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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 1 month 1 week ago

Riyalpolitik and the Art of Influence in Trump’s Washington

Mon, 28/05/2018 - 13:00
America's Arab allies have always wanted to buy direct access to U.S. foreign policy, and they finally found a seller.

Erdogan Is Failing Economics 101

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 22:05
Turkey's president has made a huge bet that he's right and all of the world's economic experts are wrong.

How Far Is Trump Willing to Go to Change Iran’s Behavior?

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 20:31
The Trump Team has shown its commitment to curbing Tehran — but remains stingy with the details.

Why Was a Private Israeli Intel Firm Digging Up Dirt on This Former Obama Administration Official?

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 20:20
Colin Kahl was targeted by Black Cube, the same company Harvey Weinstein hired to discredit his accusers.

Jobs and Opportunity Are the Only Path to Peace in Central America

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 19:40
The United States must foster free trade and economic growth in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, or the vicious cycle of violence will persist.

U.S. Once Jailed Uighurs, Now Defends Them at U.N.

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 17:11
China tries to silence the group and lashes out at a U.S. diplomat.

Disinformation Wars

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 06:10
The United States and Europe are ill-prepared for the coming wave of "deep fakes" that artificial intelligence could unleash.

Italy Needed a Government. It Got a Circus.

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 00:55
Rome has a prime minister with no power — and a slate of new constitutional, diplomatic, and economic crises.

Ireland’s Nasty No Campaign

Fri, 25/05/2018 - 00:53
Anti-abortion activists are deploying every imaginable scare tactic to defeat a referendum that would grant Irish women the right to choose.

Trump Has No Idea How Diplomatic Deals Work

Thu, 24/05/2018 - 23:32
I worked on international negotiations under Obama — and now I’m watching from the sidelines as the Trump team gets it all wrong.

Trump Dials Up the Trade War to 11

Thu, 24/05/2018 - 23:13
Citing national security concerns, the Trump administration could slap tariffs on autos from friends and allies. They’re not thrilled.

A Timeline: From ‘Rocket Man’ to Peace Partner and Back

Thu, 24/05/2018 - 23:11
The summit is off between the United States and North Korea. How did we get here?

Now That the Summit Is Off Between the U.S. and North Korea, What’s Next?

Thu, 24/05/2018 - 21:52
Six questions to ponder after Trump’s announcement, including — what will become of those coins?

The Making of a Chechen Hitman

Thu, 24/05/2018 - 17:10
Russia’s best killers learned their skills fighting Moscow.

Putin’s Endgame in Syria Has Arrived

Thu, 24/05/2018 - 14:39
It's not an Assad victory — it's a frozen conflict.

Palestinians Have Been Abandoned by Their Leaders

Thu, 24/05/2018 - 12:50
Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority are undermining democracy. Only a new generation can bring real change.

The One Place in Syria That Works

Wed, 23/05/2018 - 23:39
Why southwest Syria is an island of stability.

North Korea Is a Dangerous Distraction

Wed, 23/05/2018 - 21:04
The real struggle in Asia is with China — and Trump is throwing away U.S. advantages.

Myanmar’s Atrocities Demand New Sanctions

Wed, 23/05/2018 - 17:57
Rep. Eliot Engel’s sanctions legislation offers the right response to the Myanmar military’s campaign of murder and displacement.

Erdogan’s Flying Carpet

Wed, 23/05/2018 - 15:46
Istanbul’s massive new airport fits with Turkey’s grand neo-Ottoman ambitions, but it may be too big for its own good.
