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China: Internationaler Frauentag

Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung - mar, 10/03/2015 - 11:15
Zum Internationalen Frauentag hat das Generalkonsulat der Volksrepublik China in München gemeinsam mit dem Konfuzius-Institut München am 6. März 2015 in das Künstlerhaus am Lenbachplatz eingeladen.

"What are the ethical implications of emerging tech?" Op-Ed by Nayef Al-Rodhan

GCSP (Publications) - mar, 10/03/2015 - 10:07

This article originally appeared in the World Economic Forum Blog.


In the past four decades, technology has fundamentally altered our lives: from the way we work, to how we communicate, to how we fight wars. These technologies have not been without controversy, and many have sparked intense debates, often polarized or embroiled in scientific ambiguities or dishonest demagoguery.

The  debate on stem cells and embryo research , for example, has become a hot-button political issue, involving scientists, policy-makers, politicians and religious groups. Similarly, the discussions on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have mobilized civil society, scientists and policy-makers in a wide debate on ethics and safety. The developments in genome-editing technologies are just one example that bio research and its impact on market goods are strongly dependent on social acceptance and cannot escape public debates of regulation and ethics. Moreover, requests for transparency are increasingly central to these debates, as shown by movements like  Right to Know , which has repeatedly demanded the labelling of GMOs on food products.

Ethical and regulatory challenges

The World Economic Forum’s list of  top 10 emerging technologies of 2015  includes those that aim to resolve some of the ethical debates posed by an earlier generation of technologies, as well as others that will bring about new ethical and regulatory challenges. The notion of “emerging” technology does not necessarily mean that all such technologies are new or revolutionary by themselves. Some have already been around for years or, in various forms, for decades (e.g. fuel-cell vehicle, artificial intelligence, digital genome, additive manufacturing methods). However, they are now transitioning to a new phase, becoming more widely used or incorporated in consumer goods. In one way or another, all these technologies are bound to gain more ground in the years to come.

Precise genetic engineering techniques , one of the highlighted technologies, will likely solve some of the main controversial elements in the GMO debate, for example the fact that genetic engineering was  neither precise nor predictable . The range of procedures associated with GM crops is precise in the initial process of cutting and splitting genes in the test tubes. But the subsequent steps are uncontrolled and some mutations can occur and alter the functioning of the natural genes in potentially harmful ways.

A precise technique that would achieve greater accuracy and greater predictability over genetic mutations is, of course, a net improvement on conventional GMOs. It is, however, critical that this technique is properly studied and implemented in a sustainable way and that it doesn’t just give renewed legitimacy to genetic engineering in agriculture.

More accuracy is also expected in the operation of drones with the adaptation of the Sense and Avoid  equipment. This will have unequivocal security benefits, helping to avoid collisions of drones with other drones or piloted systems.

The critical offshoot of this innovation is that it will encourage and enable the operation of a larger number of drones, a development which can be both welcomed (for instance, China flies drones to help  fight pollution ) and anticipated, as the growth in  dangerous drone flights  around populated areas appears to be developing ahead of regulations.

Autonomous systems,  artificial intelligence  (AI) and robotics, while already decades-old technologies, will continue to expand their functionalities and enter new eras of continuous specialization. More intuitive,  emergent AI  could change speech and conversational software with unprecedented precision, helping millions of people and also redefining the way we command and interact with computers.

Robots as intelligent as humans

New-generation robotics  will increasingly have more autonomy and capacity to react without pre-programming, which complicates all current debates on robotics: the trust and reliance invested in a robot will have to be greater, bringing us closer to the point of being on a par with robots.  Neuromorphic chip technology  further illustrates this. This is among the most revolutionary developments in AI and a radical step further in computing power. Mimicking the intricacies of the human brain, a  neuro-inspired computer  would work in a similar fashion to the way neurons and synapses communicate, and potentially be able to learn or develop memory. This would imply that, for instance, a  drone  equipped with a neuromorphic chip would be better at surveillance, remembering or recognizing new elements in the environment.

However, immediate ethical red flags emerge: building neuromorphic chips would create machines as intelligent as humans, the most superior and intelligent species in the universe. These technologies are demonstrations of human excellence yet computers that think could be devastating for our species and, as  Marvin Minsky  has put it, they could even keep humanity as pets.

The interest in smart machines is now also pursued in  additive manufacturing methods , which are increasingly integrating smart materials into manufacturing. These materials could adapt, change properties, interact or respond to their environments. With  4D Printing , which takes into account the transformation that occurs over time, some materials will adapt and repair by themselves, without maintenance, or they could be pre-programmed to disintegrate on their own. This will raise new questions of standardization, traceability and copyright.

More radical disruptions will occur once the technology transitions to the organic world, making it possible to assemble biomaterials that evolve and develop on their ow n , design cancer-fighting robots that would release antibodies only in contact with cancerous cells, etc. The moment of the  print button  for biology is nearing. Effectively, this could also mean that in a not too-distant future, smart pharmacology will permit us to receive a constant supply of anti-depressants or neuro-enhancers every time our dopamine level drops. The ethical consequences of such developments should be thought through. Having our emotions controlled in detail by smart machines will pave the way for dangerous forms of dependences and new understandings of our humanity and the emotions that define us.

Genome-based treatment , based on wider and cheaper availability of genome data, will provide new ways to customize the therapeutic protocol and enhance our control over diseases and medical treatment. The speed, accuracy and costs of genome-reading have changed dramatically in just a matter of years: a decade ago, this process was  a billion-dollar effort , while today the price has dropped sharply to around $8,000. In cancer treatment, for instance, this will allow transitioning from broad-spectrum chemotherapies to more individualized diagnosis and targeting of specific malfunctioning genes.  As we are truly starting to gain more precise tools to fight life-threatening diseases, a range of other issues arise. Pervasive global inequalities will still prevent millions of people from enjoying the benefits of such treatments, even in a context of decreasing costs of genome sequencing. Furthermore, a range of security and privacy risks associated with data storage of genome data will invariably arise and require protective mechanisms, especially as such  databases are often shared  for security reasons (e.g. between international police forces), increasing the possibility of hacking.

Inevitably,  the emerging technologies  of the future will redefine our understanding of biology, the material world and manufacturing. The implications will further extend into geopolitics and global balances of power.  Fuel cell vehicles  are finally expected to make their way to the market and reduce dependency on oil or emissions that contribute to climate change. In the long term, this will accentuate the vulnerability of oil-dependent economies and recalibrate geopolitical relations.  Recyclable thermostat polymers , reportedly  discovered by accident , will dramatically change fabrication and manufacturing, leading to new standards in industries. Globally, the advent of  distributed manufacturing  is bound to lead to a reassessment of the meaning of value chains and infrastructure: rather than ship parts of a given product, some companies will simply trade information, leaving it to the customer to finalize the manufacture of the product. A suite of other technologies, such as 3D printing, informatics and robotics are enabling a paradigm shift to a  dematerialized future  with endless possibilities for customization.

Changes ahead

The Forum’s list of top 10 emerging technologies for 2015 alerts us to important changes on the horizon for all sectors. As always, we must welcome  innovation  and the benefits it brings us. But we must also remain committed to sustainable development, taking into account issues of inequality, human dignity and inclusiveness. Finally, this year’s top emerging technologies also remind us of the importance of political commitment. Take the example of the transition towards fuel cell vehicles: it will require huge infrastructural adaptations and conversions. In fact, it’s estimated that if the US government spent the same putting a man on the moon ( $100 billion in today’s dollars ), the shift to hydrogen-powered cars and gas stations that pump hydrogen would be significantly eased. Often, the technology itself is actually available, but it takes a massive exercise of political will to bring about change.

Some technologies might progress independently of political support. But  good governance , examinations of dual-use risks and ethical considerations must still remain guiding posts at all times. Ultimately, how we approach the regulation of emerging technologies will inevitably have wide implications – not only for security and ethics, but for our definition of human dignity and equality of individuals.



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Disparition d’une championne des mers

MARTOLOD (Blog d'information marine) - mar, 10/03/2015 - 08:55
Florence Arthaud, surnommée la petite fiancée de l’Atlantique, est décédée lundi 9 mars dans un crash d’hélicoptère.

Agée de cinquante-sept ans, la célèbre navigatrice vient de perdre la vie lundi 9 mars 2015 dans un accident d’hélicoptère en Argentine. À trente et un ans en novembre 1990, elle gagne la Route du Rhum, devenant la première femme vainqueur de l’épreuve. En octobre 2011, elle avait par miracle échappé à la mort, après être tombée de son bateau en pleine nuit au large du Cap Corse.

Florence Arthaud est née le 28 octobre 1957 à Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine). Sa passion pour la mer lui est venue de son père Jacques Arthaud, héritier de la maison d’édition Arthaud spécialisée dans les ouvrages d’aventure, de voyages et d’exploration. À l’âge de dix-sept ans, elle est victime d’un grave accident de la route qui la laisse dans le coma et paralysée. Durant sa convalescence, elle apprend le métier de skipper près du cap d’Antibes. Un an plus tard,  à l’âge de dix-huit ans, complètement remise, elle effectue sa première traversée de l’Atlantique, au côté de Jean-Claude Parisis. En 1978, elle prend part à la première édition de la Route du Rhum et finit à vingt ans seulement, onzième en vingt-sept jours, vingt et une heures, quarante-six minutes et cinquante-six secondes.
En août 1990, elle décide de battre le record traversée de l’Atlantique Nord à la voile en solitaire, détenu par Bruno Peyron. Elle améliore le record de deux jours en traversant l’océan en seulement neuf jours, vingt et une heures et quarante-deux minutes. Quelques mois plus tard, en novembre, c’est lors de sa quatrième participation, qu’elle remporte la Route du Rhum après quatorze jours, dix heures, huit minutes et vingt-huit secondes de course à bord de son trimaran Pierre-1er, devançant certains des meilleurs skippers français et étrangers. La veille du départ, elle enlève un corset maintenant ses cervicales abîmées et contre l’avis des médecins prend le départ. Elle racontera avoir perdu beaucoup de sang à la suite d’une fausse couche, avoir connu plusieurs avaries (pilote et radio en panne). Sans routeur, sans informations météo, sans renseignements sur les positions et choix stratégiques de ses adversaires, la solitaire est vraiment seule au monde. Ne pouvant compter que sur ses talents de navigatrice. Quand elle reprend contact avec le monde, c’est pour découvrir de la bouche d’Olivier de Kersauson, qu’elle est en tête. À Pointe-à-Pitre, c’est une jeune femme exténuée qui coupe en vainqueur la ligne d’arrivée. Elle est la première femme à remporter une course transatlantique en solitaire. Florence Arthaud est élue Championne des champions français par le journal L’Équipe en 1990, et est la seule sportive avec Marielle Goitschel à avoir obtenu à deux reprises, en 1978 et en 1990, le Prix Monique Berlioux de l’Académie des sports, récompensant la meilleure performance féminine sportive de l’année écoulée. Lâchée par son sponsor peu après cette victoire, Florence Arthaud poursuit sa carrière en s’engageant sur des courses moins prestigieuses mais sans jamais s’éloigner du milieu maritime.
Elle participe en 2004 à la transat en double Lorient – Saint-Barth avec Lionel Péan, et en 2006 à l’Odyssée Cannes – Istanbul sur monotype Bénéteau Figaro II avec Luc Poupon (le frère de Philippe Poupon). Florence Arthaud frôle la mort une deuxième fois lorsqu’elle disparait en mer, au large de la Corse, dans la nuit du samedi 29 octobre 2011. . Disposant par chance d’une lampe frontale et d’un téléphone portable étanche, elle réussit à appeler sa mère qui prévient son frère. Le CROSS Med est alors alerté et près de deux heures après son appel de détresse, elle est récupérée par le biais de la géolocalisation de son téléphone portable. Consciente mais en état d’hypothermie, elle est hélitreuillée vers l’hôpital de Bastia, dont elle sortira le lendemain.
Elle était maman d’une fille Marie, née en 1993, qu’elle a d’une première union avec Loïc Lingois, un navigateur professionnel.
Le lundi 9 mars 2015 à 57 ans, Florence Arthaud perd la vie dans un accident d’hélicoptère à Villa Castelli en Argentine, lors du tournage de l’émission Dropped. Mi-navigatrice, mi-aventurière, Florence Arthaud a marqué le monde de la course au large. Elle inspirera d’autres navigatrices, comme Isabelle Autissier ou encore Catherine Chabaud.

Catégories: Défense

Nick Panayotopoulos Thinking: Migration: The Schengen system in Europe has many faults

Blogginportal.eu - mar, 10/03/2015 - 08:29
My foreign wife has a son who's allowed to only live and work in Greece and not the rest of Schengen or the EU. How fair is that for a European Union that claims to be more humanitarian than other blocs and world powers?In effect Greece has been forc...
Catégories: European Union

Delegate Review: Unmanned Aerial Systems Training and Simulation Conference 2014

DefenceIQ - mar, 10/03/2015 - 05:00
Building upon the success of last year’s event, December 2014 saw the return of Defence IQ’s UAS Training and Simulation conference . Held in London Victoria’s Park Plaza, the conference addressed a series of crucial challenges surrounding the training of serv
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Is Bitcoin Africa's unlikely saviour?

BBC Africa - mar, 10/03/2015 - 01:34
Could Bitcoin be Africa's migrant workers' saviour?
Catégories: Africa

Le drone Neuron achève ses essais en France

Blog Secret Défense - lun, 09/03/2015 - 18:23
Il s'agit du plus important projet d'avion militaire en Europe
Catégories: Défense

Pourquoi la France doit se soucier de la situation en mer de Chine

Défense ouverte (Blog de Jean Guisnel) - lun, 09/03/2015 - 16:40
Le député socialiste du Finistère Gwenegan Bui est le coauteur d'un rapport sur les tensions, notamment maritimes, en mer de Chine méridionale. Interview.
Catégories: Défense

5 milliárdnyi készpénzt találtak a kormányzónál

Posztinfo.hu / Oroszország - lun, 09/03/2015 - 13:03

Több mint egymilliárd rubel készpénzt és 800 nemesfém tárgyat találtak Alekszandr Horosavin szahalini kormányzónál a házkutatások során. A tárgyak egyike egy 6 milliós euro értékű aranytoll, mely 2000 gyémánttal van díszítve.

A távol-keleti térség vezetőjét korrupció gyanújával vették őrizetbe a hatóságok.

Vagyonnyilatkozata szerint Horosavvinak nincs ingatlana, és kormányzói fizetésén kívül nem volt semmilyen más bevétele, éves bruttó bére 8,8 millió rubel ami nagyjából 40 millió forintnak felel meg.

Catégories: Oroszország és FÁK

Will the “troika” return to Athens?

FT / Brussels Blog - lun, 09/03/2015 - 10:53

Protesters outside the Greek finance ministry in Athens during a visit by the troika in 2013

Among the issues plaguing deliberations over the way forward on Greece’s bailout is how the country’s international creditors can verify its economic and fiscal situation without sending monitors to Athens– which would look very much like the return of the hated “troika”.

Alexis Tsipras, the new Greek prime minister, has declared the death of the troika – which is made up of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund – but for now, the troika isn’t really dead. The re-branded “institutions” must still evaluate Greece’s reform programme and give it a signoff before any of the remaining €7.2bn in bailout can be disbursed.

But the new Greek government has resisted anyone from the “institutions” showing up in Athens; they were originally supposed to show up this week, but officials said Greek authorities blocked the visit. In a letter Thursday to Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister and eurogroup president, Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister, suggested an alternative to a return of “the institutions” to Athens: have them meet in Brussels instead. Wrote Varoufakis:

As for the location of the technical meetings and fact finding and fact-exchange sessions, the Greek government’s view is that they ought to take place in Brussels.

But Dijsselbloem’s response to Varoufakis on Friday, in a letter obtained by the Brussels Blog, suggests officials from the “institutions” may be showing up in Athens after all. Wrote Dijsselbloem:

Read more
Catégories: European Union

Vonzó városok, olcsó szállással

Lengyelnet - lun, 09/03/2015 - 09:57
Az első öt legvonzóbb és egyben legolcsóbb hotel árakkal rendelkező európai város között két lengyel van – és Budapest is.
Catégories: Kelet-Közép-Európa

5 steps militaries must take before deploying medical support

DefenceIQ - lun, 09/03/2015 - 05:00
What does it take for a military to provide medical support during times of crisis? Deploying forces to areas hit by natural disasters, civil conflict or the outbreak of serious diseases is a mission that has become increasingly prioritised among those with the capability, but doing so
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Defence culture is the "single greatest obstacle" in COTS procurement

DefenceIQ - lun, 09/03/2015 - 05:00
When it comes to the future of defence procurement, Interoperable Open Architecture (IOA) has become the defining objective in Identifying best practices and promoting a competitive  process. The aim is to see equipment used by governments and militaries built and enabled to the s
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What's troubling modern artillery forces?...Four nations speak out

DefenceIQ - lun, 09/03/2015 - 05:00
Four nations weigh in on where current challenges and priorities lie when it comes to enhancing their field artillery capabilities for an uncertain future. Whether in the struggle to ensure defence budgets or the ability to predict the type of conflict in tomorrow's operations, one
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Is your business (really) equipped to respond to a data breach?

DefenceIQ - lun, 09/03/2015 - 05:00
While many C-level executives have a strategy in place for cybersecurity, many have not included sufficient planning to handle the aftermath of a successful cyber attack. From protecting valuable information, ensuring business operations continue without interruption, and maintaining a
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ACMAT Bastion

Military-Today.com - lun, 09/03/2015 - 00:55

French ACMAT Bastion Armored Personnel Carrier
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
