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Kenya Election 2022: Raila Odinga confident of Supreme Court win

BBC Africa - Tue, 30/08/2022 - 12:55
Raila Odinga says the court’s judgement will have wider implications on democracy across Africa.
Categories: Africa

Tunisia racism: 'I lost the will to leave my home'

BBC Africa - Sun, 28/08/2022 - 01:18
Black Tunisians tell the BBC about racism traumas, as an MP worries about advancement of black rights.
Categories: Africa

Kenya's tech hub: Meeting the DIY coders and gurus of the future

BBC Africa - Sat, 27/08/2022 - 02:41
Meeting the mentors who want to develop home-grown talent by teaching children robotics.
Categories: Africa

Women with hijab found to face bias in Egypt

BBC Africa - Sat, 27/08/2022 - 02:26
Visiting restaurants or buying homes can be problems for headscarf wearers, BBC News Arabic finds.
Categories: Africa

Trichotillomania: "Friends asked if I was crazy, I'm just sick"

BBC Africa - Thu, 25/08/2022 - 12:11
Moroccan singer, Abir, has trichotillomania, a mental health disorder which causes the urge to pull hair out.
Categories: Africa

Ethiopia civil war: Why has fighting returned to northern Ethiopia?

BBC Africa - Thu, 25/08/2022 - 11:51
BBC's Kalkidan Yibeltal explains what lies behind the renewed violence in northern Ethiopia.
Categories: Africa

Turkey's Bayraktar TB2 drone: Why African states are buying them

BBC Africa - Thu, 25/08/2022 - 02:18
Togo is the latest country to buy the drones, which have proven their usefulness around the world.
Categories: Africa

ICC in Sudan: 'The law can’t be fire and forget, it’s not a missile'

BBC Africa - Wed, 24/08/2022 - 19:19
ICC prosecutor Karim Khan says the people of Sudan have been waiting for justice for too long.
Categories: Africa

Somalia and al-Shabab: The struggle to defeat the militants

BBC Africa - Wed, 24/08/2022 - 03:45
The weekend's deadly hotel siege served as a reminder that the militants remain a potent threat.
Categories: Africa

Kenya elections 2022: Win or lose, why Raila Odinga's election challenge matters

BBC Africa - Mon, 22/08/2022 - 11:55
Raila Odinga has been mocked for challenging election results but each case improves Kenya's democracy.
Categories: Africa

Cameroon's Bamenda, where only the coffin trade is booming

BBC Africa - Mon, 22/08/2022 - 01:00
The once thriving city of Bamenda has been destroyed by fighting between secessionists and Cameroon's government.
Categories: Africa

From the Field: Outreach across the Horn of Africa

UN News Centre - Africa - Mon, 08/08/2022 - 06:15
In July, a UN human rights officer embarked on an outreach visit to the Horn of Africa’s Sool and Sanaag regions, a seven-day round-trip of more than 1,600 kilometres by road.
Categories: Africa

Central African Republic: Militias spreading ‘terror, insecurity’, must lay down arms

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 05/08/2022 - 21:27
Armed groups in the Central African Republic (CAR) must lay down their arms and engage in political dialogue, a UN-appointed independent human rights expert said on Friday, urging the international community to strengthen efforts to restore State authority and end impunity there.
Categories: Africa

Somalia: ‘We cannot wait for famine to be declared; we must act now’

UN News Centre - Africa - Fri, 05/08/2022 - 17:26
Rising acute food insecurity in Somalia has caused more than 900,000 people to flee their homes in search of humanitarian assistance since January last year, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned.
Categories: Africa

DR Congo: UN regrets Government move to expel Mission spokesperson

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 04/08/2022 - 22:33
The United Nations continues to engage with authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the wake of the deadly shooting this past weekend involving peacekeepers from its Mission there, MONUSCO. 
Categories: Africa

Healthy life expectancy in Africa grows by nearly 10 years

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 04/08/2022 - 17:15
Healthy life expectancy among Africans living in mainly high and upper middle-income countries on the continent, has increased by almost 10 years, the UN health agency, WHO, said on Thursday.
Categories: Africa

Kenya election 2022: Cleaning toilets and chopping veg to impress voters

BBC Africa - Thu, 04/08/2022 - 02:13
The BBC looks at some of the lighter moments in Kenya's general election campaign.
Categories: Africa

New sculpture at UN honours rights experts killed in DR Congo

UN News Centre - Africa - Wed, 03/08/2022 - 22:07
A powerful new sculpture unveiled at UN Headquarters on Wednesday honours the memory and mission of two human rights experts who were murdered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) five years ago. 
Categories: Africa

Zawahiri's victims: What it feels like to hear he's gone

BBC Africa - Wed, 03/08/2022 - 21:27
The al-Qaeda leader's death hits home to those he robbed of a husband, a wife, or their eyesight.
Categories: Africa

No Nigeria amnesty guarantees for gay dating app victims

BBC Africa - Wed, 03/08/2022 - 19:17
The police want help to build a case against fraudsters but Nigeria criminalises gay relations.
Categories: Africa
