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European Union

Press release - More funds needed for youth and jobs in 2017 to honour EU’s pledges, say MEPs

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 14:14
Plenary sessions : Parliament demanded more funds, to help young people into jobs, boost economic growth and assist third countries with a view to mitigating the migration crisis, in a plenary vote on Wednesday. MEPs reversed all the Council’s proposed cuts in the draft EU budget for 2017. They expect some of the additional funds needed to come from new appropriations to be obtained through the mid-term revision of the EU’s long-run budget, the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - MEPs call for EU limit on industrial trans fats in food

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 14:07
Plenary sessions : The EU should place mandatory limits on industrially-produced trans-fatty acids (TFA) which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, infertility, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and obesity for consumers, says a resolution voted on Wednesday. TFA intake is mostly linked to consumption of industrially produced, partially hydrogenated oils.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - MEPs call for EU limit on industrial trans fats in food

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 14:07
Plenary sessions : The EU should place mandatory limits on industrially-produced trans-fatty acids (TFA) which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, infertility, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and obesity for consumers, says a resolution voted on Wednesday. TFA intake is mostly linked to consumption of industrially produced, partially hydrogenated oils.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Press freedom in Turkey up for a debate late on Wednesday afternoon

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 14:00
Plenary sessions : The threats, violations and restrictions faced by journalists in Turkey will be debated with Commissioner Corina Creţu, representing EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, late on Wednesday afternoon. Since the 15 July failed coup d’état, which left 241 people dead and thousands injured, 90 journalists have been jailed, more than 2,500 have lost their jobs and arrest warrants have been issued against hundreds of media workers in the country.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Press freedom in Turkey up for a debate late on Wednesday afternoon

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 14:00
Plenary sessions : The threats, violations and restrictions faced by journalists in Turkey will be debated with Commissioner Corina Creţu, representing EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, late on Wednesday afternoon. Since the 15 July failed coup d’état, which left 241 people dead and thousands injured, 90 journalists have been jailed, more than 2,500 have lost their jobs and arrest warrants have been issued against hundreds of media workers in the country.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Plant health: MEPs step up fight against influx of pests to the EU

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:49
Plenary sessions : New rules to curb the growing influx into the EU of plant pests, such as olive grove killer Xylella fastidiosa, and better equip member states to tackle their spread, were endorsed by the Parliament on Wednesday. The new regulation introduces preventive and rapid response mechanisms for suspect plant imports, steps up pest surveillance efforts in the EU and requires all member states to draw up outbreak contingency plans.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Plant health: MEPs step up fight against influx of pests to the EU

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:49
Plenary sessions : New rules to curb the growing influx into the EU of plant pests, such as olive grove killer Xylella fastidiosa, and better equip member states to tackle their spread, were endorsed by the Parliament on Wednesday. The new regulation introduces preventive and rapid response mechanisms for suspect plant imports, steps up pest surveillance efforts in the EU and requires all member states to draw up outbreak contingency plans.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - MEPs set out their stance on EU economic priorities for 2017

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:38
Plenary sessions : Parliament backs the EU Commission case for investing in innovation, growth and job creation, pursuing socially-balanced structural reforms, and encouraging responsible public finances, in a resolution on EU economic priorities for 2017, voted on Wednesday.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - MEPs set out their stance on EU economic priorities for 2017

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:38
Plenary sessions : Parliament backs the EU Commission case for investing in innovation, growth and job creation, pursuing socially-balanced structural reforms, and encouraging responsible public finances, in a resolution on EU economic priorities for 2017, voted on Wednesday.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - EU’s long-term budget: MEPs vote for more headroom to cope with crises

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:31
Plenary sessions : The EU needs to update its long-term financial plan to cope with unforeseen crises said MEPs in their vote on its forthcoming review, on Wednesday. MEPs acknowledged that the Commission’s proposal to revise the multiannual financial framework (MFF) genuinely responds to requests in Parliament’s negotiating stance, adopted in July, for more flexibility and an EU crisis reserve. However, they were disappointed that resources remain unchanged.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - EU’s long-term budget: MEPs vote for more headroom to cope with crises

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:31
Plenary sessions : The EU needs to update its long-term financial plan to cope with unforeseen crises said MEPs in their vote on its forthcoming review, on Wednesday. MEPs acknowledged that the Commission’s proposal to revise the multiannual financial framework (MFF) genuinely responds to requests in Parliament’s negotiating stance, adopted in July, for more flexibility and an EU crisis reserve. However, they were disappointed that resources remain unchanged.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Online public services to be made more accessible for the disabled and elderly

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:25
Plenary sessions : The websites and apps of public administrations, hospitals, courts and other public sector bodies will have to be made accessible to everyone, under new EU-wide rules approved by the European Parliament on Wednesday. The web accessibility directive, already agreed by Parliament and Council, should make it easier for disabled and elderly people to access data and services on the internet, e.g. to file a tax declaration, apply for an allowance, pay fees or enrol at university.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Online public services to be made more accessible for the disabled and elderly

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 13:25
Plenary sessions : The websites and apps of public administrations, hospitals, courts and other public sector bodies will have to be made accessible to everyone, under new EU-wide rules approved by the European Parliament on Wednesday. The web accessibility directive, already agreed by Parliament and Council, should make it easier for disabled and elderly people to access data and services on the internet, e.g. to file a tax declaration, apply for an allowance, pay fees or enrol at university.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - CETA and Russia dominate debate with Juncker and Tusk

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 12:20
Plenary sessions : Council President Donald Tusk and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker briefed MEPs on the political conclusions of the latest EU summit in Wednesday’s plenary debate. Political group leaders focused on the proposed EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) recently rejected by Wallonia’s parliament, EU-Russia relations, trade defence instruments and migration.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - CETA and Russia dominate debate with Juncker and Tusk

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 12:20
Plenary sessions : Council President Donald Tusk and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker briefed MEPs on the political conclusions of the latest EU summit in Wednesday’s plenary debate. Political group leaders focused on the proposed EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) recently rejected by Wallonia’s parliament, EU-Russia relations, trade defence instruments and migration.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

The reluctantly political European Commission

FT / Brussels Blog - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 11:41

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Categories: European Union

Press release - Protecting migrant children: Wednesday afternoon debate

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 11:00
Plenary sessions : Migrant children, and especially those travelling alone, are among the most vulnerable people on earth. MEPs will discuss how the EU can guarantee their rights and protection in a debate with Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos on Wednesday afternoon at around 16.00. The consequences of the dismantlement of the Calais “jungle”, where there were several unaccompanied asylum-seekers, are likely to be raised.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Protecting migrant children: Wednesday afternoon debate

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 11:00
Plenary sessions : Migrant children, and especially those travelling alone, are among the most vulnerable people on earth. MEPs will discuss how the EU can guarantee their rights and protection in a debate with Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos on Wednesday afternoon at around 16.00. The consequences of the dismantlement of the Calais “jungle”, where there were several unaccompanied asylum-seekers, are likely to be raised.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - EU budget: "We have to deal with the problem caused by Brexit"

European Parliament - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 10:58
General : The UK's decision to leave the Union will already affect the EU's budget for next year. "There has already been an unforeseeable situation and now we have to deal with this problem," said Jens Geier, the MEP who will negotiate on behalf of the Parliament regarding the bulk of the EU's budget for 2017. MEPs will vote on Parliament's position in plenary on 26 October. We talked to the German S&D member about how Brexit is affecting the budget and the upcoming negotiations with the Council

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union

Article - EU budget: "We have to deal with the problem caused by Brexit"

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 26/10/2016 - 10:58
General : The UK's decision to leave the Union will already affect the EU's budget for next year. "There has already been an unforeseeable situation and now we have to deal with this problem," said Jens Geier, the MEP who will negotiate on behalf of the Parliament regarding the bulk of the EU's budget for 2017. MEPs will vote on Parliament's position in plenary on 26 October. We talked to the German S&D member about how Brexit is affecting the budget and the upcoming negotiations with the Council

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP
Categories: European Union
