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En 2015, deux gendarmes tués en service commandé et 4886 blessés

Blog Secret Défense - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 17:50
Une cérémonie d’hommage aura lieu ce mardi aux Invalides

Unique Solution for Portuguese BRASS Delivered by EID

Naval Technology - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 12:27
HF communications system Broadcast and Ship-Shore (BRASS) integrates and manages a wide range of distributed communication equipment brands and types.

Si je t’oublies, Afghanistan...

Blog Secret Défense - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 12:25
La guerre civile continue à faire dix morts et vingt blessés civils chaque jour.

Syrie : comment Paris analyse la nouvelle donne

Blog Secret Défense - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 11:40
La bataille d’Alep et les victoires de l’armée syrienne appuyée par la Russie placent la France dans l’embarras, alors que ses alliés de la rébellion risquent d’être défaits.

8 ans après. L’équipe de B2 prête à une nouvelle aventure

Bruxelles2 Blog - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 09:30

(B2) L’équipe de B2 est désormais au complet. On passe d’un fonctionnement à 1 ou 2 personnes à Bruxelles à un fonctionnement plus structuré : 3 permanents entre Paris et Bruxelles, 1 à Strasbourg. Et d’autres journalistes devraient venir nous rejoindre, reporters ‘terrain’ ou spécialistes des affaires de défense, à Paris ou Berlin, pour nous apporter leur savoir-faire et leur expertise. Nous sommes ainsi parés pour naviguer dans l’horizon 2016. Avec une nouveauté depuis ce vendredi, notre Café diplomatique… enregistré, en direct, du SEAE. Une petite première… pour tous.

Porter le fer

Le temps du mono-journaliste et d’over-blog parait un peu loin. Mais l’esprit reste inchangé. Il s’agit de creuser l’information, de ne pas hésiter à porter le fer sur la plaie, si nécessaire, mais aussi de ne pas jeter de l’huile sur le feu, pour le plaisir. Nous sommes critiques. Mais nous voulons aussi mettre en exergue, les vraies réussites de l’Europe. Il y en a ! Malgré les sirènes, nombreuses, assez défaitistes qui se font entendre. Et nous n’hésiterons pas à le faire envers et contre tout et tous.

Un média qui s’est fait tout seul

B2 n’a pas l’habitude de s’auto-décerner des fleurs. Mais ce n’est pas tous les jours que partant de zéro, sans un gramme de subvention, sans un « gros » média ou une plateforme internet en appui, qu’on peut arriver à un résultat. Cela n’aurait pas pu être réussi sans nos lecteurs fidèles, ceux qui ont adhéré à l’association, se sont abonnés dès le début, nous ont envoyé des signes d’encouragement ou des commentaires utiles, sans la petite équipe administrative qui soutient le navire. Cela montre sans doute qu’à force de patience, d’effort, de travail, on peut créer un média européen qui a un intérêt car il est en prise avec son lectorat, et non flottant sur une idée…

Scoops et influence

Jour après jour, B2 bâtit ce que dans d’autres horizons, on appellerait des scoops. Nous avons ainsi fait le tour des capitales sur l’application de la clause de défense mutuelle. Ce qui nous a permis d’affirmer, preuves à l’appui, que si la première réponse a été notable, au bout d’un trimestre, cette clause a été un semi-flop. La coopération néerlando-germanique, nous l’avons annoncé 24 heures avant que la ministre néerlandaise ne l’annonce à sa propre assemblée. Pour un média non néerlandophone…, je serai tenté de pousser un petit cocorico. Tous les jours, nous informons ainsi nos lecteurs en avant première.

Décryptage et pédagogie

Mais ce n’est qu’une petite part de notre travail. Nous voulons surtout décrypter, précéder, donner des pistes aussi pour rendre plus efficace cette politique européenne. Notre encyclopédie en ligne compte aujourd’hui près de 80 fiches-mémo et plus d’une trentaine de dossiers d’actualité, qui permettent d’avoir une ‘belle vue d’ensemble’ de cette politique européenne, d’apporter à chacun, néophyte comme connaisseur, toutes les clés pour comprendre. Et cela va être encore développé avec l’arrivée d’un ‘ptit’ nouveau dans l’équipe, Lucas, chargé justement de tous les outils ‘pédagogiques’.

Last but… le reportage

B2 n’a pas été conçu uniquement pour faire que du décryptage du dossier ou parcourir les couloirs moquettés de « Bruxelles ». Nous aimons bien aussi parcourir l’asphalte, le sable, ou la boue, partageant avec les missions européennes de maintien de la paix déployées dans plus d’une quinzaine de pays, leurs espoirs, leurs difficultés, leurs frustrations comme leurs succès. Cela nous permet de passer de la théorie à la pratique. Nous sommes ainsi un des rares médias européens à parcourir le terrain extérieur. D’où le nom de Bruxelles 2 (ou Bruxelles Bis qui est le Bruxelles non officiel).

Critique et proposition

Nous avons toujours à coeur de respecter un certain équilibre : la préservation de notre indépendance, la nécessaire expertise pour ne pas nous faire ‘balader’ (nous avons développé nos propres instruments d’analyses sur la piraterie, sur la PSDC… nous permettant d’avoir une vision non polluée par des effets de com’). Nous aimons bien aussi mettre notre grain de sel, là où cela fait mal mais aussi proposer des pistes de solution. Un ancien haut responsable européen me disait récemment combien il avait apprécié, durant ses fonctions, notre esprit « parfois très critique mais toujours positif ». Sans doute un des plus beaux compliments pour nous. B2 fête aujourd’hui ses huit ans et l’aventure continue…


Vous voulez nous soutenir, c’est Ici

Lire aussi : il y a 8 ans : Création du blog « Bruxelles2 »

Cet article 8 ans après. L’équipe de B2 prête à une nouvelle aventure est apparu en premier sur Bruxelles2.

Russian Robot Technology in Syria

CSDP Blog - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 08:50

Andromeda-D : the automatic control system
Ignatov also spoke at length about a new VDV automated C2 system called Andromeda-D, developed by the Scientific-Research Institute of Communications and Command and Control Systems (NIISSU or НИИССУ). He describes Andromeda-D as a division-to-soldier system, with stationary points for commanders down to battalion, and vehicle-mounted systems for tactical units. Andromeda-D has passed troop testing, has been deployed in the 76th DShD, and is in the GOZ to buy it for the 7th DShD, 98th VDD, and 31st DShBr, according to Ignatov. He told Krasnaya zvezda the existing Polet-K system will be integrated into the new Andromeda-D system. He also says the VDV plans to deploy GLONASS receivers in its vehicles as part of its C2 system.

In addition, following other trials and drills, including the Center-2015 command post event, the Andromeda-D ACS was evaluated by the military in the highest of terms. It was reported that the United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation /UIMC, incorporated by the Rostec Corporation/ started, in 2015, lot supplies of the Andromeda-D ACS to the Russian Airborne Troops. Russia proposes creating an integrated system for controlling the Collective Security Treaty Organization /CSTO/ member states’ rapid response forces.
The Andromeda-D ACS is a complex of automatic devices for equipping stationary and mobile troop command posts. Depending on the task, it can be mounted on a chassis of a biaxial Kamaz truck, BTR-D armored personnel carrier and BMD-2 or BMD-4 amphibious infantry fighting vehicle. Andromeda-D is developed specifically for airborne troops and is adapted to loading onto a plane, flying and landing. Andromeda-D offers a complete array of multimedia services like facsimile communications, video conferencing, data transmission and special purpose telephone communication.

Russia’s Airborne Assault Forces (AAF) will start taking delivery of new Andromeda-D automated command and control systems (CCS) next year, the Defense Ministry said on Monday. MOSCOW, December 24 (RIA Novosti) - Russia’s Airborne Assault Forces (AAF) will start taking delivery of new Andromeda-D automated command and control systems (CCS) next year, the Defense Ministry said on Monday. The first Andromeda-D systems will be deployed in four AAF divisions across Russia: in Novorossiisk, Ivanovo, Tula and Ulyanovsk, ministry spokesman Col Alexander Kucherenko said. The system, which uses digital telecommunication equipment, can be deployed at fixed-site or mobile command and control stations and is geared to AAF specifics as a highly mobile military service.

The Uran-9 is a tracked unmanned combat ground vehicle (UCGV) being developed and produced by Rostec for the international market. According to a release by Rosoboronexport, the system will be designed to deliver combined combat, reconnaissance and counter-terrorism units with remote reconnaissance and fire support. The armament is 2A72 mod ABM M30-M3 from Impul's 2 (Sevastopol') along Russian artillery and other producers , four ATGM like Ataka or other , also Igla or Strela SAM , FCS , cam IR sensors NV laser and other for detection .


Argo Mobility Platform

Argo Mobility Platform combat robot
Russian, Syrian, Iranian and Hizballah troops were taking up positions Monday, Jan. 18, for a massive offensive to retake Aleppo, Syria’s second city. The rebel militias occupying different parts of the city have repulsed all previous assaults.
A victory in Aleppo (prewar population: 1 million) is expected in Moscow, Tehran and Damascus to reverse the tide of the war and force the Syrian rebels to accept that their insurgency is at an end and their only remaining option is to join the peace process initiated by Russia on Syria’s future.
Russian military intervention since late August has lifted the Syrian army out of its hopeless state and imbued its officers with fresh vigor and the troops with high morale. Bashad Assad’s army is not the same largely defeated one of five months ago. Russian air strikes have restored its commander’s confidence in their ability to win. Cutting-edge weapons are reaching combat units with Russian military advisers on hand to teach the Syrian army how to use them, along with exposure to advanced methods of warfare that have been developed by a world-class military.
DEBKAfile’s military sources add that the operational standards of Hizballah and the pro-Iranian Shiite militias fighting alongside the Syrian army have likewise been enhanced by their exposure to Russian tactics.
Those tactics have produced a substantial drop in Hizballah, Iranian and Syrian casualties in battle, contrary to reports of high casualties claimed in the Western mainstream press,
Robots, novel replacements for boots on the ground, recently made their debut appearance in the Syrian arena, our military sources have revealed. They are cast in a star role in the offensive for the recovery of Aleppo.
Heralding a revolution in modern warfare, the Russians are fielding two kinds of robots – the Platform-M combat robot and the Argo Mobility Platform, both heavily armored and capable of functioning day or night in a variety of battlefield conditions. Platform-M gathers intelligence, uncovers fixed and moving targets and destroys them. It also provides firepower support for forces on the move and secures military installations or routes traveled by the army. Platform-M is armed with semiautomatic or automatic control firing systems.for destroying enemy targets But extra fire power can be mounted on the system as required.
The Argo is designed for rough-country operations, especially on mountainous or rocky terrain. In recent battles, Syrian rebels were startled to find themselves under sudden heavy fire from the unmanned Russian robots.
Russian General Staff Chief Valery Gerasimov recently spoke of a plan to “completely automate the battle in Syria.” He added, “Perhaps soon we will witness robotic groups independently conducting warfare.” Our military sources comment that this vision is overly futuristic. No totally robotic battlefield exists anywhere in the world today outside sci-fi cinema.

For the first time in the history of the war, Russian troops conducted an attack on solid defense area of the terrorist gunmen with military robots. In the Latakia, Syrian troops under the cover of Russian robots and task success captured the strategic peak 754.5. Not long ago, the Chief of the Russian General Gerasimov, Russia claims are chemical robots war effort in the near future, the world will be witnessing, military units are robots, independently conduct the battle-and the prospect that happened a couple of days.
In 2013, Russian airborne forces were put on the payroll systems of automation of operations, Executive “Andromeda-D” on the platform C4I2 (command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, and information), with this software, the system can directly command, combat units operating branches form a complex with the involvement of modern weapons. Use the new high-tech equipment allows the levels command, combat operating can continually run the unit, perform the operations training exercise, ready to fight and fight on the battlefield is not familiar.

Private landing force command line can not perform operation on more than 5000 km of distance C4I2 to area, relaying the information not just through photos and satellite images, which also received both the entire battlefield surveillance videos, the real time combat. C4I2 combination “Andromeda-D” can be mounted on the command Bridge and two terrain as “KamAZ”, armored vehicle BTR-D, BMD-2 and BMD-4. In addition, with the particularity of the airborne forces, “Andromeda-D” can be transported by plane, flying and parachute landing. The command system, operating this warfare was brought to perform support tasks in the Syrian army mission is particularly important. Sources from the social networking site MaxPark said: during the battle of Latakia, the Russian Defence Ministry was dispatched to Syria a C4I2 “Andromeda-D”, 6 the complex military robot “Platform-M” and four “Argo” robot assemblage. Cover the robot attack combinations 152 mm self-propelled howitzer “Akatsiya”, the new field was taken to Syria not long ago, the Akatsiya is responsible AFTER the fire cover for the robot as required.

The battle to win the high score in Latakia started by diversion of the military robots, straight into the battlefield of the terrorist gunmen. On distance 100-120 m, the robot that dropped ammunition, attracted fire from the terrorist gunmen, the fire points identified are suppressed by enemy fire immediately after 152 mm self-propelled gun’s “Akatsiya”.
Followed by the robots fighting, on a distance of 150-200 m is the Syrian infantry force, whose mission is to cover robot, wipe out enemies on the peak. Though the high mountain terrain is really complicated, but the militants of terrorism completely without a chance to fight back. All of our moves were the military unmanned aircraft control closely and any risk would all be extinguished by howitzer Akatsiya. After only 20 minutes of military robots attack, the militants have fled the chaos, leaving the armament. On the high mountains of 754.5 Latakia, Syrian soldiers counted 70 gunmen killed, Syrian troops have no losses, 4 wounded.

The first time in the history, Russian army use military robots Argo and robots Platforma-M attack the mountain Latakia in Syria

Armored robot “Platforma-M”
Research and development corporations NITI Progress Izhevsk has designed and built the complex military robots Platforma-M based on the tracked chassis. Armored robot was equipped with 4 anti-tank grenade launcher or ammo 7.62 mm machine gun, pressure heat Kalashikov. The purpose of the tactical requirements of the Platforma-M is to attack the targets fixed and mobile military. In addition, the robot can perform other tasks such as reconnaissance and patrolling the area. The robot can also perform the duties of battalion, open road through the defensive minefields. The activities of research and development of robot combination lasts many years, robot pass every test and put into application in the test unit. We are prepared for the production order line.

Terrain military robot Argo.
Terrain military robot ArgoResearch Center-engineering design technology application study control and Russian robotist has developed robotic Argo military complexes. Argo is combination remote control. ARGO has the purpose required to conduct reconnaissance activities, support the troops. The car was equipped with weapons to destroy troops, the enemy’s fighting vehicles. In addition, Argo robot made light transport duties. ARGO weighs about a ton, length 3.4 m, width 1 m, height 1.65 m on land vehicles can run up to speeds of about 20 km/h, Wade at a speed of 4.6 km. reserve operating time of 20 hours. The vehicle can install the module contemporary weapons remote control: present module is using a mounted machine gun, 7.62 mm Kalasnhikov, 7 3 anti-tank grenade RPG-26, two grenade RSG-2.

Sources :

Tag: Russian ArmyAndromeda-DUran-9

US Navy contracts Serco to support hazmat inventory management

Naval Technology - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 01:00
Serco has been contracted by the US Navy's Fleet Logistics Center San Diego to provide support and services for hazardous material (hazmat) inventory management.

US Navy’s USS John P Murtha to be homeported at San Diego naval base

Naval Technology - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 01:00
The US Navy has announced that the future San Antonio-class amphibious landing ship USS John P Murtha (LPD 26) will be homeported at the San Diego naval base after it is commissioned in the second quarter of 2016.

Saudi Arabia requests $154.9m sale of Phalanx close-in weapons system from US

Naval Technology - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 01:00
The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of the potential foreign military sale of MK 15 Phalanx Block 1B Baseline 2 Close-in Weapons System (CIWS) Guns to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Boeing and US Navy working to address F/A-18 pilot health hazards

Naval Technology - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 01:00
Boeing and US Navy are reportedly working on incorporating measures to resolve oxygen issues faced by the pilots on board the Boeing-built F/A-18 and EA-18G fighter jets.

Damen to build new tug to support UK Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers

Naval Technology - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 01:00
Damen Shipyards Group has been selected by Serco to construct a new tug to provide support to the UK Royal Navy's two new Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers at Portsmouth Naval Base.

Council conclusions on Belarus

EEAS News - Mon, 15/02/2016 - 00:00
