András István Türke Ph.D - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III; Institut Europa Varietas
head of "CERPESC"
András István Türke is a diplomacy & security policy expert based in Switzerland. He specializes in European Foreign, Security & Defence Policy and industrial base issues. He is expert in geopolitics of Africa and Western Balkans on strategic and economic issues. His research focuses on the peacekeeping and regional stability with emphasis on european solutions for defence & crisis management. So far, his work has mostly drawn on EU, UN, AU and NATO activities but he has started to engage with other global and regional crisis management institutions.
Dr. Türke is currently head of the Centre Européen de Recherche pour la PESC (CERPESC, 2007-) and associate research fellow at the Research Center of the General Staff (Hungarian MoD, 2014-). He is senior expert of the Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l`École Militaire (IRSEM, French MoD) and of the Réseau de Recherche sur les Opérations de Paix (CÉRIUM - ROP, University of Montréal).
He was also former visiting fellow at European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS, 2006) as well as at the Assembly of the Western European Union - Defence Committee (AWEU, 2008-2011), associate and senior research fellow at the Center for Strategic and Defense Studies (CSDS / SVKK, under the Hungarian MoD 2008-2016), visiting and associate fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA / MKI, 2007-2014) and associate expert at the Geneva Center for Security Studies (GCSP).
He is lecturer at the French University of Szeged (2015-). He was lecturer at the Pannon University in Veszprém (2013-2015) and at the National University of Public Service in Budapest where he was also member of the teaching staff in the English Jean Monnet Module (2015-2016).
Dr. Türke holds a PhD degree in History of International Relations from the Sorbonne University (Paris III EEC-ED385) and 4 Master’s degree in History and Political Sciences from University of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), in International Relationships from Corvinus University and in European Studies from IEHEI Nice. He speaks Hungarian, French, English and German. (He reads also in Latin, Italian, Spanish, Romanian and Portuguese.)
Areas of expertise: CFSP, CSDP (EU, Africa, Western Balkans) ; French foreign & security & Africa policies ; European defence industry ; European naval forces ; UAV/UCAV/UCAS ; European integration ; African geopolitics
Skype: de.gaulle
Website & Publications
Guillaume de Rougé Ph.D - Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III
Gergely Varga - Europa Varietas Institute