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Europäische Union

Bundeskanzler Kurz will mit der FPÖ auf Europa-Kurs bleiben - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 08:52
Brüssel kann auch bei einer Beteiligung der FPÖ an einer Regierung mit einer verlässlichen Europapolitik Österreichs rechnen.
Categories: Europäische Union

Union gegen „KoKo“ mit SPD - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 08:48
Der Vorschlag der SPD-Linken für eine sogenannte Kooperationskoalition (KoKo) stößt in CDU und CSU, aber auch bei den Jusos auf Ablehnung.
Categories: Europäische Union

Tillerson: USA offen für Gespräche mit Nordkorea - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 08:37
Die USA stellen nach den Worten ihres Außenministers Rex Tillerson keine Bedingungen für den Beginn von Gesprächen mit Nordkorea.
Categories: Europäische Union

Untersuchungen gegen Trump wegen sexueller Belästigungen gefordert - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 07:25
In der Debatte um sexuelle Belästigungen wächst der Druck auf US-Präsident Donald Trump.
Categories: Europäische Union

Investment plan for Europe: EFSI extended until 2020

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The Council adopted a regulation extending the European fund for strategic investment until 31 December 2020 with an investment target of €500 billion.
Categories: Europäische Union

Omnibus regulation: Council adopts new, simplified, agricultural rules

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
Omnibus regulation: Council adopts changes to the CAP regulations.
Categories: Europäische Union

EU budget: provisional deal reached on simpler implementation

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
On 12 December 2017 the Estonian presidency and the European Parliament reached a preliminary agreement on the so-called Omnibus regulation amending the rules for the implementation of the EU budget.
Categories: Europäische Union

Council approves the EU's legislative priorities for 2018-2019

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
On 12 December, the Council approved the EU's legislative priorities for 2018-2019.
Categories: Europäische Union

Lorry and bus drivers' training: provisional agreement with Parliament on updated rules

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The presidency reached an informal deal on qualifications of professional drivers.
Categories: Europäische Union

European defence: Council agrees its position on the proposed regulation establishing the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The Council adopted a general approach on a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP).
Categories: Europäische Union

Invitation letter by President Donald Tusk to the members of the European Council ahead of their meetings on 14 and 15 December 2017

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
President Donald Tusk sent the invitation letter and the Leaders' Agenda notes on migration and on the economic and monetary union to the members of the European Council for their meetings on 14 and 15 December 2017.
Categories: Europäische Union

Seventh meeting of the Accession Conference with Serbia at Ministerial level Brussels, 11 December 2017

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The seventh meeting of the Accession Conference with Serbia at ministerial level was held on 11 December 2017 in Brussels to open negotiations on Chapter 6 - Company law and Chapter 30 - External relations.
Categories: Europäische Union

Letter from President Donald Tusk congratulating Mateusz Morawiecki on taking office as Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
Letter from President Donald Tusk congratulating Mr Mateusz Morawiecki on taking office as Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
Categories: Europäische Union

Tenth meeting of the Accession Conference with Montenegro at Ministerial level Brussels, 11 December 2017

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The tenth meeting of the Accession Conference with Montenegro at ministerial level was held on 11 December 2017 in Brussels to open negotiations on Chapter 2 - Freedom of movement for workers, and Chapter 3 - Right of establishment and freedom to provide services.
Categories: Europäische Union

Aid for trade: Council adopts conclusions on achieving prosperity through trade and investment

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The Council discussed and adopted conclusions on the updated EU strategy on aid for trade.
Categories: Europäische Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain countries with Council Decision (CFSP) concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and...

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/2163 of 20 November 2017 amending Decision 2014/145/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine
Categories: Europäische Union

Indicative programme - General Affairs and General Affairs (Art. 50) Council meetings, 12 December 2017

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: Europäische Union

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Council adopts conclusions

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The Council has adopted conclusions on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Categories: Europäische Union

Thailand: Council adopts conclusions

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The Council adopted conclusions on Thailand.
Categories: Europäische Union

Defence cooperation: Council establishes Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), with 25 member states participating

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Wed, 13/12/2017 - 00:33
The Council established the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), with Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden as participating member states.
Categories: Europäische Union
