the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 3 weeks 3 days ago
Thu, 14/12/2017 - 01:03
Despite months of secret contacts, North Korea has been playing hard to get back to the negotiating table – even as Rex Tillerson reaches out again.
Wed, 13/12/2017 - 23:26
There’s long been a bipartisan consensus on support for Israel. That may soon be history.
Wed, 13/12/2017 - 19:40
A Bahraini delegation's trip to Israel is the latest sign of the Gulf monarchies' burgeoning alliance with the Jewish state.
Wed, 13/12/2017 - 19:24
Under the guise of fighting a "war on terrorism," Cairo is cracking down on organizations that shed light on its abuses.
Wed, 13/12/2017 - 18:02
The iconic British insurance market is good at pooling risk. But critics fear the policies it underwrites could fuel gun violence.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 21:54
The United States has forfeited its authority as a neutral broker. It may be time for the Palestinian street to have its say.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 21:49
The Republican Party is ready to serve as an accomplice to obstruction of justice.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 21:18
And that's going to lead to even bigger problems down the road.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 20:34
Why President Trump shouldn’t necessarily heed the long-term vision of his own National Security Strategy.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 18:20
President Trump can’t let the House and Senate play politics with Iranian nuclear deal.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 16:15
A forgotten legacy.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 16:10
There are multiple ways to describe retired Lt. Cols. David Bolgiano and John Taylor’s article in the December issue of Proceedings.
Mon, 11/12/2017 - 13:57
Another big resignation at State Dept.; Iranian missiles with American parts
Sat, 09/12/2017 - 19:29
One diplomat’s stinging resignation letter offers a glimpse into declining morale at the State Department under Trump.
Sat, 09/12/2017 - 00:55
The Trump administration’s pick for the Iran post will likely back a more aggressive stance.
Fri, 08/12/2017 - 23:36
Investigation into weapon’s origins yields clues, but no smoking gun.
Fri, 08/12/2017 - 22:06
U.S. officials failed to mention the impending recognition of the holy city as Israel's capital just days before Trump's announcement.
Fri, 08/12/2017 - 21:43
Since 1987, Europe has been off limits for medium-range missiles. Russia — and now the United States — seems ready to tear up that detente.
Fri, 08/12/2017 - 21:31
From possibly obstructing justice to keeping his finances under wraps, President Trump is giving new meaning to “when you’re a star, they let you do it.”
Fri, 08/12/2017 - 20:08
Men in positions of power need to do better. That includes me.