This five day Leadership Course provides an opportunity for current and potential leaders to enhance their understanding of sustainable peacebuilding and leadership styles. Although the body of knowledge about peacebuilding is growing, a lack of clarity about what makes peacebuilding effective persists. Similarly, considerable knowledge exists on leadership, but fails to permeate in the peacebuilding field. This course provides an opportunity for practitioners to enhance their understanding of both leadership and sustainable peacebuilding.
With this course on “Peacebuilding” experts from governments, civil society, the private sector, international institutions and agencies as well as international non-governmental organisations will be prepared and supported for their engagement in crisis prevention, crisis management, humanitarian aid and development cooperation. This Peacebuilding Course is jointly organized by the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR), the Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports, and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) in the framework of the Academic Programme of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).
“Sea is free to all and nobody has the right to deny others access to it.
Every nation is free to travel to every other nation, and to trade with it.”
Mare Liberium,
Hugo Grotius 1609
This one-day training module focuses on the nature of maritime security today, the strategic, legal and operational frameworks employed by international security institutions as well as by select individual states to combat this complex and increasingly international security challenge.
The Cyber world is evolving very quickly. It is becoming a growing challenge for the nations and internationally. The key question is how to improve the preparedness of the modern societies and how to build new capacities in the cyber word. Awareness is crucial to further development as the weakest links in the chain are the users, be they individuals, companies or governments, while education is decisive in mitigating the shortage of skilled cyber-professionals. New collaboration models are needed and the role of the private sector in cyber security is crucial.
Cyber security has also become a integral dimension of global security policy and almost every crisis is having its “cyber front”. The most recent case is the Ukrainian crisis. Edward Snowden’s disclosures have been a serious blow to citizens’ trust of governments. Can political leaders still impact users’ online behavior? Is personal data gathering an infringement of human rights or a “necessary evil”? How can governments be held more accountable in cyber-space? Cyber-security’s concepts and legislation clearly need to be better defined.
Ce cours propose de former des fonctionnaires gouvernementaux des Etats signataires du Traité sur le Commerce des Armes (TCA) sur la meilleure façon de mettre en oeuvre efficacement ses dispositions. Le but du cours est de contribuer à la réalisation des deux principaux objectifs du TCA: «Instituer les normes communes les plus strictes possibles aux fins de réglementer ou d’améliorer la réglementation du commerce international d’armes classiques ; [p]révenir et éliminer le commerce illicite d’armes classiques et empêcher le détournement de ces armes.»
Annual Swiss Trainee Diplomats Training Course, 18-22 May 2015
In complement to national training, the GSCP offers an orientation module for new Defence Attachés and civil servants involved in international relations. The course analyses major international security questions, especially with regard to the ‘New Threats’ agenda. It surveys practical issues of protocol, as well as knowledge and practices of international conventions. It builds confidence and experience though a proven simulation of a ‘Defence Attaché tour’. All aspects of the couse meet the requirements of the Geneva Standards for Defence Attaché training.
In complement to national training, the GSCP offers an orientation module for new Defence Attachés and civil servants involved in international relations. The course analyses major international security questions, especially with regard to the ‘New Threats’ agenda. It surveys practical issues of protocol, as well as knowledge and practices of international conventions. It builds confidence and experience though a simulation of a ‘Defence Attaché tour’. All aspects of the course meet the requirements of the Geneva Standards for Defence Attaché training.
25/09/2014 00:00:00
Nagyszabású díjátadó ünnepséggel zárult ezen a héten Varsóban Európa legígéretesebb fiatal tudósainak versengése, melynek során az indulók nemzetközi bírálóbizottság előtt ismertették kutatási projektjeiket. ...
25/09/2014 00:00:00
A competition where Europe’s most promising young scientists presented their research projects to an international panel concluded this week at a glittering awards ceremony in Warsaw. ...
25/09/2014 00:00:00
Ein Wettbewerb, bei dem die vielversprechendsten Nachwuchswissenschafter/-innen Europas einer internationalen Jury ihre Forschungsprojekte präsentierten, fand diese Woche mit einer glanzvollen Preisverleihung in Warschau ihren Abschluss. ...
A 2014-2020-as ciklusban könnyebb lesz európai uniós forrásokhoz jutni a vállalkozásoknak, változik az előfinanszírozás módja, és a tervek szerint a kkv-k normatív alapon is támogatást kaphatnak majd - erről Csepreghy Nándor, a Miniszterelnökség fejlesztési kommunikációért felelős helyettes államtitkára beszélt szerdán Bátaszéken, a Tolna megyei önkormányzat fejlesztéspolitikai fórumán.