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Le grand écart de la diplomatie française

Blog Secret Défense - Thu, 28/01/2016 - 14:51
Iran, Syrie et Ukraine : parle-t-on vraiment à tout le monde ?


North Korea likely to test launch long-range missile

Naval Technology - Thu, 28/01/2016 - 01:00
North Korea is reportedly set to conduct a long-range missile test launch from its northwestern Sohae satellite launching station of Tongchang-ri, Japan's Kyodo news agency has reported.

Iran warns US warship to not intrude into territorial waters

Naval Technology - Thu, 28/01/2016 - 01:00
The Iranian Navy has warned a US warship accompanied by a patrol aircraft to not stray into the waters of Strait of Hormuz, where the Islamic Republic was conducting 'Velayat 94' military drills.

Germany to deliver patrol boats to Saudi Arabia amidst public execution protests

Naval Technology - Thu, 28/01/2016 - 01:00
Germany's Bremen-based dockyard Luerssen has reportedly commenced construction of 15 patrol vessels for Saudi Arabia amidst global condemnation of the Middle East country's public executions.

Spanish Navy to conduct research on graphene use in ballistic protection systems

Naval Technology - Thu, 28/01/2016 - 01:00
The Spanish Navy has partnered with Cartagena Polytechnic University to conduct research on the use of graphene in ballistic protection systems.

US Navy‘s Chung-Hoon destroyer to sail on Western Pacific deployment

Naval Technology - Thu, 28/01/2016 - 01:00
The US Navy's Arleigh Burke-class Aegis destroyer USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) has been commissioned into the John C Stennis Strike Group on the Western Pacific Ocean deployment.

Que l’Europe retrouve le sens de l’hospitalité. Une demande irlandaise

Bruxelles2 Blog - Wed, 27/01/2016 - 21:49

La réception des ambassadeurs à Dublin (crédit : présidence Irlandaise)

(B2) Dans son discours aux ambassadeurs, le président de la République irlandaise, Michael D. Higgins, a averti aujourd’hui (27 janvier) les Européens du risque que présentait pour l’Europe la crise des réfugiés. Un risque qui n’est pas uniquement celui de Schengen ou du principe de libre circulation, avertit-il. Mais tout simplement nos valeurs (*).

« The risk is not just that this refugee crisis has the potential to undermine Schengen and the principle of free circulation within the European Union. It also has the potential to undermine the values at the basis of that humanistic spirit to which Europeans recommitted themselves after the devastation of WWII. The issue of migration touches upon some of the most divisive and sensitive aspects of European identity: our relationship to the outside world, to the South, and to the Muslim world »

Avec « humilité », le président irlandaise se permet d’insister demandant à tous « nos ambassadeurs européens ici de faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir de faire que cette crise devienne une opportunité de raviver un ethos européen de dignité humaine, liberté et solidarité, une opportunité peut-être de forger une cohérente politique commune sur l’asile. Je leur demande de donner un sens à ce qui est un concept partagé dans toutes les croyances et les cultures: l’hospitalité. »

« Again I would, with humility, urge all of our European Ambassadors here to do everything that is in their power to ensure that this crisis becomes an opportunity to rekindle a European ethos of human dignity, freedom and solidarity; an opportunity – perhaps – to forge a coherent common policy on asylum. I urge them to give meaning to the most shared concept across all belief systems and cultures – ‘hospitality’; ‘care for the stranger not yet a friend. »

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

traduit par nos soins

(*) NB : Il ne s’agit pas que d’un discours. L’Irlande a montré un certain sens de la solidarité. le gouvernement irlandais (qui ne fait pas partie de l’espace Schengen) a offert de participer volontairement au processus de relocalisation et a aussi envoyé plusieurs navires en Méditerranée, durant six mois, permettant le sauvetage de 8.500 personnes ces derniers mois (selon Dublin), soit quasiment autant que la seule marine allemande….

Global Cybersecurity Index & Cyberwellness Profiles Report 2015

CSDP Blog - Wed, 27/01/2016 - 11:09

"​​​The Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) measures each nation's level of commitment to the ITU's Global Cybersecurity Agenda, with the aim of highlighting potential areas for improvement and driving cybersecurity to the forefront of national plans. This report presents the 2014 results of the GCI and the Cyberwellness country profiles for Member states. It includes regional rankings, a selected set of good practices and the way forward for the next iteration."



Tag: cyberattaquecybersecurity

Thales and ASV sign agreement to develop unmanned surface vehicle

Naval Technology - Wed, 27/01/2016 - 01:00
Thales has entered into an agreement with UK-based ASV to engineer and develop a new autonomous unmanned surface vehicle (USV) to bolster capability in maritime, civil, security, and military domains.

UK Navy’s HMS Prince of Wales welcomes its first crew

Naval Technology - Wed, 27/01/2016 - 01:00
The UK Royal Navy's second Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier, HMS Prince of Wales, has welcomed its first crew, comprised of twelve personnel.

Kongsberg delivers new CCTV system for US coastguard vessel

Naval Technology - Wed, 27/01/2016 - 01:00
Norway-based Kongsberg Maritime has delivered a new CCTV system for installation on to the US Coast Guard's (USCG) heavy ice breaker vessel, Polar Star (WAGB-10).

German Navy procures Atlas Elektronik’s ARCIMS unmanned surface vessel

Naval Technology - Wed, 27/01/2016 - 01:00
The German Naval Technical Centre has procured an Atlas remote combined influence minesweeping system (ARCIMS) multi-role unmanned surface vessel (USV) from Atlas Elektronik UK, a joint company of ThyssenKrupp and Airbus DS.

US Navy finds no evidence of shooting at Naval Medical Centre San Diego

Naval Technology - Wed, 27/01/2016 - 01:00
The US Navy's initial phase of investigation at Naval Medical Centre San Diego (NMCSD) could not establish a single witness report of gunshots at the basement of the hospital.
