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Egypt Buy "former Russian" BPC Mistral Warships

CSDP Blog - Thu, 24/09/2015 - 00:00

Egypt had agreed to buy two Mistral warships (futur L1010, Gamal Abdel Nasser ; from June 2 2016 and L1020, Anwar el Sadat ; from September 16 2016) and which France built for Russia before scrapping the sale over the Ukraine crisis, the deal is the second big military contract this year between France and Egypt. The two warships, which can each carry 16 helicopters, four landing craft and 13 tanks, were ordered by Russia in 2011 in a €1.2 billion euro deal.
Egypt would pay €950 million (US $1 billion) for the warships, with "significant" financing from Saudi Arabia. France found itself in an awkward situation as the delivery date neared in 2014, with ties between Russia and the West plunging to Cold War lows over Moscow's annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Paris faced the wrath of its allies around the world if it were to deliver the technology to Russia, and decided to cancel the delivery. It was an expensive decision for France, which has had to foot the bill of over €1 billion for the upkeep of the ships and the cost of training 400 Russian sailors to crew them. After months of intense negotiations, France and Russia agreed on the reimbursement of the deal in August. Paris returned €949.7 million which had already been paid and also committed not to sell the two warships to a country that could "contravene Russia's interests," such as Poland or the Baltic states, a diplomatic source told AFP.

Several other countries were said to be interested in the warships, including Canada, India and Singapore. The Defense Ministry source who revealed the cost of the ships said they were due to be delivered to Egypt in March 2016.The deal comes after Egypt became the first foreign buyer of France's Rafale fighter jet, agreeing to purchase 24 in February in what Paris hailed as an "historic" accord. The €5.2 billion (US $5.9 billion) sale of the planes and a frigate was a rare triumph for France, which had failed to export its flagship multirole combat jet.

With Libya to the west wracked by instability, and the threat from Islamic State-linked jihadists on its eastern flank, Egypt has become a strategic partner to France despite a rights record sullied by Sisi's brutal crackdown on opponents. Sisi was elected president in May 2014 with almost 97 percent of the vote a year after toppling the country's first freely elected leader, Islamist Mohamed Morsi. A subsequent crackdown on Morsi's supporters left at least 1,400 dead and thousands more in jail. Sisi was also the subject of scathing global criticism over the detention and trial of Al-Jazeera journalists, two of whom he pardoned on Tuesday on the eve of a major Muslim holiday.

Tag: MistralRussiaEgyptBPC

La bataille d’Angleterre a commencé !

Bruxelles2 Blog - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 20:35

(B2) A l’heure du sommet européen, 4 F-16 de la composante Air ont semé un semblant de panique (raisonnable tout de même) au sommet européen.Survolant à assez basse altitude le bâtiment du Justus Lipsius, 4  F-16 ont annoncé la couleur. Ils volaient cependant suffisamment haut et sans excès de vitesse pour ne pas faire trembler les vitres. Puis ont suivi les avions Marchetti SF.260… L’objectif pour la composante Air de l’armée belge était de commémorer la bataille d’Angleterre qui a eu lieu 75 ans plus tôt le 23 septembre 1940. Dans les coulisses du sommet, c’était une autre bataille qui se déroulait, sans doute un peu moins féroce mais tout aussi difficile, sur l’accueil des réfugiés comme le contrôle des frontières. Le Premier ministre hongrois, Viktor Orban, a dénoncé « l’impérialisme moral » de certains Européens. Tandis que son homologue slovaque, Robert Fico, parlait d’un « diktat ». Ce qui a suscité en réplique des commentaires peu amènes du président français notamment. « Ceux qui ne partagent pas les valeurs de l’Europe doivent se poser la question de leur présence au sein de l’UE » a lâché, un peu excédé, François Hollande !

Mais que va donc faire l'Egypte de ses deux Mistral ?

Blog Secret Défense - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 16:26
(Actualisé-2) Le montant du contrat est d'un peu plus de 950 millions - l'équivalent du remboursement à la Russie.

Mais que va donc faire l'Egypte de ses deux Mistral ?

Blog Secret Défense - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 16:26
(Actualisé) Le montant du contrat est d'un peu plus de 950 millions - l'équivalent du remboursement à la Russie.

Un convoi humanitaire d’EULEX Kosovo pour les réfugiés et migrants en Serbie

Bruxelles2 Blog - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 15:22

(B2) La mission européenne « Etat de droit » (EULEX Kosovo) a envoyé de l’aide humanitaire pour les réfugiés et les migrants qui se trouvent actuellement en Serbie. Un convoi de cinq camions est ainsi arrivé à Belgrade lundi (21 septembre) et à Sid, près de la frontière avec la Croatie, mardi (22 septembre). La mission EULEX au Kosovo a fait don d’articles ménagers tels que les équipements de cuisine et appareils électroménagers, des fours à micro-ondes, des machines à eau chaude, des lits, des matelas, des armoires, ainsi que des générateurs, des appareils de chauffage, et un conteneur entièrement équipé avec des cabines de douche, des salles de lavage, et une toilette. Un autre transfert a lieu ce mercredi (23 septembre) vers Kanjiza.

Lockheed introduces its new amphibious combat vehicle

Naval Technology - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 01:00
Lockheed Martin has introduced its new amphibious combat vehicle (ACV) 1.1 at the Modern Day Marine trade show in Quantico, Virginia, US.

US Navy signs solar energy purchase contract for NS Norfolk

Naval Technology - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 01:00
The US Department of the Navy (DON) has awarded a contract to Virginia Electric and Power Company for the long-term purchase of 25MW direct current (DC) to supply 6% of Naval Station (NS) Norfolk.

Delivery of US Navy's USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier further delayed

Naval Technology - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 01:00
The delivery of the US Navy's first Gerald R Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (CVN 78) is expected to be delayed by several weeks due to the slight deterioration in its shipboard test program, the navy has stated.

Navantia delivers vessel to Algerian Navy after modernisation

Naval Technology - Wed, 23/09/2015 - 01:00
Spain-based Navantia Shipyard has delivered the Algerian Navy's logistic support and landing ship, after completing the repair, modernisation and life extension works.

SPINNER Solutions

Naval Technology - Tue, 22/09/2015 - 17:00
A company video by SPINNER demonstrating high-frequency performance worldwide.

SAES Presents Article on Underwater Emissions Generated by Cruises

Naval Technology - Tue, 22/09/2015 - 13:02
The increasing human interaction with the marine environment is bringing about a continuous growth in the ambient noise levels, which aggregates to the traditionally existing noises produced by natural sources.
