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Updated: 3 weeks 2 days ago

Israel Is Growing Increasingly Worried About the Trump Administration

Fri, 17/11/2017 - 17:11
As Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Russia rush to fill the vacuum of leadership in the Middle East, the United States is AWOL.

President Trump and the Risks of Nuclear War

Fri, 17/11/2017 - 16:37
How command and control works when the military wakes up the president vs. when the president wakes up the military.

Babylon Revisited: Melancholy Thoughts After a Short Trip to Washington, D.C.

Fri, 17/11/2017 - 15:30
As a young reporter in political Washington in the late 1980s, I noticed that there was a type of person who thrived in the driven, transactional environment of the capital.

SitRep: Pentagon Officials Open To Talks With North Korea

Fri, 17/11/2017 - 13:54
U.S. taking eye off South China Sea, Navy searching for way to 355 ships, Pentagon experimenting with new missile defenses

Navy Is Still Searching For A Plan To Reach A 355-Ship Fleet

Fri, 17/11/2017 - 12:29
It’s been over a year since Trump promised dozens more warships.

Russia Vetoes U.N. Effort to Finger Those Responsible for Syrian Chemical Weapons Attacks

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 23:19
Nikki Haley warns U.S. is prepared to use military to enforce prohibition on Syrian chemical weapons use.

Rational Security on The E.R.: The “DMs on the DL” Edition

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 23:12
Does democracy go down in the DMs? The folks at Lawfare discuss.

The Kurdish Explosion Is Unleashing Demons

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 22:22
The United States needs to put a stop to this flashpoint before it’s too late.

Why Cozying Up to Trump Works

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 21:58
The rest of the world may not particularly like the U.S. president’s bluster, but playing to his ego is a pretty good strategy.

Lawmakers Scold State Department for Reportedly Slashing Disability Support for Diplomats’ Children

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 20:53
Funds for therapy and education are reportedly cut.

Israel Isn’t Going to Fight Saudi Arabia’s Wars

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 20:17
Don't expect Benjamin Netanyahu to put Israeli soldiers in harm's way in Lebanon on Mohammed bin Salman's say-so.

Are China’s Chickens Contaminating America’s Plates?

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 19:36
Americans’ favorite meat just got riskier to eat.

With Trump Focused on North Korea, Beijing Sails Ahead in South China Sea

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 18:12
China is starting to dictate terms in one of the world’s strategic waterways, and the United States is largely missing in action.

Coffee: The Military Essential That Fuels Combat, Camaraderie and Communion    

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 17:49
Coffee as the conduit for memories of a military career

Russia Wouldn’t Even Exist Today Without the Bolsheviks

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 16:00
The Communist Revolution was far more geopolitically influential than its contemporary critics — and even its celebrants — acknowledge.

America Can’t Win Great-Power Hardball

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 15:56
As other countries rise, global stability depends on the United States holding onto its moralism.

SitRep: China Says No Deal With Trump on Military Exercises

Thu, 16/11/2017 - 13:40
Former SecDefs reject Trump tax bill, Army secretary finally moves in

Lawmakers Slam Tillerson’s Bungled State Department Reforms

Wed, 15/11/2017 - 23:01
There's growing concern on the Hill that the secretary of state is mangling American diplomacy.

Zimbabwe’s Military Says There’s Nothing to See Here

Wed, 15/11/2017 - 16:25
Robert Mugabe is under house arrest, and the generals are in charge. But the top brass still insist there hasn’t been a coup.

Edgar on Strategy (Part X): Build your approach on the understanding that the global state system is here to stay

Wed, 15/11/2017 - 15:45
While some arguments for the decline of the state are insightful and important, none of them have stuck.
