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Culture, Exposition Georges de la Tour au musée du Prado

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 14/03/2016 - 01:00
Jusqu'au 12 juin 2016, le musée du Prado à Madrid présente une exposition sur Georges de la Tour, peintre lorrain du milieu du XVIIe siècle, qui retrace son parcours à travers ses œuvres qui furent oubliées jusqu'au XXème siècle.

Culture, L'avant-garde russe de Chagall à Malevitch au musée de l'Albertina à Vienne

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 14/03/2016 - 01:00
Jusqu'au 26 juin, l'Albertina de Vienne consacre une exposition aux peintres avant-gardistes russes du début du 20ème siècle. Kandinsky, Chagall et Malevitch figurent en bonne place dans cet ensemble de 130 œuvres.

Culture, Exposition Hubert Robert au Louvre

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 14/03/2016 - 01:00
Jusqu'au 30 mai 2016, le musée du Louvre expose les œuvres de l'artiste Hubert Robert, homme des Lumières visionnaire et parmi les fondateurs du musée du Louvre.

Culture, Festival de Pâques de Baden-Baden

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 14/03/2016 - 01:00
Du 19 au 28 mars 2016, la ville de Baden-Baden en Allemagne accueille le quatrième Festival de Pâques avec l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Berlin. De grands opéras, notamment "Tristan et Isolde" et de nombreux concerts sont au cœur de la programmation.

Culture, Festival de Pâques de Salzburg

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 14/03/2016 - 01:00
Le Festival de Pâques 2016 de Salzburg, qui se déroulera du 19 au 28 mars, mettra à l'honneur l'opéra Otello de Giuseppe Verdi, ainsi que l'influence de William Shakespeare dans le monde de la musique.

Espace, La mission russo-européenne ExoMars 2016 entame son voyage vers la planète rouge

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 14/03/2016 - 01:00
La mission russo-européenne ExoMars 2016 est entrée en orbite le 14 mars, entamant la première partie de son long voyage depuis le cosmodrome de Baïkonour vers la planète rouge, où elle doit trouver de potentielles preuves d'activités biologiques à sa surface.

Wie viel Konfuzius verträgt China heute?

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Sat, 12/03/2016 - 00:00
Zum ersten Mal in der über 10-jährigen Geschichte der Filmseminare im Konferenzzentrum München wurde ein fernöstliches Thema aufgegriffen. Am 12. März 2016 ging es um die Frage, wie weit heute noch die Gedanken des bedeutendsten Philosophen des „Reiches der Mitte“ in Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft verwurzelt sind. Seminarleiter Artur Kolbe konnte hierzu eine stattliche Anzahl von Gästen begrüßen.

RDV sur LCI à 10h15

Institut Montaigne - Fri, 11/03/2016 - 17:36
Date: Lundi 14 Mars 2016Résumé: Fanny Anor, chargée d'études senior à l'Institut Montaigne sera l’invitée de Valérie Expert pour présenter le rapport Le numérique pour réussir dès l’école primaire.

Penser et s’approprier un sujet de relations internationales : l’exemple de Hiroshima et du nucléaire

IRIS - Fri, 11/03/2016 - 15:39

Barthélémy Courmont est directeur de recherche à l’IRIS et maître de conférences en Histoire à l’Université Catholique de Lille. Il répond à nos questions à l’occasion de la parution de son ouvrage “Mémoires d’un champignon. Penser Hiroshima” (Le mieux Editeur, 2016) :
– Pourquoi avoir choisi d’écrire cet ouvrage ? Quelle est la démarche ?
– Face à un sujet de recherche, comment combiner l’approche à la fois personnelle et épistémologique ?
– En quoi Hiroshima est-il un aspect majeur des relations internationales ? Si cette ville est connue pour son symbole de tragique victime du feu nucléaire, quelles sont ses autres facettes ?

Nach dem Pariser Klimaabkommen

SWP - Fri, 11/03/2016 - 13:04

Im Dezember 2015 haben 195 Staaten in Paris ein neues globales Klimaabkommen (Paris-Abkommen) verabschiedet. Es stellt ein Regelwerk für die Klimapolitik ab 2020 auf und konkretisiert die Ziele der Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC). Im April werden im Rahmen einer Zeremonie des UN-Generaldirektors in New York die ersten Unterschriften unter das Abkommen gesetzt; auch mit einer Reihe formeller Ratifikationen ist schon in diesem Jahr zu rechnen, etwa seitens der USA. Die Industrieländer stehen in besonderem Maße in der Pflicht, die in Paris entfaltete Dynamik aufrechtzuerhalten. Will die Europäische Union (EU) ihrer Vorreiterrolle gerecht werden, wird sie sich 2016 vorrangig zwei Aufgaben widmen müssen. Zum einen gilt es, die Umsetzung der bis 2030 zu erreichenden Klima- und Energieziele, die der Europäische Rat bereits im Oktober 2014 beschlossen hat, mittels Gesetzgebungsverfahren zu konkretisieren. Zum anderen muss die Zusammenarbeit mit den Entwicklungsländern schnell weiter ausgebaut werden. Eine Verschärfung der EU-Klimaziele für 2030 oder 2050 steht hingegen vorläufig nicht auf der Agenda.

Yihadistas en España desde el 11-M

Real Instituto Elcano - Fri, 11/03/2016 - 11:25
Opinión - 11/3/2016
Fernando Reinares y Carola García-Calvo
Casi la mitad de los detenidos por terrorismo islamista entre 2013 y 2015 eran españoles. Hay que revisar la estrategia contra este fenómeno y aplicar el plan de prevención de la radicalización violenta.

RDV à 19h sur Public Sénat

Institut Montaigne - Fri, 11/03/2016 - 11:02
Date: Dimanche 20 Mars 2016Résumé: Daniel Cohn-Bendit, ancien député européen sera l’invité de "Générations d’idées".

Cómo potenciar la imagen de España en Corea

Real Instituto Elcano - Fri, 11/03/2016 - 03:34
DT 4/2016 - 11/03/2016
Eunsook Yang
Es necesario potenciar y modernizar la imagen de España en Corea, pues el desconocimiento mutuo es uno de los principales obstáculos a la intensificación de los vínculos de cooperación entre los dos países.

Rencontre avec le Docteur Denis Mukwege - Conflits et droits de la femme en République démocratique du Congo : comment sortir de l'impasse ?

Centre Thucydide - Thu, 10/03/2016 - 19:30

à 19h30

Organisée par l'Association des Jeunes Internationalistes

Amphithéâtre Descartes - Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) - 17 Rue de la Sorbonne - 75005 Paris

Denis Mukwege, gynécologue en République démocratique du Congo devenu figure de la défense des droits des femmes, sera à la Sorbonne le 10 mars. Venez échanger avec ce personnage engagé et reconnu (prix Sakharov, prix des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies, nomination au prix Nobel de la paix...) et auquel le réalisateur Thierry Michel a consacré son film "L'homme qui répare les femmes" sorti en France le 17 février dernier.

Inscription obligatoire ici


Kaag: Lebanon Must “Elect a President Without Fail”

European Peace Institute / News - Thu, 10/03/2016 - 18:42

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Lebanon has long been a model of relative stability in the Middle East, but with economic, political and security strains on the country, Sigrid Kaag, United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL), said that stability is very fragile.

“I often get very worried when we applaud and recognize Lebanon’s resilience,” she said, speaking at a March 15, 2016 event entitled “How to Keep Lebanon Stable in an Unstable Region.” “That doesn’t mean we can take our eye off the ball for a very split second.”

The international community, and Europe in particular, cannot ignore the mounting crisis in Lebanon, as it is a keystone of regional stability, she said.

She emphasized the importance of investing in Lebanese institutions. “If you do not want further problems to come your way, invest… in Lebanon’s stability and security, including through assistance for refugees, but not only,” she said. “Take stabilization as an ambitious agenda and build that.”

Ten years on from UN Security Council Resolution 1701 on Lebanon, Kaag emphasized that unlike previous UN mandates, which had only given the UN authority in the Southern border area, today, “We don’t split a country, we look at it holistically.”

“We’ve adopted, with the support of the Security Council, a whole of Lebanon approach, and that requires a whole of system support mechanism with international support,” she said.

With international attention for the Middle East primarily focused on the failure to find a political solution to the Syrian civil war, and the resulting refugee crisis, Lebanese leaders need to “focus on managing affairs of state by their own hands,” she said.

After nearly two years without a head of state, her first recommendation on stabilizing Lebanon at IPI March 15th 2016, was for the country to “elect a president without fail.” The parliament has failed 35 times to attract a quorum to hold a vote.

“We need to create all prospects for national elections in 2017,” she said.

And Lebanon needs to act on its own, she said. “Do not wait for anyone from the region, shield your own country from regional tensions.”

Without a chief executive, key aspects of Lebanon’s public sector cannot function, she explained. “Decisions do not get adopted, laws do not get passed, politics has become more and more fractured, and there is a delay in executive life of the state,” she said. “You can erode your own country without violence, and that’s what we see in Lebanon.”

The absence of a political process is making the population restive, she said. “As you know, the less you have elections, the more the gap between political elite and class,” she said.

Disenfranchisement of Lebanon’s large refugee community poses acute challenges, she said. Lebanon hosts approximately 50,000 Palestinian refugees, and an additional 1.3 million Syrian refugees followed last year.

“Refugees which came from Syria are twice or three times displaced,” when they reach Lebanon, she pointed out. “It is a repeat lifecycle of displacement.”

The UN Refugee Agency, (UNHCR), reported that with further refugee flows anticipated, the country’s “exceptional hospitality will be extremely stretched.”

Answering a question about Lebanon’s Palestinian refugees, she said, “The more marginalized you are, the less access you have to opportunities and assistance.”

While being careful not to make generalizations about any one ethnic or socioeconomic refugee group, she did acknowledge that the most desperate among these refugees might be prone to narratives that lead to thier radicalization by extremists.

Kaag said that the goals of addressing the refugee crisis, and improving stability in Lebanon, go together. However, to achieve both, there must be a shift in mindset.

“We need to look at creating employment opportunities for the Lebanese, and under certain conditions, the Syrian refugees,” she said. “Syrian refugees are an asset, they don’t have to be a liability. The more we invest in education, the more we can employ where possible, Syrian refugees.”

Reflecting on the failure of European institutions to meet the needs of the migrants flowing to the continent, Kaag praised Lebanon’s institutions for giving refugees rights and dignity in their country.

“There is no OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)-DAC (Development Assistance Committee) country that could manage 400,000 children, as new school arrivals, [with] language deficits, and war traumatized, in a five-year period,” she said. “This is a tremendous achievement, with all the obstacles, but that is to be expected. The achievement is tremendous, and that is really to Lebanon’s credit.”

The event was held as part of IPI’s Special Representatives of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Series.

IPI Senior Adviser for External Relations, Warren Hoge, moderated the conversation.

Watch event:

Strengthening the Participation of Girls and Young Women Through UNSCR 2250

European Peace Institute / News - Thu, 10/03/2016 - 17:56

On Thursday, March 17th, IPI co-hosted a policy forum event to discuss how the Women, Peace, and Security and Youth, Peace, and Security agendas complement and mutually reinforce each other.

Click here to view the event video on YouTube>>

The UN Security Council’s (UNSC) adoption of Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security in December 2015 was a historic milestone in realizing young people’s contribution to the maintenance and promotion of international peace and security by acknowledging the central role they play in global peace efforts.

This resolution complements and reinforces the Women, Peace, and Security agenda (including UN Security Council Resolution 1325) by supporting the work of young peacebuilders and helping raise the voices of girls, boys, young women, and young men working for peace and stability, while also reminding decision makers of the role of civil society in sustaining peace throughout the world. Effective implementation of UNSC Resolution 2250 can create more space for youth to directly contribute to reducing the drivers of fragility in their communities—including by supporting gender equality and inclusive development, as well as the promotion of a culture of peace.

Speakers discussed how the Women, Peace, and Security community can support the Youth, Peace and Security community in monitoring and implementing UNSC Resolution 2250, taking into account the lessons learned from the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325.

This event was in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Italy and Jordan to the United Nations, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA); UN Women; the United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY Peacebuilders); Cordaid; the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP); and the Working Group on Youth & Peacebuilding.

Welcoming remarks:
H.E. Benedetto Della Vedova, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Italy
H.E. Dina Kawar, Permanent Representative of Jordan to the UN
Video Message: Ahmad Alhendawi, UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth

Hajer Sharief, Together We Build, Libya, representing UNOY Peacebuilders
Sölvi Karlsson, Leading Coordinator, UNOY Peacebuilders
Hon. Betty Ogwaro, member of the National Legislative Assembly of the Republic of South Sudan and representative of the GNWP
Laura Londén, Deputy Executive Director, UNFPA

Youssef Mahmoud, Senior Adviser, IPI

Roundtable Discussion: “Houdini” Greece? Reflections on Greek options -seen from Berlin, Vienna and Ankara- on the eve of Brussels meeting with Davutoglu, 03/03/2016

ELIAMEP - Thu, 10/03/2016 - 17:02

The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in cooperation with the European Stability Initiative organized on 3rd of March 2016 a roundtable discussion with Mr. Κnaus Gerald, Chairman of European Stability Initiative (ESI) on the theme of “Houdini” Greece? Reflections on Greek options -seen from Berlin, Vienna and Ankara- on the eve of Brussels meeting with Davutoglu.

The discussion was held at ELIAMEP’s offices with the participation of researchers, technocrats and journalists.

The report is available here.





El papel de un parlamento nacional en el desarrollo internacional: análisis de la X Legislatura en España

Real Instituto Elcano - Thu, 10/03/2016 - 13:26
ARI 26/2016 - 10/3/2016
Javier Pérez y Miriam Segovia
A pesar de la intensa actividad parlamentaria llevada a cabo en materia de desarrollo sostenible y lucha contra la pobreza durante la X Legislatura, el desempeño general del Congreso de los Diputados ha sido deficiente.

ZEITZEUGEN-Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Michael Stürmer

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - Thu, 10/03/2016 - 00:00
Entgegen vieler Hoffnungen markierte das Ende des Kalten Krieges nicht den Anbruch einer neuen, friedlicheren Weltordnung. Stattdessen lassen heutige sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen klare Ordnungsstrukturen vermissen. Die Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung und das DialogForum Sicherheitspolitik luden zu ZEITZEUGEN-Gesprächen.
