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Hollande l’Africain

Politique étrangère (IFRI) - lun, 18/04/2016 - 15:52

Cette recension d’ouvrages est issue de Politique étrangère (1/2016). Aline Leboeuf propose une analyse de l’ouvrage de Christophe Boisbouvier, Hollande l’Africain (La Découverte, 2015, 224 pages).

François Hollande prône la « doctrine par l’exemple » dans la mise en œuvre de sa politique africaine. Serait-ce un mélange d’héritages réinterprétés, entre Mitterrand et Jospin, d’équilibrisme ad hoc, de principes revus à l’aune de la Realpolitik ? Pour comprendre ce président finalement fort « normal » au regard de ses prédécesseurs, Christophe Boisbouvier revient sur son parcours africain, de ses premiers faits d’armes sous Mitterrand jusqu’à ses difficultés récentes à se démarquer de partenaires africains fort mal élus.

On apprend ainsi que, au cabinet du secrétaire d’État porte-parole du gouvernement, Hollande défend l’intervention Manta au Tchad. En 1996, il contribue aux efforts du cabinet Mignard pour renégocier en faveur du Tchad son contrat avec Exxon-Shell-Elf. Surtout, représentant du PS auprès de l’Internationale socialiste, il se constitue un premier réseau africain qui, comme son stage de l’ENA en Algérie en 1978, détermine plus sa vision de l’Afrique que ses rares voyages en Somalie et au Sénégal. Sa première vraie décision en matière de politique africaine consiste à soutenir Gbagbo jusqu’en octobre 2004.

Mais l’intérêt du livre ne réside pas d’abord dans ces anecdotes – qui prouvent que, même pour un politique français sans grand intérêt pour l’Afrique, il est difficile de ne jamais s’y confronter. Non, ce qui fascine dans ce livre c’est de voir comment l’Afrique rattrape même ceux qui ne s’y intéressent pas, et comment il est difficile de repenser et renouveler la politique africaine de la France, même ou surtout quand on est un homme « neuf » qui voit dans l’Afrique un espace « où il n’y a que des coups à prendre ».

Hollande est élu sans autre politique africaine que : « mettre fin à la Françafrique », aux interventions militaires, aux réseaux et aux relations privilégiées avec des dictateurs. Trois ans après, la France est intervenue au Mali et en Centrafrique. Les réseaux et les intermédiaires n’ont plus officiellement droit de cité, réduisant ainsi le risque de privatisation de la politique africaine de la France. Mais, comme le montre l’auteur, de nouveaux réseaux ou intermédiaires ont pris une importance nouvelle, comme l’Internationale socialiste ou certains avocats, communicants, consultants, ou même compagnies de service de sécurité et de défense proches du président ou de ses ministres. Enfin, alors que le Burkina Faso avait été intelligemment valorisé par Paris pour affirmer la fin du soutien aux présidents tentés de faire sauter le verrou constitutionnel des deux mandats, cet engagement de principe de Hollande a vite été mis de côté au profit d’une approche moins engagée, voire complice, des régimes en place, surtout quand la question du changement constitutionnel ne s’y pose plus. Quand Le Drian explique à l’auteur qu’il « flirte mais […] ne couche pas », n’entend-on pas un résumé efficace de cette relation compliquée entre la France de Hollande et ses partenaires africains, auxquels il faut bien payer les services rendus ?

Ainsi lorsque Juppé raillait l’opposition socialiste en lui reprochant de faire « un mauvais copier-coller de la droite », il posait une vraie question : comment faire une autre politique africaine, quand l’obsession reste la « grandeur de la France », cette idée mitterrandienne que « sans l’Afrique il n’y aura pas d’Histoire de France au xxie siècle » ? Christophe Boisbouvier ne répond pas à cette question, mais donne de nombreuses clés pour y réfléchir.

S’abonner à Politique étrangère.

Référendum à haut risque au Royaume-Uni

Le Monde Diplomatique - ven, 15/04/2016 - 15:07
Soutien du patronat, appui embarrassé des travaillistes, concessions probables des partenaires européens : à la veille du référendum sur la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne, tout devrait rassurer le premier ministre britannique, a priori opposé au « Brexit ». Le sentiment antieuropéen gagne (...) / , , , , , , , , , - 2016/02

European Working Group on Egypt to European Leaders and Policymakers

Crisisgroup - ven, 15/04/2016 - 11:09
We believe it is time for the EU to adopt a position on current developments in Egypt that is more clearly defined and better serves the interests of both Europe and the Egyptian people. For some time, the European Union (EU) has remained largely silent on political, judicial and human rights issues in Egypt, while several member states have acted to normalise relations with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his government. Yet the Egyptian government’s crackdown has reached a point where the existence of an independent human rights community is in question, and there is no accountability for torture, death in custody and enforced disappearances despite overwhelming evidence of the direct involvement of Egyptian security officials and institutions in these practices. The death of Giulio Regeni and the unresolved questions surrounding it, which are naturally a major focus of Italian and EU attention, are also emblematic of a much wider problem affecting large numbers of Egyptian citizens.

Virage autoritaire à Séoul

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 14/04/2016 - 15:10
L'économie sud-coréenne s'essouffle : la croissance a chuté de cinq points en cinq ans. Face au mécontentement, la répression s'étend. Pour la première fois depuis la fin de la dictature, un dirigeant syndical est embastillé. / Corée du Sud, Conflit, Économie, État, Histoire, Mouvement de contestation, (...) / , , , , , , , , , - 2016/01

Like in Afghanistan

German Foreign Policy (DE/FR/EN) - jeu, 14/04/2016 - 00:00
(Own report) - The German government has taken the decision to expand the German military mission in Mali to the north of the country, plagued with terrorist attacks. Following the deployment of German UN Blue Helmet troops (MINUSMA) in Gao in northern Mali, German soldiers will also be training units of the Malian army. In the north of that country, there are often terrorist attacks on convoys of foreign troops. Most recently, three French soldiers were killed in a bombing last Tuesday. Observers are warning that, due to particularities of the peace agreement signed in the summer of 2015, the training program in the north could benefit future Touareg insurgencies. Three years after the beginning of the intervention in Mali, the situation is showing clear similarities to Afghanistan. One can hardly speak in terms of a "stabilization" of the theatre of operations, but rather, as reported by a Malian intelligence agency, of the "terrorist threat" spreading to the center and the south of the country. Attacks are being carried out not only against the forces of MINUSMA but also those of the EU's EUTM Mali.

Attiser les haines

Le Monde Diplomatique - mer, 13/04/2016 - 15:05
Dans un 2014 imaginaire marqué par d'innombrables guerres raciales et un apartheid mondial, une bande hétéroclite, composée notamment du sociologue Conroy et de l'animateur-vedette Flamen, écoute le récit cauchemardesque de son avenir par la bouche d'un voyageur du temps cybernétique… — Mais (...) / , - 2016/04

Russia’s North Caucasus Insurgency Widens as ISIS’ Foothold Grows

Crisisgroup - mer, 13/04/2016 - 10:15
Russia’s North Caucasus insurgency has gone relatively quiet, but reduced casualty numbers belie a still-worrying situation where long-standing grievances remain. As more and more fighters join the cause of globalized jihadi groups, most of all the self-declared Islamic State (ISIS), Moscow may find that it has only transformed and widened its war.

Germany's Leading Role

German Foreign Policy (DE/FR/EN) - mer, 13/04/2016 - 00:00
(Own report) - Following her talks yesterday with Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto in Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Germany will strengthen its partnership with Mexico. It will train members of the police and armed forces and enhance economic cooperation with that country. Mexico, traditionally, has been one of the German companies' two most important trading partners in Latin America. Particularly German automobile companies use Mexico as a low-wage production site for the lucrative US market. Cooperation now will also be strengthened with the military and in the field of domestic repression. This must be seen in the context of the gradual polarization on both shores of the Pacific, as Western powers and their allies take up positions in opposition to the People's Republic of China, while several governments, which had refused to bow to western hegemony, have been recently either voted out of office or are threatened with being ousted. Berlin is offensively supporting those forces, cooperating with the West - such as Mexico, whose President Peña Nieto, in turn, explicitly recognizes Germany's "leading role."

Let Georgia Join NATO

Foreign Affairs - mar, 12/04/2016 - 22:53
Speeding up Georgia’s integration into NATO will leave Moscow unhappy, but losing Georgia would be far worse. 

The Global Refugee Crisis: Statement by the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group

Crisisgroup - mar, 12/04/2016 - 10:47
The Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group calls on world leaders to take more coordinated, better principled action to address the global refugee crisis. The scale of the tragedy shines the spotlight on just how remiss the international order has been in managing, much less settling, the conflicts that generate so much of today’s human flight.

Bangladesh government must step back from chaos

Crisisgroup - mar, 12/04/2016 - 10:05
The brutal murder of a law student blogger who had criticized Islamist groups in Bangladesh has underlined the growing power and impunity of the country's extremist rump. The death of Nazumuddin Samad, 28, who was hacked and shot to death on April 7, has also highlighted how the rise of religious extremism is affecting the country's image and its efforts to advance economically.

Ukraine’s Meat Grinder Is Back in Business

Crisisgroup - mar, 12/04/2016 - 00:00
The one bright spot in the otherwise largely unimplemented February 2015 Minsk peace agreement was a ceasefire that ended full-scale fighting between Ukrainian forces and Moscow-backed, pro-Russian rebels who seized parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions on the Ukrainian-Russian border almost two years ago.

In Alliance with Al Qaeda

German Foreign Policy (DE/FR/EN) - mar, 12/04/2016 - 00:00
(Own report) - The ceasefire in Syria is threatened to be torpedoed by a militia, armed by Germany's allies and included, under German government pressure, in the Syria peace talks in Geneva. According to reports, the militia, Ahrar al Sham, covered by the ceasefire, is participating in the current military offensive waged by the al Qaeda-affiliated al Nusra Front, which has been excluded from the ceasefire. Ahrar al Sham has been financed and armed by Berlin's NATO partner, Turkey and by Qatar, one of Germany's main Middle East allies. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier had been vigorously pushing for al Sham's membership in the delegation of the government opposition at the Geneva peace talks, even though it has been closely cooperating with al Nusra (al Qaeda) for years. A recent analysis published by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) confirms that this military cooperation is based on a broad ideological kinship. Ahrar al Sham is said to have also been implicated in a massacre of members of the Alawite minority. The militia is often referred to as the "Syrian Taliban," according to a leading German expert on Salafism and jihadism, who maintains that whoever "enhances its prestige," is "indirectly also reinforcing al Qaeda." This applies to Berlin's close allies as well as its foreign ministry.

La negociación con el ELN y la búsqueda de la paz completa

Crisisgroup - lun, 11/04/2016 - 16:00
¿Cómo se influirán mutuamente las mesas de negociación de las FARC y del ELN? ¿Cuáles son los riesgos del desfase entre los dos procesos? ¿En algún momento tendrán que sincronizarse y trabajar conjuntamente?

The Fight To Stop Al Shabab From Disrupting Somalia’s Elections

Crisisgroup - lun, 11/04/2016 - 11:28
Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud pledged to hold elections, finalize the constitution and determine the number and location of Somalia’s federal states by 2016. Fierce political wrangling has accompanied each of these processes, and the election is now set to be decided by clan elders and regional representatives rather than by a popular vote.

« L'Etat islamique et Al-­Qaida ne seront pas vaincus de l'extérieur »

Crisisgroup - lun, 11/04/2016 - 10:23
L’armée syrienne a repris Palmyre ­à l’organisation Etat islamique (EI) le 27 mars, et la pression militaire ­s’accroît côté irakien. Une reconquête ­militaire est-elle en vue ?

Statement : UNGASS Must Not Become a Missed Opportunity – Lessons from Latin America

Crisisgroup - ven, 08/04/2016 - 12:34
Since 1961, the international community has invested huge resources to enforce the UN mandate to create a “drug free” world. Yet, after decades of interdiction and eradication, organised crime around the globe has merely shifted routes and markets. Massive corruption, violence and human rights abuses are consequences of a too often militarised response. World leaders who meet 19-21 April at the UN Special Session on drugs (UNGASS) must do much more than review the struggle. They must begin to fix its flaws, stem the bloodshed and bolster societies besieged by transnational crime. Crisis Group recommends that UNGASS draw lessons from a history of failed strategies and poor results and from our field experience to look closely at Latin America, where cartels outgun national police, coerce and corrupt officials and produce countless victims in a battle to control drug production, transport corridors and distribution networks.
