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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Trump Is Ending One Gulf Conflict to Start Another

Thu, 03/05/2018 - 23:16
The Trump administration's sudden U-turn on Qatar is all about Iran.

Don’t Blame Amber Rudd for Britain’s Racist Immigration System

Thu, 03/05/2018 - 19:02
The ousted home secretary was trying to clean up the mess her boss created. Theresa May alone is responsible for the “hostile environment” policy’s heinous abuses.

This Land Is Our Land

Thu, 03/05/2018 - 11:45
South Africa’s ruling party has failed to redistribute land to the black majority for over two decades. Can the new president defuse a ticking time bomb?

Netanyahu’s ‘Iran Lied’ Presentation Shows Why Trump Should Keep the Nuke Deal

Wed, 02/05/2018 - 23:52
Israel and the United States are both led by men who are hard to trust.

Europe Has No Clue How to Handle an American Bully

Wed, 02/05/2018 - 23:24
Germany, France, and the U.K. all tried sucking up to Trump. They ended up helping kill the Iran deal.

White House Weighs Taking Refugee Programs Away From State Department

Wed, 02/05/2018 - 22:56
Mike Pompeo’s first test could be a plan to remove refugee aid from Foggy Bottom.

Korea’s Nuclear Nightmare Hasn’t Gone Away

Wed, 02/05/2018 - 18:23
Unless the United States changes its priorities, Korean diplomacy is probably doomed.

Royal Weddings Are a Fairy Tale. They Used to Be High-Stakes Diplomacy.

Wed, 02/05/2018 - 12:22
Once upon a time, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would have been instruments of foreign-policy ambition.

Bibi’s Infomercial for the Iran Deal

Wed, 02/05/2018 - 01:59
Smoke and mirrors aside, the Israeli prime minister’s presentation was an endorsement of existing nuclear diplomacy with Tehran.

Pompeo’s First Mission: Restoring State Department’s ‘Swagger’

Tue, 01/05/2018 - 23:10
In opening remarks to employees, the new secretary of state appeared eager to show the State Department he is no Rex Tillerson.

Turkey’s War on Dissent Goes Global

Tue, 01/05/2018 - 17:30
Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government is abusing international law enforcement institutions to target its critics.

U.S. Soldiers Might Be Stuck in Korea Forever

Tue, 01/05/2018 - 17:29
As Trump has already discovered, pulling the military from the Peninsula isn't easy.

China’s Ready to Cash In on a Melting Arctic

Tue, 01/05/2018 - 17:03
Beijing has big plans for its own Polar Silk Road.

 The Afghan War Isn’t Being Won, Says New Pentagon Audit

Tue, 01/05/2018 - 16:30
A new summary of the country’s troubles by a special inspector general doesn’t paint an optimistic picture.

Who Can Challenge the No-Fly List?

Tue, 01/05/2018 - 14:05
A prominent Pakistani doctor suspects he is on the no-fly list. He’s demanding the right to find out why.

Trump Is Right to Target Saudi-Russian Collusion

Tue, 01/05/2018 - 00:22
Moscow and Riyadh are conspiring to rig global oil markets against the United States.

Israel’s Calm Before the Storm

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 23:25
Without deft diplomacy, confrontations in Syria, protests in Gaza, and tensions over the Iran nuclear deal could plunge the Middle East into chaos.

Netanyahu Hands Trump PR Win on Iran

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 23:24
In a dramatic presentation on Monday, the Israeli prime minister outlined revelations on Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program that most of the world had already accepted.

Optimism About Korea Will Kill Us All

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 21:47
The first step towards peace is lowering your expectations.

Trump-Goes-to-Korea Is the New Nixon-Goes-to-China

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 21:16
There are plenty of lessons to draw from America's diplomatic gambit in Korea — just probably not the ones you think.
