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Updated: 3 weeks 3 days ago

Iran’s Elites Are Far More Fragile Than They Look

Wed, 10/01/2018 - 20:32
An Islamic Republic divided against itself cannot stand.

Senate Report Outlines Playbook to Prevent Future Russian Election Meddling

Wed, 10/01/2018 - 19:59
Conspicuously absent from the report, however, is Republican buy-in.

Trump’s Disingenuous Support for Iranian Protestors Has Backfired

Wed, 10/01/2018 - 13:00
A selective approach to human rights is even more harmful than “America first.”

‘Much Bigger’ Buttons Have Nothing to Do With Deterrence

Tue, 09/01/2018 - 23:57
Trump doesn’t understand how armed diplomacy works.

Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-in Are the Negotiators Korea Needs

Tue, 09/01/2018 - 22:25
Pyongyang's and Seoul’s leaders have shown they can build political capital. Now they have to spend it.

The Only Force That Can Beat Climate Change Is the U.S. Army

Tue, 09/01/2018 - 18:45
America’s military is the only institution that can break the partisan deadlock on the worst threat the nation faces.

Rep. Ed Royce’s Failure to Hold Trump Accountable Is a Dereliction of Duty

Tue, 09/01/2018 - 18:38
The chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee should use his last year in office to reverse the unprincipled silence and moral weakness of Republicans in Congress.

What’s a Nuclear Hotline Good For Anyway?

Tue, 09/01/2018 - 17:19
North and South Korea have revived their dormant direct line. That’s good news for the rest of the world.

If You Thought 2017 Was Bad, Just Wait for 2018

Mon, 08/01/2018 - 20:10
Last year, Trump corroded U.S. foreign policy, but avoided disaster. This year, there are powerful reasons to think that matters will worsen.

How to Break Up Europe’s Axis of Illiberalism

Mon, 08/01/2018 - 19:27
If the EU really wants to punish Poland, it should turn up the pressure on Hungary.

It’s Time to Bomb North Korea

Mon, 08/01/2018 - 18:48
Destroying Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal is still in America’s national interest.

China’s War on Poverty Could Hurt the Poor Most

Mon, 08/01/2018 - 17:45
The government is pushing people out of rural squalor — and into urban dependence.

Dancing to Russia’s Tune in Syria

Mon, 08/01/2018 - 16:28
As the United States stands back, the Saudis and even the U.N. special envoy are now open to a greater Russian diplomatic role in shaping the future of Syria.

Nikki Haley’s Diplomacy of Revenge Targets U.N. Relief Agency

Fri, 05/01/2018 - 23:28
The United States threatens to pull the plug on hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the Palestinians.

Will Global Trade Survive 2018?

Fri, 05/01/2018 - 23:17
Under Trump, the international trade regime is at risk. This year could see it topple.

Africa’s Generational War

Fri, 05/01/2018 - 17:16
Last year was a good one for the continent’s autocrats. But young Africans have launched a democratic revolution — and they’ve got the numbers on their side.

Why Can’t We Be Illiberal Friends?

Fri, 05/01/2018 - 15:15
Orban and Trump were expected to reset U.S.-Hungarian relations. A year later, the two countries are still at odds. What went wrong?

How Washington Helps Tehran Control the Internet

Fri, 05/01/2018 - 00:07
Meant to hurt the regime, U.S. sanctions actually make it easier for the mullahs to crack down on dissent online.

Ukraine Needs U.S. Help to Fight Corruption

Thu, 04/01/2018 - 14:17
Domestic reforms are just as important as defending against Russian aggression.

No, Europe Isn’t Ambushing NATO

Thu, 04/01/2018 - 00:06
How to learn to stop worrying and love the EU’s new security and defense agreement.
