the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 23:56
If liberalism can succeed in the non-Western world, it is safe in the hands of immigrants to the United States. But it does not help if the president of the United States makes them feel unwelcome in their adopted homeland.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 23:27
The national security advisor’s conversations about sanctions with the Russian ambassador have landed him in hot water, raising more questions about Trump’s odd affinity for Putin.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:31
The state of Europe's union is good and strong, says Federica Mogherini.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:20
The White House continues its search for an experienced hand after the president rejected a controversial neoconservative.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:03
A consortium of elite, well-paid fighters from across the former Soviet Union are training jihadis in Syria. Their business model could go global.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 22:03
Ego + ignorance is a bad combination for someone with his finger on the button.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 21:29
In a call with China's President, Trump recognized, or at least nodded at, the one-China policy he'd earlier questioned.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 21:09
Give me your start-ups, your coders, your tech-savvy masses.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 19:14
If Donald Trump can’t play nice with U.S. allies, his presidency could crash and burn in the Horn of Africa.
Fri, 10/02/2017 - 19:10
If Trump doesn't do something about Pyongyang, forget "live long and prosper."
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 19:34
Foreign leaders are wondering whether they can trust the president -- or if they'll have to work with subordinates.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 19:16
The president continues to be irascible toward allies, imperturbable toward Russia, and acting with reckless disregard for consequences. But his team ain't so bad.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 19:13
Lukashenko is speaking as though there’s a new development to watch. In reality, it’s a repeat performance.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 18:37
A muted White House isn't just emboldening the Kremlin -- it's inciting the politics of war throughout Ukraine.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 18:30
Turkey tries to push the terror group back on the defensive.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 16:57
America must check the assertive, rising powers of Russia and China before it's too late. Accepting spheres of influence is a recipe for disaster.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 16:26
A group of female parliamentarians have developed a plan to mend the post-ISIS fabric of Iraq's second-largest city.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 16:19
In retrospect, OPC was one of the great American military operations of the 20th century, though it rarely garners the degree of attention and recognition that it rightly deserves.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 15:43
It's Monday again. Time to catch up on the top stories from the weekend.
Mon, 06/02/2017 - 15:40
From an exercise in Eastern Europe.