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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 2 weeks 6 days ago

IMF Chief Lagarde Just Endorsed This Radical Policy Once Thought Impossible

Fri, 18/03/2016 - 17:17
IMF chief Christine Lagarde endorsed use of negative interest rates, a radical idea most thought was impossible.

FU2016: Foreign Policy’s ‘House of Cards’ Preview

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 23:15
We binge-watched Washington’s favorite political thriller -- and its plotlines from Russia to the campaign trail -- so you don’t have to (though you probably will).

Longform’s Picks of the Week

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 23:09
The best stories from around the world.

Is a Trans Beauty Contest a Sign of Progress for LGBT Rights in Israel?

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 23:04
Tel Aviv will host Israel's first transgender beauty pageant.

The Death Blow to Turkey’s Media

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 22:59
As of today, Turkey's largest-circulation newspaper — long a government critic — is no more.

From a Former President to One of Brazil’s Richest Men, Meet The Top Players in the Petrobras Scandal

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 22:35
Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva was briefly questioned by police Friday. Here's how he may factor into the Petrobras scandal.

Did Trump Just Reverse Himself On Making the Military Obey Illegal Orders?

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 21:56
Can we trust Trump's latest reversal?

Trump Flip-Flops on Promise to Torture Suspects, Kill Families of Terrorists

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 21:42
Donald Trump has changed course on his widely-condemned promise to bring back torture and kill families of terrorists.

Do Americans Really Want a Wall?

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 20:33
Trump has tapped a powerful vein of nationalist isolationism. A President Hillary Clinton would have a hard time persuading Americans that global leadership still matters.

Defending the Honor of the U.S. Military From Donald Trump

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 20:12
To protect the Constitution under a Trump presidency, the U.S. military must refuse any orders to torture.

Now You, Too, Can ‘Breathe’ With Your Very Own Ted Cruz Yoga Mat

Fri, 04/03/2016 - 19:56
Ted Cruz is cashing in on Marco Rubio's yoga joke by selling yoga mats.

Longform’s Picks of the Week

Sat, 20/02/2016 - 03:44
The best stories from around the world.

Why the U.S. Strike in Libya Wasn’t Just About Libya

Sat, 20/02/2016 - 01:59
Washington was also trying to protect Tunisia — and help keep the Arab Spring’s only success story from going off the rails.

Afghanistan on the Brink, Part 2

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 22:15
The fracturing of Afghanistan’s body politic looms. Can anyone stop it?

Germany Says ‘Nein’ to Sex With Animals

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 21:47
Two unnamed complainants asked a German court to reverse a ban on animal sex. The court threw out the claim.

Marco Rubio Sounds a Lot Like Hillary Clinton on Apple and Encryption

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 21:13
A court order compelling Apple to help the FBI unlock one of its phones has sparked a heated debate over privacy and national security.

Meet the Obscure Kurdish Fighters Taking Responsibility for the Ankara Bombing

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 20:44
These obscure Kurdish fighters just took responsibility for the this week's Ankara bombing.

France’s John Kasich Is Winning

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 20:38
Once dismissed as an out-of-touch technocrat, Alain Juppé has reinvented himself as France's voice of moderation — and the French love him for it.

With No Explanation for Arrest, Turkey Frees Journalist Documenting Syria’s Horrors

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 20:05
Turkish authorities have released Rami Jarrah, a Syrian journalist based in Gaziantep, but have not yet provided a reason for his arrest.

The Problem With John Kerry’s Trip to Hollywood

Fri, 19/02/2016 - 20:01
Wrong movie, wrong focus group, wrong century.
