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Military-Today.com - dim, 07/09/2014 - 01:55

American M1A2 SEP Main Battle Tank
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Latvian Army signs £39 million deal to buy 123 armoured vehicles from UK

DefenceIQ - ven, 05/09/2014 - 06:00
On the first day of the NATO summit in Newport, UK defence secretary Michael Fallon announced a deal with Latvia to sell 123 surplus combat reconnaissance armoured vehicles. The Latvian Army will pay £39.4 million for the vehicles, including overhaul and refurbishment.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Defence logistics is "much more than numbers, dollars and contracts." Discuss

DefenceIQ - ven, 05/09/2014 - 06:00
Chris Markey is the Chairman of the Defence Forum of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK (CILT). He provides advice and consultancy support in both commercial and defence sectors, primarily on supply chain and logistic issues. Ahead of his presentation at the Qatar
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

The Day of Multilingual Blogging is back!

Talking about EU - ven, 05/09/2014 - 04:18

I might be a long way away, but I’m still looking forward to running the Day of Multilingual Blogging again. There have been changes within the Rep in London, with a new language officer arriving since I left, but he’s on board, and it’ll be the vacation here by 13 November so I can stay up all night reading your posts! So sign up, and spread the word. Should be fun!

Catégories: European Union

T-72M2 Moderna

Military-Today.com - ven, 05/09/2014 - 01:55

Slovakian T-72M2 Moderna Main Battle Tank
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds


Military-Today.com - jeu, 04/09/2014 - 01:55

Chinese Y-20 Heavy Transport Aircraft
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Post 2015: enter the UN General Assembly: harnessing Sustainable Development Goals for an ambitious global development agenda

With the wrapping up of the United Nations' Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the end of July 2014, the international process towards the adoption of universal sustainable development goals has entered its decisive phase. Established in the wake of the 2012 "Rio+20" summit on sustainable development, the OWG has arguably fulfilled its task by tabling a substantive proposal that represents "an integrated indivisible set of global priorities for sustainable development" with "aspi¬rational global targets." Crucially, the OWG's proposal re¬flects the global level of ambition as well as attention to national circumstances.
It is now up to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and, ultimately, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to follow up on the OWG proposal and to foster consensus at the global level. Concomitantly, the SDGs also need to be anchored within an institutional system that facilitates progressive implementation and ensures accountability. The OWG has come a long way in paving the ground, but deliberations will continue before the UN General Assembly eventually adopts a consolidated set of SDGs in 2015. This defines the political space to promote improvements as the international community strives for a set of goals that is pragmatic enough to ensure broad ownership across the North-South divide and ambitious enough to actually make a difference vis-à-vis business as usual. Four issues deserve particular attention from policymakers and negotiators:
  1. Negotiators should not let themselves be diverted by the quest for a smaller number of goals. The total number of SDGs is of little concern for each SDG to deliver on its promises. The substance and the feasibility of individual targets matters, not the memorability of the set of goals as such.
  2. A consolidated set of SDGs should further emphasise the potential of integrated approaches wherever this is reasonable, for example with regard to targets relating to water, food security and energy provision. The goals tabled by the OWG could do better to overcome the silo approach that has characterised the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
  3. The goals need to be ambitious both in terms of substantive targets and in terms of sharing the burdens of implementation in the envisaged 'global partnership'. Now is the time to specify who is expected to be doing what, by when, and with which means.
  4. The goals are supposed to be universal and hence need to be relevant and fair for developed countries and developing countries, as well as within all countries. The notion of 'leaving no one behind' should be reflected more consistently across the eventual set of goals.
This briefing paper elaborates on these priorities as it critically appraises the outcome of the OWG with a view to forthcoming sessions of the UN General Assembly. It also identifies challenges for implementation, notably regard¬ing the responsibilities of Germany and the European Union. It concludes that all countries will be well advised to devise national road maps that facilitate the incorporation of the SDGs into domestic policy. These should be fashioned in a manner that is in itself aspiring and flexible enough to allow for progressive adjustment as the global partnership for sustainable development evolves beyond 2015.

Grün und sauber? Wasserkraft zwischen niedrigen Treibhausgasemissionen und hohen sozialen und ökologischen Kosten

Im vergangenen Jahrzehnt ist die Wasserkraft auf die globale Agenda zurückgekehrt, nachdem sie aufgrund der heftigen Kritik an ihren sozialen und ökologischen Wirkungen kaum noch eine Rolle spielte.
Die Befürworter von Wasserkraft argumentieren, sie sei ‚sauber‘ und ‚grün‘ und könne deshalb eine kohlenstoffarme Entwicklung unterstützen. Der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel erfordere eine Stromerzeugung aus Quellen mit niedrigen Treibhausgasemissionen (THG), und weil Wasserkraft ein geringer Emittent ist, hat sie das Potential, zum Schutz eines globalen öffentlichen Gutes beizutragen: des globalen Klimas. Zugleich fördere sie Wirtschaftswachstum und soziale Entwicklung. Dieses Potential hat die Wasserkraft wieder in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses gerückt.
Trotz der positiven Rolle, die Wasserkraft beim globalen Klimawandel spielen kann, bleibt das Dilemma bestehen: Ist Wasserkraft wünschenswert, weil sie kohlenstoffarme Energie liefern kann, oder nicht wünschenswert, weil sie lokal problematische ökologische und soziale Auswirkungen hat? Die Antwort ist nicht einfach, denn es müssen schwierige Abwägungen vorgenommen werden.
Zweifellos ist die globale Erwärmung eine der größten Bedrohungen dieses Jahrhunderts. Dennoch bleiben die lokalen sozialen und ökologischen Auswirkungen von Wasserkraftanlagen bestehen, und die positivere Sicht auf Wasserkraft läuft Gefahr, die negativen Wirkungen – auf Menschen und auf Ressourcen – zu übersehen. Diese Wirkungen sollten ob der Vorteile kohlenstoffarmen Wachstums nicht leichtfertig hintangestellt werden. Die neuerliche Aufmerksamkeit für Wasserkraft bietet auch eine entscheidende Möglichkeit, nämlich sozial und ökologisch verträglichere Projekte / Anlagen zu entwickeln. Damit die positive Rolle der Wasserkraft bei der Bereitstellung von erschwinglichen, flexiblen erneuerbaren Energien zum Zuge kommt, sollte es das übergeordnete Ziel sein, die Optionen mit den geringsten negativen sozialen und ökologischen Auswirkungen zu wählen. Nationale Behörden sollten dabei unterstützt werden, zu gut begründeten und ausgewogenen Entscheidungen zwischen globalen und lokalen Nutzen und Kosten zu kommen
Ob es einem gefällt oder nicht, eine Energiewende ist ohne Wasserkraft nicht denkbar, und sie wird in vielen Ländern eine Rolle bei der Eindämmung des Klimawandels spielen. Wir sollten das Momentum nutzen und einen nachhaltigen Weg einschlagen.

Conflicting objectives in democracy promotion: avoiding blueprint traps and incomplete democratic transitions

Western donors attempting to promote democracy across the globe face a dilemma. Democracy is a highly valued policy goal, but they are fearful that the path to democ¬racy will undermine another highly valued goal – political stability – and potentially cause widespread violence in the recipient countries or beyond. We ask whether these fears have empirical support and how donors can balance the potentially conflicting objectives of democratisation and stability when intervening in governance matters.
Recent research at the German Development Institute shows that fears about the destabilising effects of democratisation do indeed have some empirical support (Leininger et al 2012; Ziaja 2013). But these fears deflect attention from the bigger problem of “getting stuck in the middle”. Hybrid regimes that exhibit authoritarian traits under a façade of formal democratic institutions constitute, in the long run, a larger security risk than attempts to make these countries more democratic. Hybrid regimes also hamper economic development, thus constituting an additional, indirect, risk of violent conflict.
The promotion of democracy is hence a laudable effort, but it may itself carry risks. A recent DIE study of 47 African countries suggests that support for democracy increases popular mobilisation in the short run, leading to increased demonstrations and riots. However, the same study produced no evidence that democracy support is likely to spark civil wars. Increased mobilisation is thus rather a sign of aid effectiveness than a reason to worry.
Yet, to be effective in the long run and to help steer popular demands into peaceful channels, democracy support must assist domestic actors in building institutions that fit the needs of their society. In the past, the potentially de¬stabilising consequences of popular participation have seduced would-be engineers of social change into re¬stricting competition in young democracies. This is a bad idea, as our recent research shows: narrow, elite pacts have, on average, led to worse political outcomes than open competition.
The best contribution that donors can make from the out¬side is to enable marginalised groups to participate in crea¬ting the institutional setup. This is best achieved when many donors promote democracy simultaneously. Only then can they avoid the “blueprint trap”, which snaps shut when donors try to impose – advertently or inadvertently – an institutional setup on the partner country that does not fit its society’s needs. Diversity on the donor side increases the chances of finding a context-adequate institutional design.
These findings suggest that an overly cautious sequencing approach to democracy promotion – stability first, only then democracy – has little empirical support. Most countries in the world embarked on a (formally) democratic path more than two decades ago. A gradualist approach that builds institutions while at the same time encouraging mobilisation is thus the more viable approach.
Recommendations in brief:
  •     Promote democracy now
  •     Keep democracy aid diverse
  •     Encourage endogenous, inclusive polity design
  •     Enforce conditionality on conflict resolution mechanisms in institutional design
  •     Balance trade-offs of democratic transitions.

Turkey completes F-16 modernisation contract for Pakistan Air Force

DefenceIQ - mer, 03/09/2014 - 06:00
Pakistan has received the last four upgraded F-16 fighter aircraft from Turkish firm Tusas Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). The avionics and structural modernisation of 41 F-16s completes the contract first signed with the Pakistan Air Force in 2009. TAI has rece
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Minehunter returns home from Gulf after supporting Operation Kipion

DefenceIQ - mer, 03/09/2014 - 06:00
The Royal Navy’s minehunting ship HMS Quorn returned to its home in Portsmouth this week after an eight month deployment in the G
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

How the Norwegian Armed Forces are benefiting from the mobile complex

DefenceIQ - mer, 03/09/2014 - 06:00
Military organisations are just as exposed to new technology as the rest of society. The phenomenon of the digital age now includes the availability of extremely capable smartphones and tablets, the mobile Internet, a vast selection of on-line services, as well as countless digitally l
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UK confirms £3.5 billion deal for Scout SV armoured vehicles

DefenceIQ - mer, 03/09/2014 - 06:00
Under the bonnet of Scout SV at Millbrook, June 2014. Photo
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
