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Video of a committee meeting - Tuesday, 30 August 2016 - 09:15 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Length of video : 205'
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Disclaimer : The interpretation of debates serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech or the revised written translation is authentic.
Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Szakkollégiumi Esték: Orosz propaganda és dezinformáció

Biztonsá - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:55

A Szakkollégiumi Esték őszi félévének első előadásán Molnár Mónika, a Biztonságpolitikai Szakkollégium tagja és a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem nemzetközi tanulmányok mesterszakos hallgatója fog prezentációt tartani az orosz dezinformációs kampányokról és propagandáról. Szó lesz arról, hogyan működhet sikeresen a hamis információk széles körű terjesztése, színes példákkal szemléltetve.

Időpont: 2016. 09. 07. – 18.00
Helyszín: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Orczy úti Kollégium

Az előadás ingyenes, de a részvétel előzetes regisztrációhoz kötött, amelyet az alábbi táblázat kitöltésével tehet meg.

Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Arrêtés anti-burkini : l’ONU dénonce "des interdictions hautement discriminatoires"

France24 / France - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:53
Trois jours après la suspension de l'interdiction du port du burkini en France par le Conseil d'État, le Haut-Commissariat de l'ONU aux droits de l'Homme s'est, mardi, insurgé contre une mesure qui alimentait "l'intolérance et la stigmatisation".
Categories: France

Defence Policy Database now with 130 official documents

EDA News - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:45

The EDA’s Defence Policy Database which has been launched earlier this year was recently updated. The database currently contains 130 official documents from International Organisations and Member States providing a comprehensive overview of governmental documents on a wide spectrum of issues related to security and defence.

The database was created to share information on Member States’ defence policies. It mainly contains national defence and security strategies, strategic defence reviews, white papers, strategic concepts, R&T and industrial policies, military planning guidelines as well as defence procurement regulations. The latest update also encompasses the EU Global Strategy which was issued in June this year. 

The database features a repository of all documents and the analytical functionalities of the software allow users to search for specific information. For instance, content can be filtered along several indicators including strategic objectives and long term vision, threat perception, geographical areas of interest, and level of ambition.

The next major update is envisaged for October 2016. Governmental users can request access using their My.EDA account or sending a registration email to dpol(a) 

More information:  
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Loi travail : les manifestations reprendront le 15 septembre

Le Point / France - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:44
La CGT appelle à la reprise du mouvement pour l'abrogation de la loi El Khomri. Il s'agira de la 13e journée de mobilisation depuis le mois de mars.
Categories: France

Le président Hollande parle de « risques d’embrasement général » après l’intervention turque en Syrie

Zone militaire - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:40

Le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Ashton Carter, a estimé, le 29 août, que le conflit entre les forces armées turques et les milices kurdes syriennes (YPG) peut « être évité », pourvu que leurs positions soient figées. « Nous appelons les deux parties à ne pas se combattre l’une l’autre, et à continuer à concentrer leurs efforts […]

Cet article Le président Hollande parle de « risques d’embrasement général » après l’intervention turque en Syrie est apparu en premier sur Zone Militaire.

Categories: Défense

Press release - Turkey: handling of aftermath of coup attempt is a crucial test, say MEPs - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:26
The respect of human rights and the rule of law in Turkey in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt will be a crucial test for the state of the country’s democracy, said Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs on Tuesday. They assessed the results of last week’s fact-finding mission to Turkey by the committee chair and rapporteur and stressed the need for constant monitoring.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Press release - Turkey: handling of aftermath of coup attempt is a crucial test, say MEPs - Committee on Foreign Affairs

The respect of human rights and the rule of law in Turkey in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt will be a crucial test for the state of the country’s democracy, said Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs on Tuesday. They assessed the results of last week’s fact-finding mission to Turkey by the committee chair and rapporteur and stressed the need for constant monitoring.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Press release - Turkey: handling of aftermath of coup attempt is a crucial test, say MEPs - Committee on Foreign Affairs

European Parliament (News) - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:26
The respect of human rights and the rule of law in Turkey in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt will be a crucial test for the state of the country’s democracy, said Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs on Tuesday. They assessed the results of last week’s fact-finding mission to Turkey by the committee chair and rapporteur and stressed the need for constant monitoring.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Turkey: handling of aftermath of coup attempt is a crucial test, say MEPs - Committee on Foreign Affairs

European Parliament - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:26
The respect of human rights and the rule of law in Turkey in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt will be a crucial test for the state of the country’s democracy, said Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs on Tuesday. They assessed the results of last week’s fact-finding mission to Turkey by the committee chair and rapporteur and stressed the need for constant monitoring.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Turkey: handling of aftermath of coup attempt is a crucial test, say MEPs - Committee on Foreign Affairs

The respect of human rights and the rule of law in Turkey in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt will be a crucial test for the state of the country’s democracy, said Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs on Tuesday. They assessed the results of last week’s fact-finding mission to Turkey by the committee chair and rapporteur and stressed the need for constant monitoring.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Turkey: handling of aftermath of coup attempt is a crucial test, say MEPs - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Európa Parlament hírei - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:26
The respect of human rights and the rule of law in Turkey in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt will be a crucial test for the state of the country’s democracy, said Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs on Tuesday. They assessed the results of last week’s fact-finding mission to Turkey by the committee chair and rapporteur and stressed the need for constant monitoring.
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP

La quimera de los eurobonos

Real Instituto Elcano - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:22
Opinión - 30/8/2016
Miguel Otero Iglesias
Si el gobierno español, sobre un consenso nacional previo, desea la mutualización de la deuda, tiene que demostrarle a los países acreedores del norte que va en serio con la cesión de soberanía.

Gigaadót fizettetnek vissza utólag az Apple-lel

Bruxinfo - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 14:02
Rekordösszegű elmaradt társasági adót, 13 milliárd eurót fizettetne vissza az Európai Bizottság az Apple-lel, mert arra a következtetésre jutott, hogy több mint egy évtizeden át jogszerűtlenül vette igénybe az Írország által e célból nyújtott adóelőnyt.

Crise du lait : les producteurs et Lactalis se mettent d'accord sur le prix

France24 / France - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 13:59
Après une mobilisation massive, les producteurs laitiers ont conclu un accord, mardi, avec Lactalis. Le prix de la tonne de lait - principale pomme de discorde entre l'entreprise et les agriculteurs - a été fixé à 290 euros en moyenne.
Categories: France

Ausztriában versenyzett az ejtőernyős-válogatott

JetFly - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 13:45
Újabb versenyen vett részt a Magyar Honvédség júliusban világbajnoki címet nyert ejtőernyős-válogatottja.
Categories: Biztonságpolitika

Tisztelgés a levegőből

JetFly - Tue, 30/08/2016 - 13:25
Magyar Gripenek Varsó fölött.
Categories: Biztonságpolitika
