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Dossier agriculture : céréales - consommer local, mission impossible ?

Jeune Afrique / Economie - ven, 10/04/2015 - 14:45

Causées par la flambée des prix sur les marchés mondiaux, les émeutes de la faim de 2008 ont servi de leçon : il faut limiter les importations de denrées agricoles et développer leur production en Afrique. Le défi implique de surmonter les aléas climatiques... et de libérer l'initiative.

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Catégories: Afrique

Can the tourism industry contribute to international adaptation finance?

At the UN climate negotiations, developed countries pledged to mobilise US$ 100 billion of climate finance per year from 2020 onwards to support developing countries in dealing with climate change. Since this money is supposed to come from private sources too – some of which is to be spent on climate change adaptation – this briefing paper explores the potential of the international tourism industry to contribute to adaptation finance, with a focus on Small Island Development States (SIDS). The SIDS is a group of low-lying coastal countries that are particularly susceptible to natural disasters and climate change impacts. Tourism is the main economic sector for most of them. Given the sector’s vulnerability to climate change (e.g. rising sea levels or extreme weather events), high levels of investment in adaptation will be needed to maintain the high number of visitors.
A diverse landscape of modalities for funding adaptation through the tourism sector is available, with corresponding limitations and challenges in their implementation. The tourism sector represents a diverse array of businesses. The adaptive capacities of these businesses, their operational scales and customer demands are key determining factors behind the potential to contribute to, or finance, adaptation.
Different options are available on various scales. For example, on a local scale, hotels and resorts can contribute to adaptation by investing in sea walls, or in water- and energy-efficiency measures. Governments can endorse this through, for instance, building codes and policies for sustainable water and energy use.
On a sub-national or national scale, adaptation funds (i.e. financed by public and private sources) or adaptation taxes could be suitable instruments for involving a range of private actors operating in tourism and generating financial resources. Insurance schemes could help to share in and deal with risks.
Tourism enterprises can contribute to and invest in adaptation in SIDS. Regardless of whether such investments would count as part of the US$ 100 billion, we recommend governments in SIDS to endorse this. However, in developing such mechanisms to mobilise pri¬vate financial contributions, it must be considered that tourists and multinational tourism corporations have the highest adaptive capacities. They can simply change destinations if climate impacts are too extreme or if the costs of adaptation make a destination relatively more expensive. The price sensitivities of the industry thus need to be factored in, and taxes or levies should theoretically be applied as uniformly as possible across tourist destinations in different countries in order to prevent travellers from substituting more expensive destinations (where adaptation taxes are adopted) for cheaper ones.

European aircrews graduate from EAATTC 15-1

EDA News - ven, 10/04/2015 - 09:53

Four military transport aircrews have graduated from the first edition of the European Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Course organised in 2015. The event was hosted by the Bulgarian Air Force in Plovdiv from 22 March to 3 April.

Crews from Bulgaria, Germany, France and Italy successfully graduated from the event upon completion of the course’s syllabus. A total of 29 sorties have been conducted, accounting for 50 flights hours. Four transport aircraft took part in the exercise, which involved academic training as well as live-flying missions of increasing complexity. Taking advantage of the deployment, France and Italy also conducted additional flight training on the margins of the exercise.

Improving interoperability

Initiated by the European Defence Agency and run by the European Air Transport Command, the EAATTC series of courses aim to provide air transport crews with a robust airlift tactics training syllabus in order to enhance interoperability between European air forces. The next edition of the course, EAATTC 15-2 will take place 18-29 May in Orléans and will be hosted by the French Air Force. 

The EAATTC series of courses is one of the deliverables of the European Air Transport Fleet partnership, launched in 2011 by 20 participating nations under the framework of the European Defence Agency. 

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Beijing BJ2020

Military-Today.com - ven, 10/04/2015 - 01:55

Chinese Beijing BJ2020 Light Utility Vehicle
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Moving West

German Foreign Policy (DE/FR/EN) - ven, 10/04/2015 - 00:00
(Own report) - The Prime Minister of Ukraine has announced a new cooperation accord with NATO, under the terms of which Kiev will also intensify its cooperation with the transatlantic combat alliance in the domains of military intelligence and espionage. This announcement was made as NATO began initiating a large-scale deployment of military instructors in Ukraine. Ukraine is simultaneously transforming its arms industry production to meet NATO standards, which will permanently integrate that country into the structures of western arms producers. Experts are warning of exuberant corruption in Ukraine's arms industry. A long-time notorious leader of fascist organizations has been appointed "advisor" to Ukraine's Chiefs of Staff, just as the in part fascist-oriented volunteer battalions are being integrated into the ranks of the country's regular armed forces. They too will benefit from NATO's training and arming measures.

[Műsorajánló] Az átkozott sötét hadak

KatPol Blog - jeu, 09/04/2015 - 22:38

Figyelem, kedves olvasók! Ezen a héten két szerkesztőnk, Rammjaeger83 és SchA ismét a Szent Korona Rádió Hadak útján c. hadtörténeti műsorának vendége lesz. A beszélgetés témája az Iszlám Állam, amely ismert módon dobogós helyen áll a médiában szereplő aktuális biztonságpolitikai fenyegetések között, és a dolgok jelenlegi állása szerint az ellene való többoldalú fellépésben Magyarország is szerepet fog vállalni. Igyekeztünk átfogó képet adni az elhíresült szervezetről, amennyire az időkeret engedte. Az adás április 11-én, szombaton 17:30-tól, ill. vasárnap 02:00-től és 09:00-től hallgatható meg itt. A hanganyag később letölthető lesz a műsor archívumából. Jó szórakozást!

UPDATE: letölthető a műsor.

[...] Bővebben!

Catégories: Biztonságpolitika
