vote for new leader amid east Med tensions

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:16
Turkish-held northern Cyprus, a breakaway state recognised only by Ankara, voted Sunday (11 October) for a new leader, amid charges of meddling by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Categories: European Union

Petkovic to lead Kosovo and Metohija office

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:15
Petar Petkovic, hitherto assistant director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, was appointed the new head of the institution on Friday (9 October), according to announcements. Petkovic was reportedly named the day before, by government decree, and...
Categories: European Union

BUCHAREST – Spike in new COVID-19 cases expected

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:14
Given the high levels of community spreading, the COVID-19 situation remains severe, Romanian health officials have said. Emergency services chief Raed Arafat even predicts that Romania could soon be recording between 5,000 and 7,000 new coronavirus cases daily. While new...
Categories: European Union

Orbán wants to buy Budapest airport

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:13
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wants to buy Budapest airport from GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, a Canadian pension fund, and AviAlliance, an airport management company. The airport, which was one of the world’s fastest-growing mid-sized hubs before the pandemic,...
Categories: European Union

Fidesz majority in parliament secured

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:12
Zsófia Koncz won the by-election in the Tiszaújváros – Szerencs constituency with 50.9% of the vote, securing Fidesz’s two-thirds supermajority in the Hungarian parliament on Sunday. The elections had to be called after Koncz’s father died in a motorcycle accident...
Categories: European Union

Sentences against Golden Dawn

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:11
The Greek court is expected to announce today the sentences against neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party which was branded last week as a criminal organisation. The court will decide whether there are grounds for recognising mitigating circumstances, something that will eventually...
Categories: European Union

ATHENS – Oruç Reis is back

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:11
The much-awaited exploratory talks between Greece and Turkey face a fresh stalemate as Turkey has decided to re-escalate by sending back Oruç Reis vessel to Greece’s continental shelf, south of the island of Kastelorizo. The removal of Oruç Reis vessel...
Categories: European Union

Spain and Portugal to join forces in recovery plan

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:10
Spain’s socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his socialist counterpart from Portugal, Antonio Costa, agreed during the “Iberian Summit” in Guarda (Portugal) on Saturday to unite forces, and cooperate on so-called joint “Iberian” projects, EURACTIV’s partner EuroEFE has reported. The...
Categories: European Union

Fear and loathing vs raw energy: Can Trump hold on?

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:10
Is the US election a done deal? Not yet, says Dick Roche, and explains why it is too early to consider that Donald Trump will necessarily lose.
Categories: European Union

Restrictions tightened, but no new lockdown in Italy

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:09
Though Italy is tightening its COVID-19 restrictions by imposing the mandatory use of face masks indoors and outdoors even while walking but not running or jogging, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said that “Italy cannot face another lockdown. Its...
Categories: European Union

DUBLIN – Facebook moderators complain

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:09
Facebook content moderators in Dublin have hit out at their working conditions, amid a worsening public health emergency in Ireland. Internal messages boards seen by The Sunday Times reveal that workers located at the Nova Atria building at Facebook’s Dublin...
Categories: European Union

New lockdown rules target Liverpool

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:08
Liverpool is set to be subject to the tightest new local lockdown rules in England when the government’s new ‘three-tier’ system is announced on Monday. Merseyside, which includes Liverpool, is expected to be the only part of England to face...
Categories: European Union

Social democrats defend throne in Vienna elections

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:07
The Social Democrats (SPÖ) defended their top position with 42% of the votes (up 2.4%) in the Viennese state election on Sunday (11 October), making them the undisputed rulers of Austria’s capital, thus dubbed “Red Vienna.” Their former main challenger,...
Categories: European Union

BRUSSELS – ‘Last phase’ before lockdown

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:06
As Belgium over the weekend ranked second place in Europe in terms of COVID-19 infections, health minister Frank Vandenbroucke said he cannot guarantee there will be no second lockdown. “It’s not simple. I can’t anticipate the facts, but I can,...
Categories: European Union

BERLIN – Curfews and new restrictions to avoid second lockdown

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:06
As the number of coronavirus infections continues to rise, cities and localities across Germany are implementing new restrictions in the hopes that this will help curb the spread of the virus without having to undergo a second lockdown. Frankfurt and...
Categories: European Union

Why is the ECB eyeing a ‘digital euro’?

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:05
The European Central Bank will on Monday (12 October) launch a public consultation and start experiments to help it decide whether to create a "digital euro" for the 19-nation currency club.
Categories: European Union

Poland eyes broker role between EU-US

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 08:05
Poland should act as ‘the integrator’ within the transatlantic community, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Sunday as he summed up the 10th Congress ‘Poland: A Great Project’ – the most important meeting of opinion-forming conservative circles in Poland....
Categories: European Union

Police in Belarus crack down on protesters, detain dozens

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 07:58
Security forces in Belarus detained dozens of protesters on Sunday (11 October) and used force, including water cannon and batons, to break up crowds demanding a new presidential election, TV footage showed.
Categories: European Union

We need to talk about the future of Europe

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 07:55
Our online world lends itself well to a conversation with citizens about the future of Europe. And yet, European leaders have so far failed to reach agreement, even on who should chair the long promised Conference on the Future of Europe, writes Roger Casale.
Categories: European Union

‘Five Eyes’ alliance demands ways to access encrypted apps

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 07:50
The "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance demanded Sunday that tech companies insert "backdoors" in encrypted apps to allow law enforcement agencies the access they say they need to police online criminality.
Categories: European Union
