published by András István Türke on Tue, 24/05/2016 - 21:22
1/ Schutz der Schengen Außengrenzen
Gewährleistung der Kontrolle der grünen Außengrenze gemäß des Schengen Borders Code und der Frontex-Verordnung (HU-SRB, HU-CRO): ca. 270 Mio. € im Jahr 2015, das entspricht 0,2 % des ungarischen BIP. Nur 1 % dieser Summe wurde von der EU kofinanziert, hier die im Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt vorgesehenen Flexibilität anzuwenden war nicht möglich)
Grenzpolizisten: 102 in Slowenien, 31 in Mazedonien und 30 in Serbien, Angebot für Bulgarien
published by András István Türke on Thu, 28/04/2016 - 08:10
Donald Trump
Trump used a major speech on Thursday to lay out an “America first” foreign policy that would see Nato allies contribute more to their own defence. Castigating the “reckless and rudderless” policies of President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that he said “blazed a path of destruction” in the world, Mr Trump said he would return the US to a more self-interested approach.
published by András István Türke on Sat, 23/04/2016 - 12:40
Under an U.S. Army airborne exercise in Germany (Hohenfels) a Humvee broke free of its rigging and plummeting to the ground, followed by another — and another. The scene starts serenely as equipment is dropped by parachute April 11 from planes with the 173rd Airborne Brigade flying across blue skies until the first Humvee breaks free and crashes to the ground.
published by András István Türke on Thu, 07/04/2016 - 12:56
Voir la version française en bas
The propagande, the "Counter Migrant Group", and the reality are noticeably different about the Hungarian patrols of 600 soldiers and 400 policemen at the border between Hungary and Serbia (175 km). At about the same number at the Croatian border. The basical units of the border security are the duos of a soldier and a police officer, deployed by 2-3 border stone.
published by András István Türke on Thu, 07/04/2016 - 00:00
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU concerning the political situation in the Republic of the Congo following the presidential election
07/04/2016 14:05 Press release 170/16 Foreign affairs & international relations
On 4 April the Constitutional Court confirmed the result of the presidential election in Congo.
published by András István Türke on Fri, 01/04/2016 - 00:00
The Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between the European Union and Kosovo enters into force today, 1 April 2016. The SAA establishes a contractual relationship which entails mutual rights and obligations and large number of sectors. It will support the implementation of the reforms and give Kosovo an opportunity to move closer to Europe.
András István Turke is HDR/Privatdozent, doctor of the Sorbonne University researcher / associate professor specialised in European and African security & diplomacy. His analyzes deal with CFSP / CSDP (former ESDP) and the defence industry of the European Union. He is expert on Saharan Africa and the Western Balkans geopolitics, strategic issues and economic challenges. He was visiting fellow at the EUISS and at the AWEU Defence Committee.
András István TÜRKE est HDR/Privatdozent, docteur de la Sorbonne, chercheur / professeur adjoint spécialisé aux questions de sécurité et de diplomatie en Europe et en Afrique. Ses analyses traitent la PESC/PSDC (ancienne PESD) et l'industrie de défense de l'Union européenne. Il est expert en géopolitique de l'Afrique subsaharienne et des Balkans Occidentaux concernant les enjeux et défis stratégiques et économiques. Il a été visiting fellow auprès de EUISS et de la Commission de Défence de l`AUEO.