The Magyar Külügyi Intézet - MKI (Hungarian Institute of International Affairs - HIIA) was first founded in 1972 in Budapest, as a result of the Helsinki accord, and later on it was integrated into the László Teleki Foundation. In 2007, the Hungarian Government decided to re-establish the Institute as a foreign affairs academic research and discussion centre, as well as a consulting think-tank of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The HIIA was the leading think-tank providing theoretical and practical background analysis and pursuing research on foreign and security policy issues, including defence and non-proliferation in Hungary. Its team of experts contributed to the strategic and foreign policy debate in Hungary. In the field of security studies the HIIA focussed on security doctrines, arms control and nuclear disarmament, and non-proliferation regimes and policies. The HIIA maintained an active presence in the public debate through its publications, its website and the public events it organizes. It was also an active member of the networks of European and international research centres.
The goal of the HIIA was to help to solve those significant challenges that every society encounters when going through change: how to develop a consistent foreign policy whilst encouraging free and open debate about it so as to broaden the views and understanding of decision makers, scholars and other interested parties.
In July 2014 the HIIA was dissolved.
Magyar Külügyi Intézet - HIIA
1016 Budapest, Bérc u. 13-15.
Tel: +36 1 279 5700
Fax: +36 1 279 5701