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the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Updated: 3 weeks 1 day ago

Massive Macron Hack Roils French Politics on Eve of Critical Election

Sat, 06/05/2017 - 02:55
A huge trove of internal documents appears online as voters prepare to head to the polls.

Julian Assange Is Not Ready for His Close Up

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 23:30
Laura Poitras turns her camera on the WikiLeaks founder for an unsparing portrait that exposes his retrograde views on women.

Pakistan Spurns Indian Offer to Join in Regional Satellite

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 20:27
Geopolitics are their own gravitational force.

The Irony of Trump’s Trip to Masada and the Hard Road to Peace

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 20:21
The president’s strategy for a peace between Israel and the Palestinians appears to be one of “outside in."

China’s First Civilian Airliner — And Industry Ambitions — Take Maiden Flight

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 20:00
Chinese aviation, prepare for take-off.

Trump to Tell Turkey: We’re Going to Take Raqqa With the Kurds

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 19:36
The White House is poised to greenlight an Obama administration plan to seize the last bastion of the Islamic State in Syria.

The Mother of All Terrorist Groups Isn’t the Islamic State

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 18:03
The Trump administration is taking its eyes off the ball in Afghanistan. The real threat is still al Qaeda.

Here’s How We’re Building a Better Mosul

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 17:42
I know it can be hard to look past the destruction wrought by the Islamic State, but together we can build a peaceful, prosperous city.

U.S. Navy SEAL Killed, Two Wounded, in Counter-Terror Raid in Somalia

Fri, 05/05/2017 - 16:50
Trump steps up the fight against terrorists in Africa and Middle East, leading to a wave of combat deaths.

Donald Trump’s Great Patriotic Purge

Thu, 27/04/2017 - 01:33
The administration's assault on experts, bureaucrats, and functionaries who make this country work isn’t just foolish, it’s suicidal.

Trump Takes Aim at NAFTA Once Again

Thu, 27/04/2017 - 00:23
With reported plans to pull out of the trade pact, the administration seeks to ratchet up pressure on Canada and Mexico.

Another Big Win for Russian Pipeline Politics in Europe?

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 22:29
The controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline reaches a new milestone.

The Worst Mistake of Trump’s First 100 Days

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 21:32
There’s plenty of blunders to choose from, but only one clear winner.

U.S. Probes Into Trump’s Russia Links, Kremlin Meddling Gain Two Heavyweights

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 19:16
The Senate investigation gains a former NSA lawyer. The FBI probe gets a veteran prosecutor.

Top Admiral Says Not Looking at Regime Change in North Korea

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 18:55
The head of U.S. Pacific Command told a House panel Wednesday that he needs more submarines and missile defense to counter North Korea’s growing threat.

Syrian Scientists Made Sarin Used in Chemical Attacks, France Claims

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 18:33
French intelligence faults the U.S.-Russia chemical pact and discloses Syria's effort to acquire ingredients for a nerve agent.

EU Commissioner Launches Legal Action Against Hungary

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 17:58
As the European Parliament debates Orban to his face.

Kim Jong Un Is a Survivor, Not a Madman

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 17:47
North Korea's behavior might seem irrational to outsiders, but the Kim regime is just taking logical actions to survive.

6 Things We Know About Trump’s Foreign Policy After 100 Days

Wed, 26/04/2017 - 16:33
Trump’s “America first” instincts are real, but radical change is hard to enact.
