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Ambulance case: AG challenges Seth Terpker’s claim of authorizing Ato Forson to request LCs

ModernGhana News - ven, 20/10/2023 - 01:21
Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, has challenged claims by former Finance Minister, Seth Terkper, that he authorized Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, to establish letters of credit for the defective ambulance deal.
Catégories: Africa

There’s a home for you in Ghana, come whenever you're ready – Mahama to diasporans in Canada

ModernGhana News - ven, 20/10/2023 - 01:14
Former President, John Dramani Mahama on Thursday, October 19, delivered a keynote speech at the Universities Studying Slavery (USS) Conference 2023 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In his address, the leader of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) urged the Ghanaians abroad to return home.
Catégories: Africa

Egypt Agrees to Allow Aid Convoys Into Gaza

Foreign Policy - ven, 20/10/2023 - 01:00
But Cairo’s efforts may be too little, too late for a quickly worsening humanitarian crisis.

U.S. Military Draws a ‘Keep Out’ Sign Around Israel

Foreign Policy - ven, 20/10/2023 - 00:30
Two supercarriers, 2,000 troops, and lots of planes are aimed at keeping Iran’s proxies out of the war zone.

What the Use of White Phosphorus Means in Warfare

Foreign Policy - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 22:46
Israel’s use of the deadly chemical would violate international norms.

Pourquoi CFG Bank d’Adil Douiri se lance à l’assaut de la Bourse

Jeune Afrique / Finance - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 20:44
Huit ans après sa transformation en banque universelle, l’établissement prépare son introduction sur les marchés de Casablanca pour booster sa croissance.
Catégories: Afrique

Biden Turns a Few More Screws on China’s Chip Industry

Foreign Policy - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 20:43
New export controls, a year after the first, are cautious but pack a punch.

The Belt and Road Ahead

Foreign Policy - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 20:42
At this week’s summit to celebrate Xi’s signature initiative, the headwinds facing it were clear.

Where Does Russia Stand on the Israel-Hamas War?

Foreign Policy - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 20:10
Moscow may temporarily profit from the West’s focus on the Middle East, but navigating its ties in the region will be tricky.

La droite met le cap sur les européennes

Le Figaro / Politique - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 19:47
ANALYSE - Les sénateurs républicains ont fait leur rentrée en présence de François-Xavier Bellamy.
Catégories: France

EU lawmaker: Commission should not fear ‘power struggle’ with China on fisheries

Euractiv.com - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 19:26
The EU executive should not fear embarking on a "power struggle" with China to ensure good fishing practices, the chair of the European Parliament's fisheries committee Pierre Karleskind told Euractiv in an interview.
Catégories: European Union

Terrorisme islamiste : les Français ne croient pas en l’efficacité de la loi immigration

Le Figaro / Politique - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 19:06
SONDAGE - La dernière étude Odoxa-Backbone Consulting pour Le Figaro révèle la forte défiance de l’opinion vis-à-vis de l’exécutif pour protéger le pays.
Catégories: France

No progress made on youth empowerment in Europe since 2018, report finds

Euractiv.com - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 19:06
There has been no progress in the areas of wellbeing, access to rights and quality of living for young people since 2018, according to the Youth Progress Index, presented by the European Youth Forum on Wednesday (18 October). 
Catégories: European Union

Multiplication des fausses alertes à la bombe en France : comment sont-elles gérées ?

France24 / France - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 18:57
Les fausses alertes à la bombe se multiplient actuellement en France avec de nombreux aéroports et de sites touristiques touchés et des dizaines d’évacuations ordonnées. Comment ces signalements sont-ils traités ? Un choix est-il fait en fonction du risque ? Que risquent les auteurs des fausses alertes ? France 24 fait le point.
Catégories: France

AI Act: EU Parliament’s legal office gives damning opinion on high-risk classification ‘filters’

Euractiv.com - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 18:29
EU policymakers have been discussing some filter conditions that would enable AI developers to avoid complying with the EU Artificial Intelligence’s law stricter regime. But this political compromise is running into significant legal troubles.
Catégories: European Union

La nouvelle stratégie spatiale allemande et l’avenir de l’Europe spatiale

IRIS - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 17:49

En septembre 2023, six mois après l’adoption par l’Union européenne d’une stratégie spatiale pour la défense et la sécurité, l’Allemagne s’est dotée d’une nouvelle stratégie spatiale. Quelles sont les priorités de cette nouvelle stratégie spatiale allemande ? À la veille du Sommet de l’Agence spatiale européenne, qui se tiendra à Séville en novembre 2023, quel est l’avenir du modèle spatial européen ? En quoi la dimension stratégique du spatial est prise en compte par l’Allemagne ? Autant d’enjeux sur lesquels revient Gaspard Schnitzler, directeur de recherche à l’IRIS, responsable du Programme Industrie de défense et de sécurité et co-directeur de l’Observatoire de l’Allemagne.

AM Symposium: greater cooperation needed to overcome barriers to adaption

EDA News - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 17:43

Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies are gaining further prominence in the European defence landscape, with the European Defence Agency (EDA) placing a strong emphasis on their development and integration into the armed forces of its Member States. Supported by EDA, the second edition of the European Military Additive Manufacturing Symposium, heard how growing recognition of the importance of AM technologies needs to be matched by greater collaborative efforts to harness its full potential, especially regarding legal aspects and standardisation.  

Organised by the German Association for Defence Technology (DWT), the two-day symposium gathered over 250 experts from the armed forces, industry, SMEs and academia in an expanded format. The wide-ranging event covered on site in military operations, quality assurance, use cases, training, and AMs integration into the military logistics system. The event also gave focus to overcoming some of the persistent barriers to AM’s wide adaption within European armed forces.

In his opening address to the event, EDA Deputy Chief Executive, Andre Denk said: “Additive Manufacturing is a key enabling technology that has significant potential to improve Europe’s industrial competitiveness due to its ability for rapid, decentralised and flexible manufacturing. As European actors, we must ensure timely technological research as well as the development of high-end military capabilities in the Additive Manufacturing domain.”

“At EDA we have transformed our work on Additive Manufacturing from research and technology to capability development. In support of our Member States, we have launched a set of initiatives and activities that will take our work on Additive Manufacturing even further”, he added.

The event also heard how the war in Ukraine has highlighted the importance of agile logistics and the rapid repair of equipment, where Ukraine's Armed Forces use 3D printers to manufacture critical repair parts close to the point of need. This adaptability and integration of equipment is a model that EU member states could explore to enhance the resilience of their supply chains. One of the key messages from the event called for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to consider AM technology in the designing phase of military assets, to take full advantage of AM potential in future.

AM as a Key EU Capability

EDA has long recognised the importance of AM technologies in enhancing the sustainability and agility of defence logistics. Sustainable and agile logistics are essential for the projection, sustainment, and effectiveness of forces, requiring the development of future-generation logistic systems and the implementation of new technical solutions. AM capabilities are expected to reduce the EU's military logistic footprint, ultimately supporting combat maintenance.

To this end EDA representatives led several expert focused sessions on integration of AM into the logistic system of armed forces, evolving opportunities in R&T development and quailty assurance and qualification.

Background: EDA's work on AM: From research to capability

EDA has been actively working on AM technologies for several years. Initiating with a feasibility study in 2018, EDA explored the potential of AM to enhance logistic capabilities. Over the years, EDA has made significant strides in transferring research and technology work on AM to capability development.

One of the initiatives that EDA is undertaking is the Additive Manufacturing for Logistic Support (AMLS) project. AMLS focuses on determining common standards for the use of AM solutions within armed forces and facilitating mutual logistic support.

Additionally, EDA manages the Incubation Forum for Circular Economy in European Defence (IF CEED), which seeks to bring circular economy principles into European defence. The “Circular Additive Manufacturing” Project Circle has incubated three project ideas to further reduce the environmental impact of armed forces, by enhancing circularity in the use of AM.

EDA conducts various studies on legal aspects, IT-based frameworks, and common training and education related to AM. These studies aim to enhance the harmonization and effectiveness of AM deployment in military contexts. EDA also organizes events and workshops related to AM, such as the Additive Manufacturing Village – a five-day capability workshop - which brought together AM experts from military, industry, and academia.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

No evidence EU aid went to Hamas, says Israel ambassador

Euobserver.com - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 17:15
There is no evidence Hamas received EU aid, says Haim Regev, Israel's ambassador to the EU and Nato.
Catégories: European Union

Borrell attacks show that war and party politics are an uneasy mix

Euractiv.com - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 16:36
Wars and partisan politicking are seldom a good mix. But that has not stopped EPP leader Manfred Weber from strongly criticising Josep Borrell’s response to Hamas’ terror attack that killed more than 1400 people.
Catégories: European Union

Mahsa Amini, women’s movement in Iran win EU’s Sakharov freedom prize

Euractiv.com - jeu, 19/10/2023 - 16:29
The European Union parliament awarded its annual Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Iranian woman Mahsa Amini who died in police custody last year and the "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement in Iran, it said on Thursday (19 October).
Catégories: European Union
