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Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Nikki Haley’s Loyalty Test Backfires

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 20:50
The U.S. ambassador’s threat to punish states for voting against the U.S. at the U.N. didn’t work out so well.

Security Brief: Trump Admin Drives Hard Line on Korea; Details on Kim’s Offer

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 15:23
After a historic summit light on details, White House reiterates tough demands for North Korean denuclearization.

Bolton’s Ascent Gives Iranian Group a New Lease on Life

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 14:00
With a supporter in the White House, the MEK might finally have a voice in U.S. policy.

There’s No Escape From Australia’s Refugee Gulag

Mon, 30/04/2018 - 13:34
One branch of Canberra's notorious offshore detention system has closed. But the men who were imprisoned there are now stranded on a remote Pacific island that doesn't want them.

The Unbearable Complacency of Angela Merkel

Fri, 27/04/2018 - 21:28
Germany's economy is far more vulnerable than it seems, but its government is completely uninterested in doing anything about it.

Pyongyang Is Playing Washington and Seoul

Fri, 27/04/2018 - 21:15
Hollow summits between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States only serve to benefit the North.

China Threatens U.S. Airlines Over Taiwan References

Fri, 27/04/2018 - 19:49
Beijing is pressuring companies around the world to follow the party line on Taiwan sovereignty — or else.

Trump Is Driving Xi Into Modi’s Arms

Fri, 27/04/2018 - 19:18
China’s more afraid of a volatile United States than a powerful India.

Reporter’s Notebook: Brazil’s Forgotten Children and Russia’s #MeToo Problem

Fri, 27/04/2018 - 18:52
FP’s April magazine: “The End of Human Rights” tackled issues from the Amazon to Vladivostok. On today’s E.R. episode, we talk to two contributors.

How the UAE’s Chinese-Made Drone Is Changing the War in Yemen

Fri, 27/04/2018 - 18:34
An airstrike that killed a senior Houthi leader shows that the Emirates is growing more assertive in its military operations.

Six Essential Tasks for Trump’s New Secretary of State

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 23:18
Here’s how Mike Pompeo should begin his tenure.

Anti-Abortion Row Derails State Department Policy Bill

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 22:26
Congress came close to passing the bill, which could have raised the spirits of a bruised and battered State Department.

Do You Know Where Your Russian Oligarchs Are?

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 20:45
Democratic senators ask major banks to review individuals tied to Putin.

Merkel to Press Trump on Russia Sanctions

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 19:43
Merkel and Macron are focused on European business when pushing back on Russia sanctions. Their concern for the Iran deal is different.

Trump’s Middle Ground on Iran Deal Sanctions Waivers Is a Myth

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 18:27
I helped negotiate the nuclear deal — and I know what would undo it.

Japan Tunes Out Trump to Save Trade Deal

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 17:03
Abe badly wants the US back in the landmark Trans-Pacific Partnership - whatever Trump thinks.

A Trump U.N. Pick Tries to Make Up for Anti-Muslim Tweets

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 13:41
Ken Isaacs once proposed building a wall in the Alps to keep out migrants. Trump wants him to lead the world’s principal migration agency.

Why Democracy Doesn’t Deliver

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 09:45
Endless elections, unqualified leaders, uninformed voters, and short-term thinking are impeding economic growth.

Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 06:01
Iran’s growing presence in Syria has forced Israel’s security establishment to plan for the worst.

Trump’s Travel Ban Might Be Legal, but It’s Bad Policy

Wed, 25/04/2018 - 22:26
Most terrorists don’t get radicalized abroad; they’re made in the USA.
