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Situation Report: Big Pentagon Changes Coming in 2018

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/12/2017 - 13:53
Trump transgender ban blocked by courts again, Pence in Afghanistan

Le Top 10 des articles de Politique étrangère en 2017

Politique étrangère (IFRI) - Fri, 22/12/2017 - 09:00

La revue Politique étrangère est présente sur Cairn, le portail de revues francophones, depuis plusieurs années maintenant. Merci à vous chers Lecteurs de nous lire tout au long de l’année !

Découvrez en exclusivité la liste des 10 articles les plus lus sur Cairn en 2017,
et profitez-en pour (re)lire ceux qui vous auraient échappé !

1ère place : Pierre de Senarclens, « Théories et pratiques des relations internationales depuis la fin de la guerre froide » (PE n° 4/2006)

2e place : Pierre Jacquet, « Les enjeux de l’aide publique au développement »
(PE n° 4/2006)

3e place : Asiem El Difraoui et Milena Uhlmann, « Prévention de la radicalisation et déradicalisation : les modèles allemand, britannique et danois » (PE n° 4/2015)

4e place : Abdou Diouf, « Afrique : l’intégration régionale face à la mondialisation »
(PE n° 4/2006)

5e place : Stanley Hoffmann, « Raymond Aron et la théorie des relations internationales » (PE n° 4/2006)

6e place : David M. Faris, « La révolte en réseau : le « printemps arabe » et les médias sociaux » (PE n° 1/2012)

7e place : Victor Magnani et Vincent Darracq, « Les élections en Afrique : un mirage démocratique ? » (PE n° 4/2011)

8e place : Yves Gounin, « Les dynamiques d’éclatement d’États dans l’Union européenne : casse-tête juridique, défi politique » (PE n° 4/2013)

9e place : Jussi Hanhimäki, « Les États-Unis et le multilatéralisme depuis le 11 septembre » (PE n° 3/2011)

10e place : Ekaterina Stepanova, « La Russie a-t-elle une grande stratégie au Moyen-Orient » (PE n° 2/2016)

* * *

 Merci à tous nos abonnés et lecteurs pour leur fidélité à Politique étrangère !

(Ré)abonnez-vous sans plus attendre
pour recevoir les 4 numéros de l’année 2018 !


Trump Has Set a Scary Strategic Precedent

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/12/2017 - 00:40
There's a reason why other administrations didn’t plan national security policy this way.

Cyberattack Targets Safety System at Saudi Aramco

Foreign Policy - Fri, 22/12/2017 - 00:08
One report points to Iran, but the evidence is far from conclusive.

UN peacekeeping operations will continue search for ways to reduce their environmental impact – Security Council

UN News Centre - Fri, 22/12/2017 - 00:05
The Security Council on Thursday said that United Nations peacekeeping missions will continue to consider ways to reduce the environmental impact of their operations, in line with relevant UN resolutions and mindful of the goals set out in international accords on the environment, including the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Afghan parties must agree on ‘convincing peace process’ to end 40 years of conflict, says UN envoy

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 23:51
The United Nations envoy for Afghanistan on Thursday highlighted the need for the country to achieve a political settlement with the armed opposition, pointing to an upcoming February meeting between the parties as an opportunity not to be missed.

Aid has not reached ‘a single soul’ in Syria’s besieged areas in December, says UN advisor

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 22:16
The list of people requiring life-saving medical help in Syria is getting shorter not because they were evacuated, but because they died, a senior United Nations advisor warned Thursday.

Conflict casts shadow on fight to end hunger in some regions – UN agriculture agency

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 21:59
Conflict and protracted crises in a handful of countries in the Near East and North Africa are hindering efforts to eradicate hunger in the region by 2030, according to a United Nations report published Thursday.

India’s Political Outsiders: From Protest to Politics to Power

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 20:49
A new documentary traces an Indian anti-corruption party’s rise to power. But life has not stood still since filming stopped.

UN tribunal for former Yugoslavia leaves behind culture of accountability, says Guterres

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 20:26
The United Nations tribunal dealing with atrocities committed during the Balkans wars of 1990s has been a pioneer in creating the contemporary architecture of international criminal justice, and “gave a voice to victims,” Secretary-General António Guterres said Thursday.

Beijing Builds Its Influence in the American Media

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 20:13
How one of America's biggest Chinese-language newspapers amplifies China’s message.

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Agency Alleges Fraud in Arms Industry

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 20:10
The country’s war on graft is far from over.

Federal Court Vacancies Are a Crisis. Military Judges Are the Solution.

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 18:59
A modest proposal to solve a growing problem in America’s judicial system.

General Assembly demands all States comply with UN resolutions regarding status of Jerusalem

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 18:07
By an overwhelming majority, Member States in the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday “demanded” that all countries comply with Security Council resolutions regarding the status of Jerusalem, following an earlier decision by the United States to recognize the Holy City as the capital of Israel.

UNICEF airlifts six million doses of vaccines to children in Yemen

UN News Centre - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 18:06
A plane charted by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) landed in Sana’a, Yemen, on Thursday, delivering nearly 6 million doses of essential vaccines to protect millions of children at risk of preventable diseases, including the current diphtheria outbreak that has reportedly infected over 300 people and killed 35.

What Would a Saudi-Iran War Look Like? Don’t look now, but it is already here

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 16:22
After eight years at Foreign Policy, here are the ten most popular Best Defense posts

The Guardians of the Great Barrier Reef

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 14:47
Australia’s scientists are working against time and climate change politics to save their beloved coral reef.

Situation Report: Mattis Goes to Gitmo, Congress Struggles to Keep Government Open

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 14:00
B-1 bombers back to Middle East, pressure on Saudi Arabia over Yemen

Deep Pockets, Deep Cover: The UAE Is Paying Ex-CIA Officers to Build a Spy Empire in the Gulf

Foreign Policy - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 13:08
They hired Americans to professionalize their intelligence service. But how far can former U.S. spies go?

The North Korea Deal

Foreign Affairs - Thu, 21/12/2017 - 06:00
Given the unacceptable consequences of war with North Korea, it is long past time for policymakers in the United States to get realistic about diplomacy with Kim Jong-un's government.
