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News & EU policy from Europe, for Europe
Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Electrifying Europe for a carbon-free future [Promoted content]

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 16:00
The European Union (EU) has just stepped up its 2030 climate ambition, pushing its greenhouse gas emissions reduction target to 55% compared to 1990, in order to achieve carbon neutrality in the bloc by 2050.
Categories: European Union

Top French firms commit to climate change fight

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 15:33
The French Association of Private Companies (AFEP) updated on Wednesday (7 July) the Ambition 4 Climate platform, which brings together the projects of 64 large companies with the aim of reaching carbon neutrality. EURACTIV France reports.
Categories: European Union

German commission urges phase out of CAP direct payments

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 15:16
The EU's agricultural subsidies should be restructured to achieve environment and climate goals, including a phase out of direct payments and the reduction of livestock, according to a milestone report from the German commission on the future of agriculture. EURACTIV Germany reports.
Categories: European Union

Publishers eye collective bargaining as way to take on platforms

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 14:31
As efforts to level the playing field between publishers and platforms gather steam around the world, collective bargaining approaches are also attracting support.
Categories: European Union

NATO and its nuclear policy: In contradiction to its own security objectives

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 14:15
The existence of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons  - and its entry into force on 22 January 2021 - rang as an earthquake among states possessing or supporting a nuclear deterrence policy, write Jean-Marie Collin, Susi Snyder, and Tuva Widskjold.
Categories: European Union

Far right leaders want to reform EU, and the promising Sanofi vaccine

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 14:11
Our weekly podcast focuses on a document signed by the leaders of 16 far-right parties across the EU asking for a deep reform of the Union in order to preserve its heritage. To shed some light on what this new “coalition” brings, I spoke with EURACTIV’s Senior Editor Georgi Gotev.
Categories: European Union

Media Partnership: Charting pathways to enable net zero – what role for hydrogen?

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 12:08
One year after its release, the EU Hydrogen Strategy continues to be the centre of debates on where, when and how hydrogen can best support the EU’s energy transition goals.
Categories: European Union

Rapid climate action in transport? Yes, with gas! [Promoted content]

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 12:00
The EC is about to present its Fit for 55 package with the reduction of CO2 emissions in transport set to become a major topic. gmobility is ready to play its role, but it requires supportive legislation with tools like WtW to assess its benefits.
Categories: European Union

EU slaps Volkswagen, BMW with antitrust fines

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 12:00
The EU's antitrust authority fined German auto giants Volkswagen and BMW €875 million on Thursday (8 July) for colluding on the development of anti-pollution technology for diesel cars.
Categories: European Union

Central Asia-South Asia Connectivity Summit – Why it matters in the region and beyond

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 11:35
An international connectivity summit named "Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities" will take place in Tashkent from July 15-16 as an initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, a double land-locked country.
Categories: European Union

The role of science in sustainable food and how to communicate it

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 11:22
We all know we must transition towards more sustainable food systems while maintaining food safety, and that science has a key role to play in this transition.
Categories: European Union

Germany not sufficiently prepared to tackle ransomware threats

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 11:14
Extortion of companies through ransomware attacks has reached unprecedented levels worldwide, particularly during the pandemic, but Germany's businesses and public institutions are not sufficiently prepared to address such threats that can put livelihoods and economies at risk. EURACTIV Germany reports.
Categories: European Union

EU policies for healthy food environments – What role for all stakeholders?

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 11:11
The European Commission has made healthier diets one of the priorities of this mandate, and different public health and food policies aiming to achieve healthier food environments are being developed within the framework of the Farm to Fork Strategy.
Categories: European Union

MEPs bemoan ‘spaghetti’ of travel rules across EU

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:38
The EU is facing a patchwork across the bloc when it comes to travelling, despite having a fully running EU digital covid certificate. As the delta variant surges across the bloc, MEPs call for implementing harmonised measures instead of national restrictions.
Categories: European Union

Polls show popularity boost for Tusk’s party

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:27
In today's edition of The Capitals, France call for massive vaccination as COVID-19 cases surge and Spain make arrests over the death of a 24 year old Spanish man over the weekend, all this and much more in today's capitals.
Categories: European Union

EU criticises Albania’s new media authority chief

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:26
The election of Armela Krasniqi as chairwoman of the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) by parliament with 83 votes in favour has sparked criticism from the EU office in Tirana, BIRN reported. Concern was raised regarding the political impartiality of the...
Categories: European Union

Serbian PM: Giving Belgrade Airport under concession good economic move

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:25
Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Wednesday that the decision to give the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport under concession to the French Vinci Group was a good economic move and that, if that had not been the case, the...
Categories: European Union

Logar: Article 7 hearings on Slovenian EU presidency agenda

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:25
On behalf of the Council of the EU, Slovenian Foreign Minister Anže Logar told the European Parliament on Wednesday that hearings under Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union regarding Poland and Hungary were on the agenda of Slovenia’s...
Categories: European Union

Slovenia passes stimulus package targeted at hospitality sector

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:24
The Slovenian parliament has passed another stimulus law designed to help businesses cope with the pandemic, with a €243 million package targeted at hospitality, tourism and the events industry. The centrepiece of the package are vouchers for all Slovenian residents...
Categories: European Union

Bulgaria sign deal with German electric car manufacturers

Thu, 08/07/2021 - 08:23
After the German giant Volkswagen refused to build a new plant in Bulgaria, a German startup specialising in electric cars has shown interest in investing €140 million in the country. “The deal is at the final stage,” Economy Minister Kiril...
Categories: European Union
