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Article - Democratic accountability: the key to successful economic governance in the EU

European Parliament - Tue, 16/02/2016 - 09:00
General : How much money should a country devote to its health and pension systems? Although this is of course for national parliaments to decide every year, their decisions have to be in line with the country's budgetary commitments taken at the EU level. On 16 February, MEPs and their national counterparts will debate ways to increase the democratic accountability of how the EU coordinates the economic policies of member states.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

General Affairs Council - February 2016

Council lTV - Tue, 16/02/2016 - 08:30

EU Ministers of Foreign and European Affairs meet in Brussels on 16 February 2016 to transmit a recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area to EU leaders. They are also to discuss draft conclusions on a set of arrangements to address the UK reform calls and an assessment of the implementation of European Council decisions in the field of migration.

Download this video here.

Categories: European Union

Draft report - Human rights and migration in third countries - PE 573.042v01-00 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

DRAFT REPORT on human rights and migration in third countries
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Marie-Christine Vergiat

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union


Council lTV - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 20:01

Whilst practical cooperation between the EU and Iran already exists, the scope is currently well below potential. The limits of our cooperation reflect ongoing concerns in the EU and international community, chiefly connected to Iran’s nuclear programme. The EU is also following the situation of human rights closely.

Download this video here.

Categories: European Union

Working dinner on the Western Balkans migration route on 17 February 2016

European Council - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 19:23

Brussels, 17 February 2016 - Justus Lipsius building

Provisional media programme

Welcome by the President of the European Council Donald Tusk and the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker
(VIP entrance, level 02 - photo/TV opportunity) :

  • 20:25               Prime Minister of Croatia Tihomir Orešković
  • 20:26               Prime Minister of Slovenia Miro Cerar
  • 20:27               President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić
  • 20:28               President of former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov

Access to VIP entrance

6-month badge for high level events in the Council (January-June 2016) or European Council badge for 18-19 February 2016 only.

The accreditation centre in Lex building - rue de la Loi 145, will close at 20.00. 


Due to the European Council taking place the following day, media will not be able to enter the Justus Lipsius as from 20.45 onwards. The press centre will close at 21.30.

Photos and video coverage of the event will be available for preview and download on


Categories: European Union

Libya: Border management assistance mission amended and extended

European Council - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 19:04

On 15 February 2016, the EU amended its integrated border management assistance mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya) to provide for a civilian planning capacity.

The Council also extended the mission by six months until 21 August 2016.

The change enables EUBAM Libya to assist in the planning of a possible future civilian capacity building and assistance crisis management mission in the field of security sector reform. The civilian planning capacity will co-operate closely with, and contribute to, efforts by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, liaising with the legitimate Libyan authorities and other relevant security interlocutors. 

As part of the EU's strategy aimed at supporting Libya's transition, the mission supports capacity-building for enhancing the security of Libya's borders by land, sea and air. 

The mission was launched in May 2013 by decision 2013/233/CFSP. It was amended and extended by decision (CFSP) 2015/2276 in December 2015.

Currently located in Tunis, its mandate has been extended a further six months until 21 August 2016 in order to allow increased civilian planning support.  The mission's new authorised strength will be 16 international staff.  The mission's budget is €4.475 million.

Categories: European Union

Remarks by President Donald Tusk after his meeting in Bucharest with President Klaus Iohannis of Romania

European Council - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 18:44

Good evening. Let me first of all thank you, President Iohannis, for your hospitality and for receiving me on short notice here in Bucharest. Our meeting today is part of my final round of consultations in the run up to the European Council in only three days' time. It will be a crucial summit with the two biggest challenges to the future of the European Union on the agenda: The United Kingdom's future membership of the European Union and the migration crisis. On neither can we afford to fail.

Let me begin with the United Kingdom. These are difficult but also hugely important negotiations. At stake is the United Kingdom's membership of the EU. A question which only the British people can and will decide. At stake is also the future of our European Union where we will all have to decide together, and where we cannot and will not compromise on the fundamental freedoms and values. It is in this spirit that I drafted my proposal for a new settlement for the UK in the EU.

There are still a number of outstanding political issues that we will have to agree on. These include the questions of future treaty change, a so-called emergency brake for non-euro area countries, a safeguard mechanism on access to in-work benefits, and finally the notion of ever closer union.

In Romania as well as in other EU countries, the issue of social benefits continues to be the most difficult one. Let me assure you that the proposal I have put on the table is a fair and balanced one. The safeguard mechanism on access to in-work benefits is not designed to apply to EU citizens currently working in the UK. This proposal protects the freedom of movement, while helping the UK to address its concerns when it comes to their specific system of in-work benefits.

After my talks today with President Iohannis, Prime Minister Cameron, and President Hollande and before meeting Prime Minister Tsipras, Prime Minister Sobotka and Chancellor Merkel tomorrow, I have only one political reflection: This is a critical moment. It is high time we started listening to each other's arguments more than to our own. It is natural in negotiations that positions harden, as we get closer to crunch time. But the risk of break-up is real because this process is indeed very fragile. Handle with care. What is broken cannot be mended.

Let me briefly turn to migration, which President Iohannis and I also discussed today. The migratory crisis we are witnessing now is testing our Union to its limits.

This week, I want leaders to engage in an honest discussion on where we stand on all the elements of our strategy. Most important is the protection of our external borders to stem the flow of migrants. Likewise, we must step up the return of economic migrants. We must increase our humanitarian assistance to Syria's neighbouring countries. We must make sure our agreement with Turkey works and delivers a very significant drop in numbers of arrivals; something we are still waiting to see. We must urgently address the humanitarian situation of migrants in Greece and along the Western Balkans route.

So, I am afraid we have a lot of work ahead of us. Together, as a Union, we will have to do our best to overcome all the challenges. I thank you for your constructive approach which should allow us to move forward, together. Mulțumesc, thank you! 

Categories: European Union

Press release - "We have plenty of monetary policy instruments if needed", Draghi tells MEPs - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

European Parliament (News) - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 18:34
The European Central Bank has plenty of monetary policy instruments, and the leeway to use them if needed, ECB President Mario Draghi told economic and monetary affairs MEPs on Monday. The ECB’s assets purchase programme is flexible enough to adapt to changing economies and markets, he replied to comments that it may soon run out of room to manoeuvre.Mr Draghi had already warned that the ECB Board would probably reconsider its monetary policy stance in March due to the weaker inflation outlook.
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - "We have plenty of monetary policy instruments if needed", Draghi tells MEPs - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

European Parliament - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 18:34
The European Central Bank has plenty of monetary policy instruments, and the leeway to use them if needed, ECB President Mario Draghi told economic and monetary affairs MEPs on Monday. The ECB’s assets purchase programme is flexible enough to adapt to changing economies and markets, he replied to comments that it may soon run out of room to manoeuvre.Mr Draghi had already warned that the ECB Board would probably reconsider its monetary policy stance in March due to the weaker inflation outlook.
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Fourteenth meeting of the Cooperation Council between the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic proposes closer cooperation in several areas

European Council - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 17:21

The European Union (EU) and the Kyrgyz Republic held their fourteenth Cooperation Council meeting on 15 February 2016. 

The Cooperation Council reaffirmed the commitment of both parties to strengthen bilateral and regional cooperation in a number of areas and reviewed achievements from 2015, notably in development cooperation, through which the EU has granted EUR 34.6 million to the Kyrgyz Republic. 

The Cooperation Council reviewed political developments in the Kyrgyz Republic. The EU welcomed the successful organisation of competitive parliamentary elections in October 2015 and encouraged the Kyrgyz Republic to continue its electoral reform process. The EU will provide support for electoral reform through a dedicated EU programme worth EUR 13.3 million. Kyrgyz efforts to build a stable parliamentary democracy must be reinforced by further implementation of key reforms. The rule of law, fight against corruption and judicial reform are necessary pre-conditions for sustainable development and an attractive business environment. The EU is committed to supporting the Kyrgyz Republic in this transition process. Our partnership is aimed at advancing values we share and working together for the prosperity and stability of democratic Kyrgyzstan. 

The EU emphasised the important role of civil society in the democratic transition of the Kyrgyz Republic and called on the Kyrgyz Republic to pursue an open-minded policy based on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. 

The Cooperation Council addressed economic developments in the Kyrgyz Republic and in the region. The EU particularly welcomed the Kyrgyz Republic's successful application for Generalised Schemed of Preferences, GSP+, as an important development in EU-Kyrgyz relations. This unilateral offer by the EU will allow Kyrgyz exporters to supply a wide range of products to the EU at zero tariff rates. This is an incentive to growth and diversification of the Kyrgyz economy, as well as an additional incentive for the Kyrgyz Republic to make further progress in the field of human rights, labour rights and good governance. 

The Cooperation Council also addressed regional developments in the energy sector as well as security-related challenges, including border management and radicalisation. The stability of Central Asia is of common interest to the Kyrgyz Republic and the EU, and the parties will seek to increase their cooperation in this area. The EU welcomed the Kyrgyz decision to host an EU-sponsored meeting of the Central Asia Border Security Initiative (CABSI) in Bishkek in April.

The EU was represented at the Cooperation Council by Mr Bert KOENDERS, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, acting as head of the EU delegation. The delegation of the Kyrgyz Republic was led by Mr Erlan ABDYLDAEV, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, acting as Chair of the Cooperation Council.  Meetings with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ms Federica Mogherini, and with the Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Mr Neven Mimica, are foreseen for Tuesday 16 February.

Categories: European Union
