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Pour le sevrage pornographique

Fondapol / Général - ven, 07/04/2017 - 11:12

IDÉE | Voici un thème original, pour un problème pourtant capital ! La Fondapol se penche sur le porno en ligne, les troubles et addictions que ce marché colossal induit. Première industrie à avoir été en quelque sorte ubérisée, la pornographie désormais essentiellement « online » a ses sites géants aux milliards de vues mensuelles et […]

Cet article Pour le sevrage pornographique est apparu en premier sur Fondapol.

Agrarpolitisches Dialogprogramm: Bayerische Delegation in Brüssel

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - ven, 07/04/2017 - 09:56
Für den Freistaat Bayern hat die EU-Landwirtschaftspolitik große Bedeutung. Jährlich fließen rund 1,2 Milliarden Euro an Direktsubventionen in den Süden Deutschlands, die dem Erhalt der bäuerlichen Landwirtschaft und der Landschaftpflege dienen. Wie es nach dem Brexit mit der EU-Agrarförderung weitergeht, darüber informierten sich die Landtagsabgeordneten Angelika Schorer und Martin Schöffel in Brüssel.

European Defence in View of Brexit

SWP - ven, 07/04/2017 - 00:00

The United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Theresa May’s official request, on March 29th, to leave the European Union (EU) will change the way European countries organise their defence policies. Europeans have always managed their defence via various channels: nationally, in the EU, through NATO and in smaller formats. Brexit will change the way these formats function and how they interact. The effect on the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) will be limited. NATO might benefit from a greater UK commitment, as can smaller formats. The result will be greater fragmentation in European defence, which risks weakening the Europeans’ political and military capacity to act.

European Defence in View of Brexit

SWP - ven, 07/04/2017 - 00:00

The United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister Theresa May’s official request, on March 29th, to leave the European Union (EU) will change the way European countries organise their defence policies. Europeans have always managed their defence via various channels: nationally, in the EU, through NATO and in smaller formats. Brexit will change the way these formats function and how they interact. The effect on the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) will be limited. NATO might benefit from a greater UK commitment, as can smaller formats. The result will be greater fragmentation in European defence, which risks weakening the Europeans’ political and military capacity to act.

Israel on the Road to the Orient?

SWP - ven, 07/04/2017 - 00:00

The Israeli debate sparked by the manslaughter trial of an IDF soldier over an incident in Hebron in March 2016 reveals an identity dimension as well as an ethical one. The perpetrator – convicted of shooting a Palestinian assailant in the head when he was already lying motionless on the ground – was an “Oriental” Jew, a so-called Mizrahi, thus inserting the event into the context of the internal conflict between Mizrahim and Ashkenazim, the Jews of European origin. In recent years the pendulum has swung towards the originally highly marginalised Mizrahim – who now assert political and cultural leadership and challenge Israel’s “Western” identity. Some of them, like the new activist group Tor HaZahav, go as far as openly describing Israel as part of the Middle East, although without elaborating what that would mean concretely. The paradigm shift associated with these developments thus remains an intra-societal phenomenon for the time being. Foreign policy implications, for example for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or relations with Europe, are not discernible at this stage.

Selecting and Appointing the UN Secretary-General: Examining the 2016 Process

European Peace Institute / News - jeu, 06/04/2017 - 21:57

On Thursday, April 6th, IPI together with the Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations, and Security Council Report, cohosted a policy forum event to discuss the 2016 selection process for the United Nations Secretary-General.

Over the course of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, thirteen candidates joined the race to become the next secretary-general of the United Nations. Previously considered an antiquated and highly secretive process, the 2016 selection displayed an unprecedented level of transparency and inclusivity. Active involvement of civil society and enhanced cooperation between the UN General Assembly and the Security Council paved the way for a more clearly defined selection process than ever before.

The informal dialogue sessions, often referred to as the General Assembly hearings, provided a unique and invaluable opportunity for candidates to engage with member states. By live streaming the hearings on the UN’s website, candidates were able to reach individuals throughout the world. Open meetings and events were also organized by nongovernmental organizations, including IPI, where candidates were able to present their vision statement and address questions from civil society and the larger international affairs community.

Ahead of the General Assembly’s consideration of lessons learned, speakers analyzed the progress achieved during the 2016 selection, discussed key challenges, and identified concrete recommendations on ways to further improve future selection and appointment processes in order to ensure that the new standard of transparency, engagement, and inclusivity is merely seen as the bar—not the ceiling.

The latest publication from Security Council Report, The UN Secretary-General Selection and Appointment Process: Emerging from the Shadows, was available at the event.

Welcome Remarks:
H.E. Mr. Peter Martin Lehmann Nielsen, Chargé d’Affaires, Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations

H.E. Mr. Matthew Rycroft, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations
Ms. Minna-Liina Lind, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Estonia to the United Nations
Mr. Tomas Christensen, Chef de Cabinet, Office of the President of the 70th and the 71st sessions of the UN General Assembly
Ms. Gillian Sorensen, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General (former)
Mr. Ian Martin, Executive Director, Security Council Report

Dr. Adam Lupel, Vice President, International Peace Institute

Denkzeit: "Festakt 50 Jahre Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung": Am Samstag auf ARD-Alpha

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - jeu, 06/04/2017 - 16:07
ARD-Alpha würdigt ein halbes Jahrhundert Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung mit einem ausführlichen Beitrag in der Rubrik "Denkzeit".

Dr Thanos Dokos writes in Kathimerini on Trump and climate change, 05/04/2017

ELIAMEP - jeu, 06/04/2017 - 09:24

You can read here the article on Trump and climate change which was written by Director General of ELIAMEP Dr Thanos Dokos. This commentary was published in the Greek daily Kathimerini on 5 April  2017 [in Greek].

Energía y clima en 2017: volatilidad contenida, implementación climática e incertidumbre política

Real Instituto Elcano - jeu, 06/04/2017 - 07:11
ARI 32/2017 - 6/4/2017
Gonzalo Escribano y Lara Lázaro

Los factores que previsiblemente configurarán 2017 en los ámbitos energético y climático son una volatilidad más contenida en los precios del petróleo y la implementación de políticas climáticas crecientemente ambiciosas en un contexto de incertidumbre política.

Antrittsbesuch von Mexikos Botschafter: „Brücken statt Mauern“

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - jeu, 06/04/2017 - 00:00
Am Mittwoch empfing Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, Vorsitzender der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, den neuen Botschafter Mexikos, Rogelio Granguillhome, in Berlin.

Medical Support for UN Peace Operations in High-Risk Environments

European Peace Institute / News - mer, 05/04/2017 - 16:39

On Wednesday, April 12th, IPI together with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations, are cohosting the launch of IPI’s report on “Medical Support for UN Peace Operations in High-Risk Environments.”

Remarks will begin at 1:15pm EST.

UN peacekeepers are increasingly the targets of carjacking, kidnapping, and ambushes, and the number of those injured or killed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide bombings, rocket-propelled grenades, helicopter crashes, artillery fire, and landmines, is on the rise. These new environments, where the UN sends peacekeepers without being able to guarantee their safety, challenge and question the foundational assumptions and doctrine of UN peacekeeping. Peacekeepers are becoming less impartial and are being deployed to conflict theaters where there is no political agreement and little or no peace to keep.

These environments have also created new challenges for the UN in terms of looking at safety and security concerns. This paper specifically looks at the challenges of medical support to peace operations in high-risk environments. It is concerned with the growing risks that troops, police, and civilians face when deployed to high-risk environments. While accidents and illness will remain a common cause of death in UN peace operations, medical facilities need to adapt to the operational realities of high-risk, asymmetric threat environments where peacekeepers are increasingly the direct target of attacks.

The central question this paper asks is: What are the challenges to providing medical support to UN peace operations in high-risk environments? In answering this question, the paper draws on interviews that the authors conducted in New York, Oslo, Bangui, Bamako, and Gao, with more than fifty experts working on medical support, planning, command and control, MedEvac, and other areas intrinsic to safety and security in peace operations, especially in high-risk environments. The authors conducted field research in Mali and the Central African Republic, visiting contingents and field hospitals in the UN missions in both countries. The paper also draws on insights from past research, evaluations, and reports on medical challenges in peace operations.

Opening Remarks:
Ambassador Jürgen Schulz, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations

Ms. Lesley Connolly, Policy Analyst, International Peace Institute and co-author of the paper
Mr. Havard Johansen, Course Director at the Norwegian Defense International Centre and co-author of the paper
Major General Adrian Foster, Deputy Military Adviser, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Dr. Jillann Farmer, Director, Medical Services Division, United Nations Development Programme

Dr. Els Debuf, Senior Adviser, International Peace Institute

Dominique Reynié : « Un débat à 11 nécessaire mais ubuesque »

Fondapol / Général - mer, 05/04/2017 - 16:19

Propos recueillis par Kévin Badeau LE CERCLE/INTERVIEW – Dominique Reynié, directeur général de la Fondapol, réagit au premier débat présidentiel à 11. Hier soir, 6,3 millions de téléspectateurs ont suivi sur BFMTV et CNews le débat entre les 11 prétendants à l’Elysée. Dominique Reynié, directeur général de la Fondapol, think tank d’inspiration libéral, estime que […]

Cet article Dominique Reynié : « Un débat à 11 nécessaire mais ubuesque » est apparu en premier sur Fondapol.

Reajustando expectativas: Rusia como socio estratégico en la lucha contra el terrorismo islámico

Real Instituto Elcano - mer, 05/04/2017 - 13:51
ARI 30/2017 - 5/4/2017
Mira Milosevich-Juaristi

A pesar de que existe un interés común, una mayor cooperación entre Rusia y Occidente (EEUU, la UE, la OTAN) en la lucha contra el terrorismo islámico no sólo improbable sino imposible.

Olivier Faron – Former, de plus en plus, de mieux en mieux : l’enjeu de la formation professionnelle

Fondapol / Général - mer, 05/04/2017 - 12:40

La formation professionnelle est un formidable enjeu social et économique. C’est un enjeu individuel pour les milliers de salariés, dont les carrières vont connaître des changements croissants, et un enjeu collectif au cœur de la politique de ressources humaines des entreprises, pour lesquelles c’est un levier de développement incontournable. Pourtant, les situations sont très variables […]

Cet article Olivier Faron – Former, de plus en plus, de mieux en mieux : l’enjeu de la formation professionnelle est apparu en premier sur Fondapol.

Präsidentschaftswahlen in Ecuador: Ergebnis der Stichwahl wird von der Opposition angefochten

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - mer, 05/04/2017 - 09:21
Im Mittelpunkt des Wahlabends am 02. April 2017 stand, wie auch schon beim ersten Wahlgang am 19. Februar, die staatliche Wahlbehörde CNE (Consejo Nacional Electoral). Kurz nach 20.00 Uhr Ortszeit gab sie die amtlichen Ergebnisse bekannt.

George Ehusani : Eine moralische Autorität

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - mer, 05/04/2017 - 00:00
George Ehusani, Direktor der nigerianischen Stiftung Terra Lux Leadership, ist mit dem Internationalen Solidaritätsfonds ausgezeichnet worden.

Ministerin Scharf besucht HSS-Projekt in Indien: „Wasser ist Leben“: Kooperation gegen den Klimawandel

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - mar, 04/04/2017 - 16:47
Im März besuchte Umweltministerin Scharf das Wasserprojekt der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung in Indien. Dabei traf sie auf ausgetrocknete Dörfer, mutige Frauen und die indische Wasserministerin.

Le patron de la CPAM des Yvelines veut révolutionner les esprits

Fondapol / Général - mar, 04/04/2017 - 16:21

Comment changer un système d’assurance maladie qui ne fonctionne plus ? Patrick Négaret, le directeur de la CPAM des Yvelines, appelle à remplacer l’actuel modèle centré sur les soins et la maladie par la prévention, l’évaluation et la personnalisation. C’est tout simplement une révolution copernicienne que Patrick Négaret se propose de faire ! Remplacer un […]

Cet article Le patron de la CPAM des Yvelines veut révolutionner les esprits est apparu en premier sur Fondapol.

Cours de haut niveau du CESD

IHEDN - mar, 04/04/2017 - 16:18

L’IHEDN organise à Paris du 3 au 7 avril 2017 le 3e module intitulé « La PSDC en action » du cours de haut niveau du Collège européen de sécurité et défense (CESD)...

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