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Updated: 3 weeks 10 hours ago

State Department Says South Sudanese Rebel Leader Should No Longer Try to Return to Power

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 23:44
After attacks on Americans, the State Department envoy to South Sudan faced a tough crowd on Capitol Hill.

The Weird New Normal of Negative Interest Rates

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 23:15
The United States, Germany, and other economic powerhouses haven't learned the dire lessons of Japan's lost decades.

Senators to Introduce Measure Opposing $1B Arms Sale to Saudis

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 22:54
A bipartisan push against a $1.15 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is gaining steam in protest of Riyadh’s bombing campaign in Yemen — but remains split on whether to oppose the sale or block it outright.

China’s Gold Rush in the Hills of Appalachia

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 22:18
Buyers in Hong Kong and Beijing are paying top dollar for wild American ginseng, fueling a digging frenzy that could decimate the revered root for good.

France’s Bongo-Bongo Party

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 21:59
As Gabon erupts in violence, the dark, twisted legacy tying this former colony to Paris is bubbling up to the surface.

Meet the Young Leaders Shaking up Hong Kong Politics

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 20:31
Beijing wants pro-democracy activists to go away. Instead, they're getting elected.

How OPM Bilked a Security Contractor That Confirmed a Major Hack

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 19:53
A new report says that the Office of Personnel Management was shockingly negligent in responding to multiple cyberattacks. But when Ben Cotton discovered fake anti-virus files, the agency jumped into action — and then refused to pay his company.

Hungary’s Refugee-Kicking Camerawoman Will Face Charges

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 19:23
While the Hungarian camerawoman caught on film tripping and kicking refugees may get a slap on the wrist, Hungary’s anti-immigrant stance isn’t softening one bit.

After Trump Visit, Mexico’s Finance Minister Is Out of a Job

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 19:07
Mexico's finance minister reportedly pushed for Trump's visit.

Assad’s Texas-Sized Victory

Wed, 07/09/2016 - 18:57
How the Lone Star State explains Assad’s war strategy — and why it's going to be so hard to defeat the regime in San Antonio. Er, Damascus.

Life in Apple’s Ireland

Sat, 03/09/2016 - 17:00
The strange nature of living in a tax haven, where 26 percent GDP growth is accompanied by austerity and a homelessness crisis.

The Legacy of Obama’s “Pivot” to Asia

Sat, 03/09/2016 - 16:00
The president's Asia legacy is not worst in recent history. But it's not the best either.

Venezuela’s Long-suffering Opposition Finally Gets a Win

Sat, 03/09/2016 - 15:14
This week's large and peaceful protest in Venezuela shows that the momentum is finally behind the chavista government's opponents.

U.N. Ceremony Ending Colombia’s Civil War Nixed After DOJ Objections

Sat, 03/09/2016 - 01:46
The Obama administration wanted a big show in New York to ink Colombia's peace deal. But the Justice Department balked at letting terrorists and drug dealers into the country.

Where the War on Terror Lives Forever

Sat, 03/09/2016 - 01:30
Uzbekistan’s dictator is dead, but his brutal efforts to crush Islamist extremism leave a long and ugly legacy. And Washington will be left cleaning up the mess.

FBI: An Account on Clinton’s Private Email Server Was Hacked

Sat, 03/09/2016 - 00:28
An unidentified hacker compromised the email of a Bill Clinton staffer.

Longform’s Picks of the Week

Fri, 02/09/2016 - 23:08
The best stories from around the world.

Trump Eyed a Rebranding in Mexico — but Returned Defiant on Immigration

Fri, 02/09/2016 - 21:45
Conciliation, contradiction, reality checks, and why they matter — or don’t — for 2016.

Mugabe’s Last Stand

Fri, 02/09/2016 - 20:16
Whether it’s an Arab Spring-style uprising that gets him or simply old age — Zimbabwe’s firebrand autocrat is on his way out.

The Next U.S. President’s Unspoken Challenge: Management

Fri, 02/09/2016 - 20:02
Hopes for a brighter future will be more realistic if the captain can run an effective ship of state.
