will take place on Monday 26 September, 15:00-18:30 in room Paul-Henri Spaak 5B001 in Brussels.
Organisations or interest groups who wish to apply foraccess to the European Parliament will find the relevant information below.
will take place on Monday 5 September, 15:00-18:30 in room Paul-Henri Spaak 5B001 in Brussels. Please note that item 4 and 6 have been swapped (item 4: draft report by Mr Pascu on the implementation of the CSDP, item 6: draft report by Mr Paet on the European Defence Union.)
Organisations or interest groups who wish to apply foraccess to the European Parliament will find the relevant information below.
The Members express their deepest condolences to the Malian people and the families of the Malian soldiers who lost their lives during the terrorist attack that took place yesterday, 19 July in Nampala, in the central region of the country.
The delegation was visiting Bamako in order to discuss with the Malian political authorities concerned with foreign, security and defence matters and with related cooperation with the EU, to visit the EU missions on the ground and their international partner missions.
The Delegation of Members travelled to the Koulikoro Training Centre of the EUTM Mali and saw the important work that the EU mission carries out there. The Members were particularly impressed to see the first joint training of the Liaison Officers of from the G5 countries. This is in the framework of the enhancing of cooperation in the Sahel region.
The Members also expressed their high regard for the work and professionalism of both EU Missions' ability to coordinate work with MINSUMA.