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Recensement au Kosovo : participer ou boycotter, l'insoluble dilemme des Serbes

Courrier des Balkans / Kosovo - mer, 17/04/2024 - 08:14

Au sein de la principale minorité du Kosovo, les opinions divergent sur la meilleure stratégie à suivre face la « répression » des autorités de Pristina. Certains boycottent, mais d'autres insistent pour y prendre part, afin de savoir combien de Serbes vivent réellement dans le pays. Témoignages.

- Articles / , , , ,
Catégories: Balkans Occidentaux

Lockheed Tapped For C2BMC Development | DoS Approved FMS To Iraq | Netherlands Ordered More Ground Master

Defense Industry Daily - mer, 17/04/2024 - 06:00
Americas Lockheed Martin won a $46 million order by the US Navy, which provides non-recurring engineering for the development, integration, testing, and deployment of the MH-60 aircraft product line system configuration 26 fleet release for all MH-60 air platform variants, to include baseline management integrated management planning, integrated development environment support, support equipment baseline management, […]
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France/Qatar/Switzerland/Tahiti : French corruption probe into 2022 World Cup zooms in on controversial consultant

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/04/2024 - 06:00
The judge in charge of the Paris Judicial Court's financial division, Serge Tournaire, has Qatar's emir, Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, in his sights. The probe launched nearly nine years ago into Qatar's alleged purchase of votes from the executive
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine : Ukraine deploys its new Vega drone imaging software

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/04/2024 - 06:00
It goes under the name of Vega (Bexa in Cyrillic script) and is a word which Ukrainian drone operators are
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : APTelecom consultants at heart of US Indo-Pacific subsea cable strategy

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/04/2024 - 06:00
US telecommunications services provider and consultancy APTelecom appears to be a key contractor of Google and Australian firm Telstra's Pacific
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United Kingdom : Stuart Leach Associates, bolstered by former Bell Pottinger staff, strengthens its investigations capacities

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/04/2024 - 06:00
Public relations and communications firm Stuart Leach Associates (SLA), which was set up in late 2022 by reputation management litigation
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China/Italy : After Italy's exit from Belt and Road Initiative, Meloni hopes to renew ties with Xi

Intelligence Online - mer, 17/04/2024 - 06:00
Just a few months have gone by between Italy's withdrawal from China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in December (IO,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Australia’s MH-60R Maritime Helicopters

Defense Industry Daily - mer, 17/04/2024 - 05:58
MH-60Rs fire Hellfire (click to view full) Australia’s AIR 9000, Phase 8 project aimed to buy 24 modern naval helicopters to 16 existing S-70B-2 Seahawks, along with the disastrous A$1.1 billion, 11-helicopter SH-2G “Super Seasprite” acquisition attempt. With a total sales and support value of over A$ 3 billion, it was a highly coveted award. […]
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/div) für das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP)

Die am DIW Berlin angesiedelte forschungsbasierte Infrastruktureinrichtung Sozio-oekonomisches

Panel (SOEP) sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine

studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/div)

für 15 Wochenstunden.


Security of Supply in Times of Geo-economic Fragmentation

SWP - mer, 17/04/2024 - 02:00

The recent political consensus on the European Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) marks a significant step towards a common raw materials policy within the European Union (EU). Against the backdrop of increasing geopolitical tensions, the EU aims to bolster its “strategic autonomy” within its raw material supply chains. To achieve this goal, it is essential for the EU and its member states to enhance collaboration with mineral-rich third countries. The current geopolitical environment will require a con­certed effort on the part of the EU with respect to its raw material diplomacy, as only through such effective engagement will the EU be able to diplomatically and program­matically implement raw material partnerships that appeal to third countries.

La chaleur record du mois de mars suscite la crainte d'un "territoire inconnu".

BBC Afrique - mar, 16/04/2024 - 19:26
La vague de chaleur mensuelle s’est poursuivi en mars et les scientifiques peinent à expliquer l'ampleur du réchauffement récent.
Catégories: Afrique

UN Tools for Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: An Analysis of Listings and Sanctions Processes

European Peace Institute / News - mar, 16/04/2024 - 18:24

Since the Security Council first recognized conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) as a threat to international peace and security in 2008, the UN has developed an increasing number of pathways to prevent and respond to such crimes. One of these is the annual report of the secretary-general on CRSV, which includes an annexed list of perpetrators who are credibly suspected of committing or being responsible for patterns of CRSV violations in contexts on the agenda of the Security Council. In addition, perpetrators of CRSV may also be designated in UN sanctions regimes. Yet while both of these processes aim to prevent and respond to CRSV, they are not always coherent with one another.

This paper analyzes the relationship between the annual reports of the secretary-general on CRSV and sanctions designations to provide recommendations to enhance their complementarity. It provides an overview of the CRSV annual report and the process for listing parties. It then focuses on designations in sanctions regimes for crimes related to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), including the level of coherence between the reporting of the secretary-general and designations in sanctions regimes. Next, the paper analyzes the reporting and political barriers that inhibit more regular designations for SGBV in sanctions regimes. Finally, it provides recommendations to the UN and member states on how to improve the coherence, coordination, and effectiveness of these processes, including the following.

For member states:

  • Explicitly list SGBV as a criterion within all sanctions regimes for contexts where sexual violence may be taking place.
  • Prioritize utilizing existing SGBV-related criteria as appropriate with available evidence.
  • Provide additional resources for panels of experts.
  • Increase coherence between the parties listed in the annual reports on CRSV and the individuals and entities designated in sanctions regimes.
  • Organize an annual field visit for sanctions committees to the context in question.
  • Create a standing capacity within the UN to engage with designated parties, with the aim of encouraging compliance and facilitating de-listing.

For the UN Secretariat and panels of experts:

  • Establish a platform for regularly coordinating and sharing information between the office of the special representative of the secretary-general on sexual violence in conflict and panels of experts.
  • Institute more structured handover processes between incoming and outgoing members of panels of experts.
  • Provide more robust training on SGBV for panels of experts.
  • Strengthen CRSV expertise and capacity within the Security Council Affairs Division.

Video of a committee meeting - Tuesday, 16 April 2024 - 14:00 - Committee on Foreign Affairs

Length of video : 59'

Disclaimer : The interpretation of debates serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech or the revised written translation is authentic.
Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: European Union

Video einer Ausschusssitzung - Dienstag, 16. April 2024 - 14:00 - Ausschuss für auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Dauer des Videos : 59'

Haftungsausschluss : Die Verdolmetschung der Debatten soll die Kommunikation erleichtern, sie stellt jedoch keine authentische Aufzeichnung der Debatten dar. Authentisch sind nur die Originalfassungen der Reden bzw. ihre überprüften schriftlichen Übersetzungen.
Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2024 - EP
Catégories: Europäische Union

Ce qu'il faut savoir de l'affaire Stormy Daniels - Donald Trump

BBC Afrique - mar, 16/04/2024 - 14:15
Donald Trump a comparu lundi devant un tribunal de New York pour un procès sans précédent dans l'histoire des États-Unis : il est le premier ancien président du pays à faire l'objet d'une procédure pénale.
Catégories: Afrique
