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Diplomacy & Crisis News

France’s Bongo-Bongo Party

Foreign Policy - mer, 07/09/2016 - 21:59
As Gabon erupts in violence, the dark, twisted legacy tying this former colony to Paris is bubbling up to the surface.

Meet the Young Leaders Shaking up Hong Kong Politics

Foreign Policy - mer, 07/09/2016 - 20:31
Beijing wants pro-democracy activists to go away. Instead, they're getting elected.

How OPM Bilked a Security Contractor That Confirmed a Major Hack

Foreign Policy - mer, 07/09/2016 - 19:53
A new report says that the Office of Personnel Management was shockingly negligent in responding to multiple cyberattacks. But when Ben Cotton discovered fake anti-virus files, the agency jumped into action — and then refused to pay his company.

Hungary’s Refugee-Kicking Camerawoman Will Face Charges

Foreign Policy - mer, 07/09/2016 - 19:23
While the Hungarian camerawoman caught on film tripping and kicking refugees may get a slap on the wrist, Hungary’s anti-immigrant stance isn’t softening one bit.

After Trump Visit, Mexico’s Finance Minister Is Out of a Job

Foreign Policy - mer, 07/09/2016 - 19:07
Mexico's finance minister reportedly pushed for Trump's visit.

Assad’s Texas-Sized Victory

Foreign Policy - mer, 07/09/2016 - 18:57
How the Lone Star State explains Assad’s war strategy — and why it's going to be so hard to defeat the regime in San Antonio. Er, Damascus.

L'été de la révolte se prolonge à Hongkong

Le Monde Diplomatique - mer, 07/09/2016 - 16:42
Les Hongkongais réclament l'élection au suffrage universel du chef de l'exécutif. Les dirigeants chinois en acceptent le principe… à condition de pouvoir sélectionner les candidats. / Chine, Démocratie, Mouvement de contestation, Politique, Hongkong, Société civile, Relations bilatérales - (...) / , , , , , , - 2014/10

Au Venezuela, le désarroi des militants chavistes

Le Monde Diplomatique - mer, 07/09/2016 - 16:42
À mesure que les pénuries s'aggravent, le Venezuela s'enfonce dans le chaos économique. Victorieuse lors des législatives de décembre 2015, la droite tente d'organiser un référendum afin de révoquer le président Nicolás Maduro, successeur d'Hugo Chávez. Une victoire lors d'un tel scrutin suffirait-elle à (...) / , , , , , , , , , , , - 2016/07

Afghanistan: UN aid chief calls for scaled-up support to one million people on the move

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 07:00
Seeking $150 million for aid efforts in Afghanistan, the top United Nations relief official today called on the international community to urgently scale up its support for the war-torn country so that it can meet the rising humanitarian needs of more than one million people who are on the move, either internally displaced or returning from neighbouring countries.

UN health agency calls for multi-sectoral approach to deal with 'double burden' of malnutrition in south-east Asia

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 07:00
While announcing a strategic action plan to deal with the issue, the United Nations health agency today called for a whole-of-society approach to address the double burden of malnutrition which affects populations across south-east Asia, particularly women and girls.

On eve of Literacy Day, UN Secretary-General highlights literacy's role in 2030 Agenda

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 07:00
On the eve of International Literacy Day, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on governments and their partners, including in the private sector, to join forces for universal literacy and build peaceful, just, inclusive and sustainable societies &#8211 a vision set out in the new global development agenda.

State Parties to UN-backed treaty agree to aim for clearance of cluster bombs by 2030

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 07:00
An annual meeting of State Parties to the United Nations-backed pact banning cluster bombs ended today in Geneva, with an agreement on a target to complete by 2030 clearance of these explosive remnants of war that kill large numbers of civilians.

Despite high hopes, ‘responsibility to protect’ not yet fully operationalized – UN deputy chief

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 02:14
The United Nations deputy chief said today that collective global action is needed to overcome barriers to implementation of States’ legal commitments to protect populations from atrocity crimes – the principle known as “responsibility to protect” or R2P.

Manufacturing growth expected to remain low in 2016 – UN report

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 01:35
A new United Nations report has indicated that global manufacturing growth is expected to remain low in 2016 due to weakened financial support for productive activities.

In hard-hitting speech, UN human rights chief warns against populists and demagogues

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 01:16
In a hard-hitting speech, the United Nations human rights chief has strongly warned against the impact that populists and demagogues are having on society, and called for more effort to safeguard human rights law.

UN and south-east Asian health officials re-affirm commitment to ending neglected tropical diseases

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 00:41
Health ministers in south-east Asia today reaffirmed their commitment to achieve the target of controlling, eliminating and eradicating neglected tropical diseases (NTDS), with the United Nations health agency voicing its support for their efforts.

UN-backed report finds urgent need for greater headway to achieve world education goals

UN News Centre - mer, 07/09/2016 - 00:37
There is an urgent need for greater headway in education without which, on current trends, the world will be half a century late for achieving the education-related goals contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, according to a new United Nations-backed independent report.

Germany's War Record (I)

German Foreign Policy (DE/FR/EN) - mer, 07/09/2016 - 00:00
(Own report) - Around 17 years after NATO's war against Yugoslavia and the beginning of the occupation of Kosovo with German participation, observers note that the de-facto protectorate is in a desolate political, economic and social condition. The first war in which the Federal Republic of Germany played an important role has had catastrophic consequences. De facto under EU control, Priština's ruling elite is accused of having close ties to organized crime and having committed the most serious war crimes. Its rampant corruption is spreading frustrated resignation within the population. Thirty-four percent of the population is living in absolute - and twelve percent in extreme - poverty, healthcare is deplorable, life expectancy is five years less than that of its neighboring countries and ten years below the EU's average. A report commissioned by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), describes the horrifying human rights situation, which includes vendettas "constantly carried out" with firearms. (This is part 1 of a german-foreign-policy.com series, reporting on consequences of German military interventions over the past two decades, in light of the German government's announcement of plans to increase its "global" - including military - interventions.)

UN Security Council condemns latest DPRK missile launches, notes ‘flagrant disregard’ for previous statements

UN News Centre - mar, 06/09/2016 - 23:48
The United Nations Security Council today condemned the ballistic missile launches conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Monday, 5 September.

UNICEF deeply concerned about impact of unrest in southern Thai provinces on children

UN News Centre - mar, 06/09/2016 - 23:10
The top United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) official in Thailand has expressed deep concerns over the continuing violence in the country’s restive southernmost provinces and its impact on children, including an explosion that killed a four-year-old girl and her father today.
