AA - Association Agreement
AAPS - Architecture Africaine de Paix et de Sécurité
AAR - Air-to-Air Refuelling
ACoS - Assistant Chief of Staff
ACP - African, Caribbean and Pacific
AESZ - Afrikai Egységszervezet
AFET - EP Foreign Affairs Commission (Affaires Étrangères)
AKE - Afrikai Készenléti Erő
AKU - Autonomous Knowledge Unit
AMIS - African Union Mission in Sudan
AMISEC - African Union Mission for Support to the Elections in the Comoros
AMISOM - African Union Mission to Somalia
APE - Accord de Partenariat Économique
APSA - African Peace and Security Architecture
AQIM - Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
ARYM - Ancienne République Yougoslave de Macédoine
ÁSE - Állandó Strukturált Együttműködés
ASF - African Standby Force
AU - African Union
BBAA - Béke és Biztonság Afrikai Architektúrája
BERD - Banque Européenne pour la Reconstruction et le Développement
BiH - Bosnia and Herzegovina
BITDE - Base industrielle et technologique de défense européenne
BREXIT - British exit (from the EU)
BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South-Africa
C4ISR - Computerized Command, Control, Communications (to 2007: Command, Control, Communications, Computers) Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance
C4ISTAR - C4IS Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
CA - Cooperation agreement
CAR - Central African Republic
CARIC - Capacité Africaine de Réponse Immédiate aux Crises
CARDS - Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation (Program)
CBTD - Capacity Building and Training Division
CCC - Cellules Communistes Combattantes
CDM - Capability Development Mechanism
CDP - Capability Development Plan
CDR - Capacité de déploiement rapide
CEMAC - Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centrale
CEDEAO - Communauté économique des États de l`Afrique de l`Ouest
CEPOL - Collège européen de police
CESD - Collège européen de sécurité et de défense = EBVA franciául
CFSP - Common Foreign and Security Policy = KKBP angolul
CHG - Civilian Headline Goal
CIVCOM - Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management
CIVPOL - Civilian Police (Mission)
CJA - Council Joint Action
CJSOR - Combined Joint Statement of Requirements
CMC - Crisis Management Concept
CMCA - Commission de Médiation de Conciliation et d’Arbitrage
CMCO - Civil-Military Co-ordination
CMPD - Crisis Management and Planning Directorate
COASI - EU Asia-Oceania Working Party
CODABA - Cooperative Database
CONOPS - Concept of Operations
COPS - Comité Politique et de Sécurité
COREPER - Comité des Représentants Permanents
CoS - Chief-of-staff
COTER - Council Working Group on Terrorism
CPA - Comprehensive Peace Agreement
CPCC - Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability
CRC - Crowd and Riot Control
CSDP - Common Security and Defence Policy = KBVP angolul
CSF - Civil Society Facility
CSP - Coopération Structurée Permanente = ÁSE franciául
CSTC-A - Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan
CSUE - Centre satellitaire de l`Union européenne
CTC - Counter Terrorist Cell
DAC - Development Assistance Committee
DCFTA - Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area/Agreement
DCI - Development Cooperation Instrument
DDR - Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
DDRRR - Disarmament, Demobilization, Repatriation, Reintegration and Resettlement
DECI - Defence Cooperation Initiative
DEVCO (DG) - Development Cooperation
DG - Directorate General
DGEUMS - Director General of the EU Military Staff
DRC - Democratic Republic of Congo
DROI - EP AFET / Human Rights Sub-Commission
EAB - Executive Academic Board
EAC - European Armament Co-operation Strategy
EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
EAMA - États africain et malgache associés
EATF - European Air Transport Fleet
EAW - European Arrest Warrant
EB - Európai Bizottság
EBDS - EU Bomb Data System
EBESZ - Európai Biztonsági Együttműködési Szervezet
EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EBS - Európai Biztonsági Stratégia
EBVA - Európai Biztonsági és Védelmi Akadémia
EBVP - Európai Biztonság- és Védelempolitika (2009-ig)
ECHO - European Community Humanitarian Aid Office
ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States
ECU - European Currency Unit
EDA - European Defence Agency
EDC - European Defence College
EDF - European Development Fund
EDP - European Diplomatic Programme
EDTIB - European Defense Technological and Industrial Base
EEAS - European External Action Service = EKSZ angolul
EEW - European Evidence Warrant
EFMN - European Foresight Monitoring Network
EFP - European Foresight Monitoring Platform
EFTA - European Free Trade Association
EGF - European Gendarmerie Force
EGK - Európai Gazdasági Közösség
EIDHR - European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights
EIB - European Investment Bank
EMPA - Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (v.ö. PA-UfM)
EMUNI - Euro-Mediterranean University
ENI - European Neighbourhood Instrument
ENP - European Neighbourhood Policy
ENPI - European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument
EOM - Election Observation Mission
EaP - Eastern Partnership
ERDF - European Regional Development Fund
ERFA - Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap
EROI - Energy Return on Investment
ESA - European Space Agency
ESDI - European Security and Defence Identity
ESDC - European Security and Defence College
ESDP - European Security and Defence Policy
ESRP - European Security Research Programme
ESS - European Security Strategy
ESZP - Európai Szomszédságpolitika
EUAM - EU Advisory Mission
EUAVSEC - EU Aviation Security Mission
EUBAM - European Border Assistance Mission
EU BG - EU Battlegroup
EUCM - EU Command Element
EUFOR - European Union Forces
EU INTCEN - EU Intelligence Analysis Centre
EUISS - European Union Institute for Security Studies
EUJUST - European Justice Mission
EULEX - European Rule of Law (Mission)
EUMAM - EU Military Advisory Mission
EUMC - EU Military Committee
EUMCWG - EUMC Working Group
EUMM - EU Monitoring Mission
EUMS - EU Military Staff
EUMS INT - EUMS Intelligence Directorate
EUNAVFOR - EU Naval Force
EUPM - European Union Police Mission
EUPOL - European Police (Mission)
EUPT - European Union Planning Team
EUROPOL - European Police Office
EU SITCEN - European Union Situation Centre
EUSC - European Union Satellite Centre
EUSR - European Union Special Representative
EUTM - European Union Training Mission
EVÜ - Európai Védelmi Ügynökség
FAA - Force africaine d’alerte / Force africaine en attente
FAC - Foreign Affairs Council
FARDC - Forces armées de la RDC
FC - Force Catalogue
FED - Fond Européen de Développement
FEDER - Fonds Européen de Développement Régional
FEMIP - Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership
FGP - Force Generation Process
FHQ - Force Headquarter
FIU.NET - Financial Intelligence Unit Network
FNC - Framework Nation Concept
FOB - Forward Operation Bases
FOMUC - Force multinationale en Centrafrique
FPI - Foreign Policy Instrument
FRONTEX - Frontières extérieures
FYROM - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
GAC - General Affairs Council
GOVSATCOM - Cyber, and Satellite Communication
GPPO - German Police Project Office
HHG - Helsinki Headline Goal
HLC - High Level Course
HQ - Headquarter
HR-VP - High Representative (of the Union for Foreign Affairs) / Vice President
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
IAH - Instrument d’aide humanitaire
IBM - Integrated Border Management
ICD - Instrument de financement de la coopération au développement
ICI - Industrialised Countries Instrument
ICITAP - International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program
IDL - Internet-based Distance Learning
IdS - Instrument de Stabilité
IfS - Instrument for Stability
IEDDH - Instrument européen pour la démocratie et les droits de l'homme
IEMF - Interim Emergency Multinational Force
IFOR - Implementation Force
IfS - Instrument for Stability
IMD - Initial Military Directive
INSC - Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation
IPA - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assitance
IPCB - International Police Coordination Board
IPU - Integrated Police Unit
IPCC - Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change
IPTF - International Police Task Force (UN)
IRA - Irish Republican Army
IRFs - Intermediate Reserve Forces
ISAF - International Security Assistance Force
ISTAR - Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance
IRF - Intermediate Reserve Force
JHA - Justice and Home Affairs
JIP - Joint Investment Programmes
JPC - Joint Permanent Committee
JRC - Joint Research Centre
JSC - Joint Situation Centre
KAK - Közép-afrikai Köztársaság
KBVP - Közös Biztonság- és Védelempolitika (2009-től)
KDK - Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság
KKBP -Közös Kül- és Biztonságpolitika
KFOR - Kosovo Force
KP - Keleti Partnerség
LDC - Least Developed Country
LIC - Low Income Countries
LNG - Liquid Natural Gas
LoI - Letter of Intent (1998)
LOT - Liaison and Observation Team
MedEvac - Medical evacuation
MENA - Middle East and North Africa (region)
MEP - Member of the European Parliament
MICOPAX - Mission de consolidation de la paix en Centrafrique
MINURCAT - Mission de l'ONU en RCA et au Tchad
MINUSCA - Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en Centrafrique
MINUSMA - Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali
MISCA - Mission internationale de soutien à la Centrafrique sous conduite africaine
MFA - Macro-Financial Assistance (to non-EU countries)
MFO - Multinational Force and Observers
MFF - Multiannual Financial Framework
MIC - (European) Monitoring and Information Centre
MLF - Multinational Land Force
MMA - Mentoring, Monitoring, Advising
MNBN - Multinational Manoeuvre Battalion
MONUC - Mission de l`ONU en RDC
MONUSCO - Mission de l`ONU pour la stabilisation en RDC
MRR - Mécanisme de réaction rapide
MSO - Military Strategic Option
MU - Mediterrán Unió
NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NEPAD - New Partnership for Africa's Development
NIC - National Intelligence Council
NORDEFCO - Nordic Defence Cooperation
NSCI - Nuclear Safety Cooperation Instrument
NTM-A - NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan
NYEU - Nyugat-európai Unió
OAS - Organisation de l'Armée Secrète
OC - Orientation Course
OCCAR - Organisation conjointe de coopération en matière d`armement
OCHA -Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN)
OCT - Overseas, Countries and Territories
ODA - Official Development Aid
OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OHF - Over the Horizon Forces
OHQ - Operational Headquarters
OIC - Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
ONU - Organisation des Nations unies
OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
OPLAN - Operation Plan
OpRes - Operational Reserve Force
ORF - Operational Reserve Force
OSCE - Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
OTAN - Organisation du traité de l`Atlantique Nord
PA-UfM - Parliamentary Assembly - UfM
PAP - Police Action Plan
PBB - Politikai és Biztonsági Bizottság
PC - Progress Catalogue
PESC - Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune
PESCO - Permanent Structured Cooperation
PESD - Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense
PEV - Politique européenne de voisinage
PFCA - Political Framework for Crisis Approach
PfP - Partnership for Peace
PJCC - Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters
PHARE - Pologne Hongrie Aide à la reconstruction économique
PMA - Pays les moins avancés
PNC - Police nationale congolaise
PNR - (European) Passenger Name Record
PO - Partenariat Oriental
PRT - Provincial Reconstruction Team
PSC - Political and Security Committee
PSDC - Politique de sécurité et de défense commune
PSOTC - Peace Support Operations Training Center
PWT - Police Workgroup on Terrorism
R&T - Research and Technology
RAF - Rote Armee Fraktion
RCA - République Centrafricaine
RDC - République démocratique du Congo
RPAS - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
SACEUR - Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SALW - Small Arms and Light Weapons
SAA - Stabilisation and Association Agreement
SAC - Strategic Airlift Capability
SAP - Stabilisation and Association Process
SAPARD - Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development
SATCEN - Satellite Centre
SC - Steering Committee
SCO - Sanghai Cooperation Organization
SEAE - Service européen pour l`action extérieure
SECI - Southeast European Cooperative Initiative
SEDE - EP AFET / Subcommittee on Security and Defence
SEECP - South-East European Cooperation Process
SES - Stratégie européenne de sécurité = EBS franciául
SFOR - Stabilization Force
SHAPE - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SG-HR - Secretary General - High Representative / Secrétaire Général - Haut Représentant
SIAC - Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity
SIS - Schengen Information System
SNA - Somali National Alliance
SOPF - Separation of Parties by Force
SPRING - Support to Partnership, Reform and Inclusive Growth
STABEX - Fonds de stabilisation des recettes d’exportation sur les produits agricoles
STOA - Science and Technology Options Assessment
SSR - Security Sector Reform
SYSMIN - Système de Développement du potentiel minier - Fonds de stabilisation des recettes d’exportation des produits minéraux
TACIS - Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States
TE-SAT- Terrorism Situation and Trend Report
TEU - Treaty on European Union
TISA - Trade in Services Agreement
TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership
TTIP - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
TWG - Terrorism Working Group
UDHR - Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UEO - Union de l`Europe occidentale
UfM - Union for the Mediterranean
UNAMA - United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
UNAMID - United Nations–African Union Mission in Darfur
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UNGA - United Nations General Assembly
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNIPTF - United Nations Internationa Police Task Force
UNMIBH - United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
UNMIK - United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
UPI - Unité de police integrée
UpM - Union pour la Méditerranée
VHR - Very High Readiness Reserve
VIS - Visa Information System
WEAG - Western European Armaments Group
WEU - Western European Union
WFP - World Food Program
WMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction
WTO - World Trade Organisation
Source : Hungary & CSDP Handbook
Created by András István Türke
Last modification : 24/04/2017
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